Saturday, July 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Mr. Hedge

April 11, 2018

This serial pedophile was a child acting manager in Hollywood.  For almost 2 decades, he took advantage of the system, and its victims, in sickening fashion.  A small minority of his many crimes against children are described below.

Authorities caught him red-handed on multiple occasions with child porn.  Each time, this pedophile would give up a bigger fish in the network, and get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

This acting manager once targeted a victim with married parents, who had very recently moved out to Hollywood, in their child’s pursuit of an acting career.   This vile man began having an affair with the mother, abused the young boy, and made child porn as well.  Somehow, the prosecutors chose only to pursue charges for the child porn, but not the abuse.

After a ridiculously short jail sentence, this pedophile took revenge.  He obtained copies of many different child porn videos he had produced featuring this particular victim, which he somehow had managed to hide from authorities.  He released the videos to pedophile areas on the dark internet, and sent copies to his victim’s agents, casting directors, friends, and even family members.  This completely crushed even the faintest of hopes for his victim to resume some sense of a normal life, and pursue an acting career.

Several years ago, this disgusting creature was charged with committing more horrible crimes against additional children, which included making child porn and torture videos.  Finally, he was put in jail for what should be the rest of his natural life.

Christopher Miller


  1. at least he's getting raped in prison by a pack of men everyday for the rest of his life

  2. And the kid's parents? Whistling along happily, looking for their next grift?

  3. I am glad that this monster is in jail. Thank you for publicly naming the offenders.

  4. Hopefully they don't kill him, just torture every single day, amen.
    I saw an article in the DM recently where an inmate beat another to death with his bare hands, what a great story. I hope he took his time

    1. I could do it with my bare hands I’m pretty sure.
      Effin vermin


  5. Prosecutors are always limited by the facts of who is willing to testify, and often children won't.

    What kind of torture are you proposing to subject children to to compel them to testify when they are unwilling? Or is CDAN simply proposing to play word games about the word "torture"?

    Child porn tends to be self-evidencing, so it is more prosecutable.

  6. Ah, so the promotion of rape as legitimate punishment is allowed around here. Good to know.

    Ya'll would love Pakistan, then.

    1. @plot

      I actually agree with you.

      We need to take a firm anti-rape stance for everyone. Kids, prisoners, even pedophiles.

      Mercy and forgiveness. But that doesn't mean they should be kept separate/imprisoned


  8. Okay then, you fantasize about raping people with someone else's dick then. Good to know.

    Your enthusiastic support of prison rape doesn't hurt pedos, ya know. They are housed in special units. Your enthusiastic support of prison rape hurts the kid with one drug arrest or a shop lifting charge who can't defend himself. Proud now?

    1. Yep. Loss of all freedom is the sentence. If we are going for an-eye-for-an-eye justice, let's just sentence some to rape rather than just leave it up to the crazies. Sure there are plenty of sociopaths behind bars that would sign up for the job. Then we won't have some many permanetly damaged people upon release.

  9. Sorry plot. Prison justice is the best and I advocate their execution too. Please stop defending child rapist because even prisoners DESPISE these people. Death to child rapists.

    1. Seems you are so busy namecalling there a lack of understanding what plot is saying. Rape culture in prisons hurts people who have committed minor offenses. If you want execution or tougher time for pedos like lifetime solitary in the dark, advocate. Don't just assuage your upset with rape fantasies.

  10. Oh you expect prisoners to be the best judges and juries of any situation involving rape? You think they, in orderly fashion and with great investigation, come to a common consensus about where they put their dicks for your vengeance? Or do you think they don't really care about you and your need for vengeance but when given the chance will make up any excuse to rape someone?

    Prisoners don't despise "these people" (whoever you imagine they may be.) They exploit a situation YOU contribute to that usually ends up in more innocent, weaker, people being raped who did nothing to any child.

    So if you despise pedophiles, as you say, then you certainly don't mind creating victims in prison, do you! As I said before, people convicted of crimes against children are housed in their own units away from gen pop. So every time you celebrate a prison rape, imagining it vindicates you personally (with someone else's dick) you would be WRONG, in the extreme.

    Good going. Pass that victimhood along!

    1. Let's just say I have interacted with prison population. I know plenty and it's none of your business how I acquire my information. Molesters are the lowest of the low and are marked prey.

  11. Fuck off, Plot, you moron. The fact you're offended on the behalf of a paedophile is very telling.

  12. Longtime lurker here. Gotta agree with SD Auntie. Anyone who would make child porn/TORTURE videos of children, not to mention being a serial molester, deserves the death penalty, or at the very least, life in prison with no possibility of parole. I don't think redemption or rehabilitation is possible for people who do these things; therefore, they should not be allowed to be free. Given that this man made torture videos, how long before a child died at his hands?

  13. I also have to agree with Plot. Advocating for rape is clearly wrong and inhumane and most of us are better than that. Rape harms the victim, yes, but also harms the perpetrator; there's a heavy spiritual price that a person pays when they do something heinous like rape. Just causes more misery all around and doesn't make right anything at all, in the end.

    1. This reason alone should make anyone stay straight and not commit any type of crime. Its brutal and any man who has raped a child is a marked man. Snitches too.

  14. So.... who were the bigger fish? Did they ever see prison?

  15. I've heard that about prison; how a child molester and/or child killer is considered the lowest on the totem pole, so to speak, and is treated badly. I suppose even in prison people will organize themselves into a hierarchy.

    1. Anyone or reads or watches television knows this, it doesn't take any special "inside-the-pen" knowledge.

  16. They should cut their bits off with rusty shears.

  17. Its race based. Some groups interact with others and some do not. Guards tip inmates off about who has done what and then the games begin.

  18. That I believe. Isn't that how Jeffrey Dahmer died? A guard paired Dahmer with a black prisoner on a janitorial task and the black guy, knowing that some of Dahmer's victims were black, beat Dahmer with a broomstick and killed him.

  19. @Viking

    I'm not offended on behalf of a pedo, whatever that means.

    I'm against rape being used as a form of punishment and that people would enthusiastically support it as a misplaced form of vengeance.

    The people who are raped in prison are not the people everyone here wants to be raped. That is the bottom line. People who commit crimes against children can't be accessed by gen pop. BUT the support of rape in prisons, by those here and elsewhere, means that prisoners feel the power to rape whomever they please.

    Your bad guys are not hurt by prison "justice". Your prison "justice" only creates more victims of sexual crimes.

    So your feelings about prison rape are absolutely disgusting and you are going to have to admit that rather than think something righteous comes out of prison violence.

    1. Prisons like everywhere else should be rape-free, which includes the guards. How many women are raped by the guards. Like they're fonts of mental health. Plenty of creative ways to come up with real and horrible sentences for pedos. We're become waterboarsing experts. Sentence them to solitary and weekly waterboarding. How 'bout gential shock "therapy" that might work nicely. But a sentence should be a sentence not "You are sentences to 2 years for heroin possession and oh yeah kiddo you gonna be raped at least a dozen times. Next."

    2. Indeed, the prisoners getting raped are usually young kids in jail for crimes unrelated to rape or pedophilia.

  20. @Evelyn

    "I've heard that about prison; how a child molester and/or child killer is considered the lowest on the totem pole"

    And that is why prisoners who commit crimes against children are held in separate wings, sometimes with ex-cops who would likewise be assaulted in the gen pop.

    So this fantasy of prison rape here is foolish and disgusting. This wholesale support of prison rape victimizes real people and does nothing to your average pedo.

  21. Is he the one that supposedly molested Leo DiCaprio?

  22. Anyhow, back to the post. I’m assuming those “big fish” are still swimming in the HW cesspool


  24. This just happened on july 12 2018. Plot must be a public defender. Your naive belief that these sick fucks are protected is quite laughable. Good day sir or maam

  25. Not a public defender.

    Generally, yes, they are protected from other prisoners. It isn't the job of our prisons to dispense a justice which comports with your needs to see someone suffer through the actions of other prisoners.

    1. Justice has been served!😁

    2. And it will continue to be Auntie👍
      It’s called Karma.

  26. Chemical castration while in solitary confinement. Or cut it off.

  27. Ok, am I the ONLY one who's scratching my head at plot and a couple others here who seem to be misreading this ?
    it's pretty clear that it came up because of this heinous blind, and we are saying "PRISON justice for THIS MONSTER" would be just.
    What is this imagined storyline of yours again, plot?
    And what are these imagined prison rules of yours?
    Methinks you argue just to argue.
    No one likes a know-it-all.
    And the faux outrage! is disingenuous, (although well in line with your support of ped0s)

  28. The problem is anyone will be raped in prison, regardless of their crime. This guy? I'm not losing any sleep over it.

  29. You know how you don't get raped in prison? Don't fucking go.

    If you're gonna fuck up your life and end up in Prison, then it's their rules. You should have stayed on the straight and narrow.

    1. And sometimes innocent people get jailed.

  30. "It’s called Karma. "

    Gosh I LOVE when people use Karma like a magic tilting wheel of all existence. Makes them feel better, but it doesn't exist. If so, Pol Pot wouldn't have died at 90+ peacefully in his bed. Kirk Douglas would have had the earth open up and swallow him many decades ago. Shit, Ira Boesky wouldn't still be a rich man and JP Morgan would be completely dissolved along with Wells Fargo. Yep that Karma sure helps.

    "No one likes a know-it-all. "

    (shrug) Thankfully that is not what I am.

    "(although well in line with your support of ped0s) "

    Show us where I have done any such thing.

    @Eff Yiew

    "You know how you don't get raped in prison? Don't fucking go. "

    You know how to avoid being raped? Don't show your face in public or wear clothing that exposes flesh! You know how to avoid being raped? Don't talk to any males who are not family members! You know how to avoid being raped? Don't be sent to religious schools in Kandahar for minor crimes in Afghanistan!

    So you don't mind using someone else's dick as valid punishment. Meet your best friends in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Egypt....

    1. "Show us where I have done any such thing."

      Here. In these comments. On this page. Any time Geffen, Milchan, Allen, Polanski, or institutional Hollywood child rape is brought up. In fact, plenty have proven it so you're clearly demented and should likely (((take your meds.)))

      Though I agree with plot here on one topic. It's barbaric and wrong to use rape as a punishment, or to count on or desire "prison justice" that's anything past a good old fashion shanking.

      That being said, plot doesn't actually believe this. It's a feeble attempt at taking the moral high ground in an arena where Plotta Poundstone is a known pedophile apologist and quantity.

      Plot's position is simply that Plotta Poundstone doesn't want to see pedophiles punished because of bullshit "what if they're innocent, this is a witch hunt" conjectures. Just because you deny reality plot, doesn't mean others do.

      Here's what you do: shoot them in the head. Move on. There was recently a filmed execution of this in Yemen. Man raped a child, the requisite witnesses came forward, they took him into the center of town and shot him in the head. No rape, no torture, just a simple bullet.

      And definitely no Ashkenazi gnashing of the teeth and wailing "oy vey how do we know he really did it, the death penalty is immoral and barbaric and the Talmud says that after 3 years and a day a child is fair game and goyim are livestock anyway".



      Prove me wrong AGAIN. YOU CAN'T!

      TL;DR: plot is a child molester

  31. Thankfully, I've never been in prison, but I think it's awfully naive to think that the worst kind of people who end up there will nobly save their rapin' for only the child molesters. It seems far more likely that they're also going to target the young man who goes away for a few years for stealing a car or selling drugs. If we laugh and point at prison rape, we're letting it all go on. If some people are fine with that, okay, but at least be honest about it. Don't assume the non-molesters are being protected by some code of gentlemen thieves that most likely exists only in the movies.

    I've also never been a gay man, but if I were, I think it would bother me that so many people think of homosexual sex as a horrible torture. Odd, that, in these enlightened times.

  32. @plot Thanks for the laugh today. I needed it!

  33. Anyone who rapes children, films that rape, and that of torture of children, is a rabid animal fit to be put down.

    Not prison justice, though. Prison rape is still rape, and that's not okay to push when we're talking about the consequences of rape.

    For monsters who rape, film rape and/or torture of children, I think lead therapy would be best.

    We put down dogs for attacking children. When someone deliberately harms a child and fucking records it for posterity, they give up their humanity card.

    Put 'em down like the rabid dogs they are.



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