Thursday, July 12, 2018

Blind Item #17

This foreign born A-/B+ list three named actor was throwing back drinks at The Three Clubs this week, so he might be getting help for anger, but he does not seem to be getting help for his drinking.


  1. Jonathan Rhys meyers

  2. yeah, it's meyers. sadly. lost his shit on a plane and now this.

  3. Anyone else get ads for Mac wheldon man-panties on this site all. the. time? They are starting to make me feel stabby.

  4. Eh, some people you get them off the booze and they chill out. Other people get sober and become angrier than they were before.

  5. Yes, there was a blind here about how he was raped or couched for a role, can't recall which, and has never been the same since.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Velvet goldmine

  7. Tomayto/Tomahto
    Enabling wife/someone who cares about him unlike everyone else in this cold cold world.

  8. Should we know or care about The Three Clubs as the location?

  9. Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Damn it! I love him. He's such a good actor. I wish he could get a handle on his demons...

  10. Definitely JRM. When his Mum died he lost the plot too. I think he needs to get out of the sewer that is the celebrity world and concentrate on getting better. He is too damaged to be around shitty people. Shame. Brilliant actor.

  11. Gee, did you just call Diamond Dallas Page a foreigner? Watch it!

  12. That bar has a funny show by drag queen Lorali.

  13. Maybe when his wife said "for better or for worse," she didn't have her fingers crossed.

  14. The blind a few months ago implied Michael Stipe had sexually assaulted him (iirc) during Velvet Goldmine

    1. I heared he and Stipe had a fling but it was mutual. He was sexually abused as a teenager in Ireland though.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. "In interviews, Rhys Meyers has spoken about how his mother spent all her dole on drink and how he stole money to feed himself, and how he was saved in many ways by Christopher Croft, a Cork farmer who took him in and essentially set him on the road to acting.

    There have always been question marks around Rhys Meyers' relationship with Croft, who was convicted and later cleared of drugging and sexually abusing a teenage boy in Morocco, the same year that Geraldine Meyers died. Croft said he ran a very free and liberal household"

  17. JRM is a very talented actor. Like many in that profession he has his demons. As someone said I think he needs to step away from acting and live away from the world of entertainment.

  18. three club has $5 old fashioneds during happy hour (v cheap for la!). used to go after work when i worked in hollywood. great bar.

    saw a celeb in there one time (cant remember who - not jrm tho). but i dont go to celeb-type places and am still surprised to find it mentioned by name here.

  19. I could use a sequel to "From Paris with Love". Loved that movie.

  20. JRM lost a baby recently too. Alcoholic mother, sexual assault victim, loss of a child... He was very good in Vikings recently but I agree with the rest of you, he needs to be away from this industry. And his wife is enabling him. She loves him but her excuses for his fucked up behavior are only going to make him worse.



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