Friday, July 13, 2018

Blind Item #11

I have written about this A list country singer before and how she split with her most recent boyfriend aka serial cheater like the singer. I wrote about how he went back to his wife, but apparently our singer bought him a car so he came running back. I'm sure this relationship won't have any issues at all.


  1. +1

    wow, all it took was a car LOL

    if that wife takes him back...she's is one huge idiot. move on girl, in a way lambert did you a favor. the wife is good lookin too!

  2. Miranda could have saved a few dollars and just pointed her shotgun in the general vicinity of his head.

  3. Yes, Lambert.

    Article dropped today from boyfriends ex-wife instagramming she was ghosted by him.

  4. Wow, sandy, you're quick to advocate more killing.

    Lots of troubled people on this site.

  5. Umm...J - that was a likely reference to her song "Gunpowder and Lead"

  6. Mirada could do better than him or the ex who is fat and can't sing exceptionally well

  7. That's rich, Mr Triggered..

  8. @universalenergy actually she can't even seem to find someone single. What did ever happen to Anderson anyway?

  9. Staci took him back after he publicly humiliated her?!? And all it took was a car for him to go running back to that whore Miranda? Smh

  10. Miranda is obviously running on chemical imbalances and faulty logic, she's like a remote control car with a bad wheel, she just keeps going around and around in circles. It's probably not even conscious at this point.

  11. Except that Felker never went back to his wife. She said he called her and then "ghosted" her. Trust me, with all the tea she spills she would have said he went back to her.

  12. What car??? Miranda Lambert is on tour right now. Evan Felker's ex wife is all over
    social media talking about he CALLED HER, then he GHOSTS her AGAIN. If Miranda bought Evan a car believe me, His wife would SHOUT about it all on instagram.

    Are Miranda Lambert and Evan Felker actually dating??? His band is supposed to be the opening act on this Sight of Evan and Miranda TOGETHER since he had his divorce proceedings sealed.

  13. I don't care about any aspect of this apart from Miranda's ex.
    Blake Shelton is the definition of "bland".
    Yes, I have been known to sing his songs while wacked out on paint fumes and 3-Buck Chuck.
    Other than those times, I can hardly remember his name.
    Also: The underpants ads he did (does)? Gross. Please do not shill drawers for dudes using the pastiest, lumpiest celebrity you can land for the project. Yuck.

  14. I think Miranda is so talented and it bothers me to read stuff like this about her and I always secretly hope it's not true.



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