Friday, August 24, 2018

Blind Item #5

As I previously told you, as much as this foreign born A- list dual threat actor would be great for an iconic role, the producers, no matter how much they try to leak otherwise have insisted they would never cast a person of color in the lead.


Humor Me said...

idris for james Bond.

cruzzer2 said...

Bond. James Bond. Idris is HOT as hell.

Moose said...

The next Bond is going to be Tom Hardy.

BlondeB said...

Idris Elba and they are idiots.

Cuddlebutt said...

I think Idris would make a great Bond.

MeliticusBee said...

This idea is only slightly less stupid than having a female James Bond.

cruzzer2 said...

Shirtless. Shirtless the whole movie!

LooksLikeCRicci said...

Idris Elba.

Lemme just say this-- If HE were cast as Bond, I'd actually watch one of the damn things. Dude is smokin' hot.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

Tom Hardy will be the new Bond? I like Tom Hardy, but nooooooooooooo.

Brayson87 said...

That's okay, I hate to see Elba wasted on sh!tty movies. Don't think I've seen a good Bond film since GoldenEye.

Brayson87 said...

Nah Tom Hardy is too busy f*cking up Venom, great American accent by the way. It's fun when they take British actors with iconic accents and make them fail at sounding quasi-American. And by fun I mean the money and time I save by not going to the theater.

Lindsey said...

Tom Ellis should be Bond. #makebondhotagain

parissucksliterally said...

Idris as Stringer Bell on The Wire.....damn. He is such a good actor.

Fuck James Bond movies. What's the point anymore?

- said...

You wouldn't cast a white actor as Blade, Black Panther or Shaft. You can't cast a black actor as James Bond

Thonker said...

I dont get the idris elba hype... there are a ton of hotter black actors

Sara, Making It Work said...

Ooh, I like Tom Ellis. I might actually watch a Bond movie if he played him.

Cree said...

Im pretty indifferent to bond movies, but I would watch if he was in one. Might be hotter, but he's still pretty hot. Also, it would just be cool to see. Others probably feel the same way.

Freckles said...

He is too old to start the franchise now. 10 years ago he would have been great to start

Scandi Sanskrit said...

He cancelled the apocalypse! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Shaddup Mimsey said...

Idris is hot as hell and would be great as bond but agree, those movies suck so fuck the producers.

Cree said...

How many more bond movies do we really need? If he was in a trilogy I think that would be good enough. I don't think he really needs to be doing the same role for 5-10 movies.

That said, if they wont cast him because of his skin color, then he deserves better anyway.

Would have been a nice way to get new people interested in the series from the publicity alone. He's hot and a good actor so it's not a hard sale.

nonyabusiness said...

idris is not all that attractive to me
he's average at best

Jim said...

Idris will never be Bond, not for racist reasons but...

They never cast actors who are already well established. The vast majority of previous bonds have had previous credits but are never already extremely famous performers

HeatherBee said...

I’m gonna throw my hat in the ring for loving the idea of Idris as Bond. I don’t think it would be any more strange than having a succession of different white men.

Moose said...

@Jim - Pierce Brosnan was pretty well established from "Remington Steele" before being cast as Bond. Maybe that was just in the US, but his popularity was quite big at the time.

.robert said...

Yeah, Brosnan was so popular and desired for the role that should have been Bond years earlier and it was offered but he could not get out of the television contract. They could give Idris Elba a cameo as another agent and have a movie more focused on him OR find a script that is more suited to him specifically instead of trying to pigeonhole someone into an established 70 year old character role.

Jon said...

Absolutely agree. The hype has to come from his PR team. He's NOT hot at all and there are a ton of better and hotter black actors.

Leanne Norman said...

Nowhere in the books does it mention Bond's race unlike Black Panther or Shaft. I don't think he should take it anyway, he's to good to be wasted on the Bond franchise, it's obvious Daniel hates it and just doing it for the money.

s.s. said...

I used to love Bond movies. I don't care who they cast. I think there have been a couple Bond movies where MI6 went rogue and were the bad guys, I consider those historically accurate.

Depicting MI6 as heroes is for people living in the past, nothing progressive about it.

MDAnderson said...

Don’t get the hype at all. Give it to an unknown or an up and coming actor.

Girl with a Hat said...

I don't want a black Bond. Start another franchise with a different back story and it would work.

.robert said...

@LEANNE NORMAN, while it would not bother me if they cast a black man as James Bond as long as he was a good actor and fit the role, Ian Fleming definitely wrote the character as a Scot-Swiss white guy with very specific tastes and characteristics based on himself, his brother, people he knew in the service and so on. It is a well defined role.

BestMan said...

Idris not hot? Omg. Hes incredibly hot.

DigsInDirt said...

+1 for Idris. It’s a shame because he’s a great actor and would make a fantastic Bond.

JW said...

Idris Elba’s hot factor isn’t about his looks, it’s about his swagger. If you haven’t seen him in Luther i can understand that you may not “get” it...

longtimereader said...

If they'd cast idris for just one film with ryan coogler directing in a classic 'moore era' bond movie without the angst of the craig years...That movie would rock!

Totto_ said...

One of this I hate the most about this PC, SJW generation, is the need to do shit like this, this is exactly why people don't like them. So what if the creators of the character don't want a person of color playing the role? They made it, if they want a white person doing it,then that's their business since they own the character. Same thing's happening with Bewitched, is it really necessary to make an interracial remake? What's groundbreaking about it? Instead of wanting to remake classics just so that they whiny little shits of this generation don't complain, why can't you just make NEW ROLES, STORIES AND CHARACTERS? Why do they feel the need to fuck up classics just to sell their agenda?

Angela said...

They won't cast Elba, because he would be too old (around 50) for his debut and the producers prefer to get somebody in his late thirties who could stay for a decade.
They won't even consider the color of his skin, they tend to prefer continuity over getting the guy for one or two films.

Besides, director Antoine Fuqua, who was supposedly the source for the producers talking about hiring Bond, has actually denied even meeting them.

"Get Elba for Bond" is the new "I'm not a racist, I have a black friend". It costs absolutely nothing to say you're pretty sure that Elba would make a great Bond (as he won't get cast anyway), and then you don't have to address the lack of diversity and opportunities for many Blacks or Asians. Or even think about another Black actor who could be great in the part.

Unknown said...

Tom Hardy’s acting chops bring depth to Venom. The trailer looks great and his American accent sounds good.

Jimbonius said...
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Jimbonius said...

Lighten up Francis, it's just a movie.

Scandi Sanskrit said...


Luther has swagger. I liked “Pacific Rim” because MECHAAAAAAA!!!!!!! But husband character in “Luther” was waaaay more attractive. 🔥

Scandi Sanskrit said...

They’re making an interracial “Bewitched”? ✨

But there’s already a PoC one on YouTube: 🌌

Scandi Sanskrit said...

*his (not HUSBAND lol)

just sayin' said...

Isn't James Norton in the running? He'd be perfect.

Jon said...

Unless some new unknown actor pops up in the next few years, without question, Henry will be the next Bond.

hothotheat said...

I agree but he's a great actor who needs better roles.

Nita said...

I like the Tom Ellis suggestion. I'd watch that!

Mac said...

Idris is a really good actor, I will leave his hotness for the ladies and the ummmm males who seem interested in such things.
I have been impressed with him in everything he has done. Since they have brought James Bond out of the post WW2 time period that was originally written and into current times, I don't see any reason why he wouldn't be James Bond.
Do we have a new writer who sees racism everywhere? as if black actors don't get jobs or awards? lol. How the hell do we all know who Idris is if that is the case, shouldn't he be some nameless waiter working at bennegan's waiting for the next bit part where he plays a criminal on a detective show?

Jenn B. said...

I'm glad. Idris is way too good to be wasted on this dying, outdated franchise. Talk about wasting talent.

Kimberley said...

@Just sayin' - I agree re James Norton, he's gorgeous and such a good actor.

@Thonker - Idris is very handsome but I think Adrian Lester (from 'Hustle' would be better in the role if we're talking black actors. Adrian has that cool persona, not hot-headed like Idris.

Unknown said...

LOVE Idris but I am rooting for Aidan Turner!

Unknown said...

Man I am sick of this race baiting bullshit.I am a black man and Bond movies fan.James Bond is a white guy,no need to change race or gender,nothing wrong with Bond being a permanantly white character.I would settle for Hollywood to cease portraying ancient Egyptians and Pharoh's as white,or better yet make a movie about a real black hero that has nothing to do with slavery or civil rights movement.

LondonGirl said...

Idris has his very own iconic role as meh to shitty Bond movies

Girl with a Hat said...

Michael Gallyot - I am with you. Get people of colour real good roles, not just as sidekicks and token roles. Stop treating people as if their colour is what mattered the most about them. Also, let's see normal people - i.e. white, black, Asian, Muslim - acting like real people - heroes, schmucks, sidekicks and not reserving all of the evil or victim roles for one ethnic group or another..

Mac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mac said...

So many names for well known, well respected, successful black actors thrown out for this blind, in such a racist industry and country.
Seriously this is bullshit. If Idris doesn't/didn't get the role, Or if blacks don't sweep the Oscars, it isn't because Hollywood is run by the Klan.

Welcome aboard new SJW writer. Looking forward to tomorrows blind where a black rapper only made 8 million on his latest album instead of 12 because racists are limiting his sales.

IanPhlegming said...

The most interesting thing about Idris Elba as 007 is that it would cement the theory that "James Bond" is just as much a cover identity as the "007" code identity.

But Elba will be too old by the time Bond 26 begins production, and I don't really want a black Bond anyway for all the reasons so cogently explained above by others.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Lindsey, Tom Ellis would be an excellent Bond. Movie Bond is supposed to be smooth and funny, not just a blood thirsty assassin. Plus Ellis is young enough to crank out a bunch of Bond films.

+1 Scandi, You're damned right he cancelled the apocalypse, nothing beats Stringer Bell on top of a freakin' Jaeger :)

Bumtitty said...

C'hamon Bond

summer said...


Fifi LaRue said...

We want Idris! We want Idris! We want Idris!

- said...

Calm down.

emeraldcity said...

I don't think many people would care theses days if James Bond was black, maybe the producers are floating it to see what the response would be from fans which seems a 99% positive for Idris. If they are really that set on a white Bond then why not cast Idris as 008 in the movie then give him a spin off '00' franchise.

Unknown said...

They're rewriting history because they're butthurt...

OKay said...

I have no fucks to give regarding anything Bond. But I would definitely watch IE in the role.

Kay said...

Idris has major BDE.

As Bond? Nope. He deserves a better platform.

Btw: speaking of seeing minorites in roles unrelated to race, have any of you seen "To all the boys I've loved before"? So good.

Laineybin/EDN said...

Shit, they shoot movies about Jesus with white guys in the role who the hell cares if Bond is black? Idris is hot, that's all it takes to be Bond.

Kimberlini said...

If he can't be Bond, I'd love to see Idris in a recurring role as the biggest bad ass Bond villain of all time.

Paul Saint John said...

Bond is supposed to be old stock British and thus white. End of argument This is fucking ridiculous.
What's next, Paul Bettany for a "Shaft" reboot? Let's be serious.

Crazy Canuck said...

Tom Ellis sounds like a good choice

FlirtyChick74 said...

+1 for Tom Ellis

BRAD PITT said...

denzel is too old

will smith is too tom cruise-ish

elba is a great actor but he doens't have the charisma to play 007

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