Thursday, June 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Revisited

In light of the recent Rolling Stone article, I thought I would bring this back out.

July 20, 2015

This was originally revealed on January 1, 2016

It is not often an A+ list mostly movie actor gets away with murder. It is even more rare that it happened in a time that is not Old Hollywood. It did happen back in the day. The actor in question in this blind is still really close to A+ list. The actor was stealing from his business partner. Our actor was not the money making machine he is now and was using a lot of drugs and couldn’t pay. He also had some other issues. He got in over his head and when the silent business partners came looking for their share of the profits, our actor pointed the finger at the other partner as to why there was no money to pay the silent partners. The guy got killed and our actor quickly got out of sight and stayed out of sight for about a year.

Johnny Depp/Anthony Fox/Viper Room


Brayson87 said...

Never trust a junkie.

Tricia13 said...

I guessed this bljnd(it wasn’t abedire format changed I think,link gone), because I was living on LA around this time and tht place was pure shade. Even before Rivers death. Drops reaping what he sowed....and it shows on him physically as well.

Tricia13 said...

*was before format change

Brayson87 said...

Murder Mystery: Was Johnny Depp Involved In Disappearance Of His Business Partner?

Krab said...

How is pointing the finger at your partner, who is then killed by other people, "murder"?

Oh right, of course, why would Enty know anything about the law.

IanPhlegming said...

Nail the junkie, not the flunky.

Profesional excuse-makers for the bad guys gonna be in overdrive today. Note their names accordingly for future reference.

Their last card to play will be violence on a national scale, with their controlled media egging it on. Not sure it will work, but be careful out there. Remember: God Loves You! Say your prayers!

atoukzug said...

Maybe that's where all his stacks of money are going.

Blackmail material if there is some smoking gun evidence in a safe somewhere. And is the the ONLY thing he may have hanging over his head?

Unknown said...

I wonder sometimes if an entertainment journalist will ever have the grit to ask these pressing questions of why they (celebrities) did/do what they did/do and bring up names. I could only imagine their reactions. I am sick of hearjng on the red carpet how they glorify people like Johnny Depp.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Tricia, u drunk typing? Lol

D Brown said...

Let me recommend the Rolling Stone article (available on line). Krab, I'm not a lawyer but it is reasonable to assume that criminals will use violence to collect money. Therefore directing them to an innocent party is in fact murder albeit of the manslaughter rather than first degree.

Rosie riveter said...

He's another great example of how a person looks when they have a past to hide- sloppy messy lowlife wreck. So much for all his fame and money. Sometimes it's way better to be a poor nobody

Halloweenie said...

And yet Disney kept hiring him to play captain jack in movies watched by a ton of kids. :) Perfect . I'm really starting to believe Amber and Winona R's accounts of being in a relationship with this dude.

Halloweenie said...

Enty scoops rolling stone by two years. Lol. Pathetic when a trashbag gossip site ( sorry enty kiss kiss) has more balls than the so called press.

J said...

Amber and Winona chose to be with this guy. Whatever happened to them based on that choice isn't my problem.

Snit said...

I thought Winona has only said very kind things about Johnny?

trufflepig said...

I remember reading a blind about how Winona was abused by Johnny and considered coming forward on Blind Gossip

Tea said...

Winona confirmed in an interview she wasn't abused by him

VirgilHilts said...

Reminds me of this song: "I'm Johnny Depp and I kill people"

Ronaldus Magnus said...

I bet the bad guys have been milking Depp ever since.

Gator said...

It's horrible, and the innocent business partner paid for it. I hope karma kicks Depp in the ass.

gauloise said...

i remember when he totally trashed a hotel room in a fight with kate moss in the 90s

Henriette said...

I'm just glad the press if finally seeing what a creep Depp is. Remember he lied about being at the Viper Room the night River Phoenix died. He was actually playing with his band and could care less.

Tricia13 said...

I always suck at typing..
I failed typing on HS-true story 😅

Tricia13 said...

Doesn’t help that my keyboard hates me😉

Tricia13 said...

The Mark Hotel.
It was worse than PR allowed to be shared ...

OKay said...

@Tea She lied.

VikingSong said...

Hardly a reveal. This rumour has been doing the rounds for over twenty years and there's still no evidence proving it.

Winona was not abused by Depp. She defended him as did many other women he knew him.

It is frightening how some people believe everything they read on the internet...and off an anonymous blog to boot. Jesus Christ, God help us all. It might be you, one day.

Tricia13 said...

You must be on to something.../
Seeing as his last 20 odd years have exhibited him to be a stand up guy/ quite healthy as well.
😏Considering you’re visiting it (out of abject something?), you may want to be more tolerant to posters and the site in general. Just a FYI

VikingSong said...

Bit OTT, don't you think Trisha? I don't have to share your opinion and what I said was true. This blind is not a reveal. This is not new information. The rumour that Depp had something to do with Anthony Fox disappearing has been doing the rounds for over two decades. There's no evidence to suggest it's true.

As for your sarcastic comment about Depp's last twenty years..well, what about them? He made some films. Visited kids hospitals. His relationship with Vanessa Paradise came to an end, but it wasn't acrimonious. He had a disastrous marriage with Amber Heard which ended in divorce. He made more films and played some gigs in his band and he spends too much he earned. He wasn't robbing, raping or murdering. He didn't walk into a school or a club and open fire. He wasn't loitering outside school gates pushing drugs onto kids, so what's your point? The only harm he has done is to himself via his sad booze and drug habit.

This blog is fun and I'm sure there is some truth to some of the blinds on here, but they are written by people you have never met about people you've never met where no actual evidence is ever used to back up these claims. And people believe them. No proof required. Just words on a screen.

I'm sorry if you find it offensive, but that is disturbing.

Urban Rosebud said...

Never. They are paid shills to push an agenda and little more than glorified actors. Their job is to lie to us with a straight face & feign excitement over puff pieces.

Urban Rosebud said...

Johnny Deep could be classified as an ArchAngel in comparison to the Luciferian practices of mind control foisted on the population by Disney.

Urban Rosebud said...

Yep. The hell hounds. They have finally caught up to him.

Unknown said...

Well I'm guessing that if you highly suspect murder will be the result of the claim you make, then you have some culpability. Morally at least if not legally!


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