Monday, April 23, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 15, 2018

Why yes that was the always broke A- list rapper reuniting with his A list reality star ex while in the desert together. No sex but they were all over each other for a good solid hour.

Tyga/Kylie Jenner


Brayson87 said...

So it pronounced like Tigger or Tiger? I've never heard anyone discuss this guy out loud.

SteveD said...

Like Tiger with an aaah.

bigfakehand said...

Like someone from Boston visiting a zoo. Look, dere's a tygah an' a jennah nawt havin da sex but all owvah each uddah faw a good sawlid owah.

Brayson87 said...

F*ck that, Tony is the only celebrity tiger I respect ;)

Ulf said...

He looks like he should live in a zoo

SteveD said...

Tyga is most definitely not grrrrreat.

Sd Auntie said...

Kylie must have low self esteem to hook up with that guy..ewwwww

cece said...


lucy said...

LOL! @bigfakehand
that was awesome

Aaaah88L said...

Kylie has changed her whole body from head to toe through surgery at the age of 16...Of course she has low self esteem

Coretta said...

Too bad she can't stay at home and be a mother.

BlissBoo said...

@Ulf said...

"He looks like he should live in a zoo"

Thank you, I've been laughing for the past 10 minutes straight...

Annski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.


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