Monday, August 27, 2018

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show will soon slip into obscurity when the show ends. Meanwhile, our married actress left her husband at home and had a meetup with a new guy at a friend's house.


MDAnderson said...

Sofia Vergara

sandybrook said...

Sofia and Joe

sandybrook said...

Don't be so smug Entern that she will slip into obscurity..

HWG317 said...
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Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

WTF Sofia... if you don't want Joe, send him my way!

Unknown said...

I hardly think Vergara will ever slip into obscurity. Enty will sliver off to become a notary in the back room of some Mailboxes Etc, b4 that happens

nancer said...

i've grown to loathe her. i'm just sick of her voice. she can do comedy but what else can she do?

Amartel said...

Gorgeous, funny, popular ... and loathed.
Gossip sites are hilarious.

BestMan said...

He's a pedo

Brayson87 said...

How could Sofia ever slither off into obscurity with that voice? It's like the reincarnation of Fran Drescher.

Kate k said...

Eva Longoria slithered off into obscurity after Desperate Housewives. In face the whole cast sort of did.

VikingSong said...

She's an over indulged, loud mouthed (accent doesn't effect voice volume), one trick pony and ignorant xenophobe. She only gets work because she's attractive. It certainly isn't for her acting abilities. Top tip, Sofia. The next time someone annoys you, have a go at them. Don't generalize an entire nation of people just because they share the same nationality as the person annoying you. I've been to Columbia and there's quite a few things I could say about your people..

Unknown said...

To each their own... I love her voice, her accent, her looks, her perky/spicy/playful personalty... I could wake up to that every day LONG before I could listen to a dreadful, depressing, perpetually the victim, whiny entitled Meryl Streep (the greatest actress ever? LOL.... spare me her boring schtick)?

Danmolco said...

First of all is COlombia with an O and second the incident you are referring to didn’t even happen that way, Teresa Giudice was the one being xenophobic not Sofia. Next time get your facts straight, don’t let your racist show #hater

Mahogany1 said...

I would think Joe would dissappear. Sophia had acareer sort of before

Aquagirl said...

Love you @ Brayson. You killed me with the Fran D. Comparison!

Hugo Pedersen said...

Of course she will slip into obscurity. Can you imagine her playing anything else than a version of Gloria?

NYC A Girl Has No Name said...

I believe that she has her own production company.

Unknown said...

Sofia was my first thought too.

Amara said...

Kaley Coco

<> said...

Search - Sofia Vergara Rashee - these are two different Saudi guys she used to ball for cash when she first moved to LA. She is back to doing the same thing as MF winds down. She got on Univision after banging Don Francisco.

There used to be pics of her getting of private jets in the ME, but she bought up all the pics of her activities.


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