Monday, August 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 20, 2018

Biggest diva for tonight's award show is this A- list mostly movie actress who got her big break on that almost network show. She is out of control with her demands and she probably will never be invited back.

Blake Lively/Video Music Awards


skipper said...

No doubt about it!
Never understood how some people could see her as 'down to earth'.
She and Ryan are a bit of a brand couple right now, so I doubt they'll split soon.
Also, with all the pantsuits she wore promoting her crappy movie, can't really tell if she was just too much into character of if she's hiding another pregnancy.

Ophelia said...

"down to earth" & posts every single outfit that she wears on social media in the same "candid mid stride pose". then pays outlets to pick up the story of her responding to a comment.

+1 to everyone that got it - meanwhile I was hung up on my Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants days and didn't acknowledge Gossip Girl was more popular lmfao

HollyMcGolly said...

She’s just so bland and boring. Like blah.

sandybrook said...

As long as she's married to Ryan Reynolds they will continue to invite her to hopefully get him too.

Jimbonius said...

Funny how that works...

nonyabusiness said...

she tried to force someone to drink her husband's liquor on an interview even though she's a teetotal. she wants ryan to be the next george clooney so bad, but it's not going to happen.

skipper said...


Funniest part is that she keeps complaining about paps taking pics of her daughters but their pics are the only ones who always show the kids' faces, unlike what happens with other baby celeb kids, who get their faces pixelated. And then she let aussia magazine WHO post pap pics of her kids on their latest issue.

Jimbonius said...

RE: celebrity alcohol... Sammy Hagar is laughing his ass off somewhere!

Ophelia said...

@skipper it's the hypocrisy of it that gets me. Like it doesn't mean its good form but many celebrities use their kids for publicity but at least they're up front about it?

Chrissy T seems well aware right now that a lot of her relevance comes from being relatable to moms. Like come on Blake, just post them on your own insta since they're clearly your own pics haha

skipper said...

Tes, that's it! She stays on her pedestal, complaining all the time about those evil paps, then she cant seem to do the talk and walk the walk sueing them, all she does is unleash her fans on instagram and socials. Then you see the pics on daily mail or other websites. As far as I know, if you can see a child's pic it means the parents did give their consent.

MDAnderson said...

I think she is one of the most overrated celebrities. She dresses nice but what else does she have. After gossip girls what has she done?? The Town doesn’t count.

Mac said...

Blake is as bad as the old Virginia Slims cig commercials. Except instead of trying to rope independent women into lung cancer, she is basically presenting "Wear my pant suits, drop your kids off at school and then go drink my husbands booze all day! Be fierce ladies!"
I think what they are doing is disgusting, and they don't even need the money at this point with his Deadpool $$$$.
Also, she isn't a very good actor, and he only does smarmy.

Anonymous said...

She's a brand. Reynolds wears her like arm candy. She is always seeking the camera. They are even more artificial than Biel and Timberlake, if that is possible

Brayson87 said...

Reynolds had great chemistry with Sandra Bullock, it's a shame he seems to go for the bims. Then again his awesome comedic timing suggests a psychopath so maybe it's better if he sticks to the vapid girls.

Mr Hollywood said...

@MDAnderson: Savages, Green Lantern, The Shallows, Café Society,... Very underrated actress. The Shallows in particular she carried entirely on her own.

HeatherBee said...

@ Mr. Hollywood- I beg to differ. I felt like the shark really brought some drama to The Shallows. Otherwise, it would’ve been 90 minutes of a piece of white bread clinging to a buoy. Yawn.

OKay said...

Hah! If they want access to her husband, of course she'll be invited back.

@Mr. Hollywood Underrated??? Did you misspell terrible? In a sea of bad actresses, Blake Lively is horrible.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Have you seen those “Toon Blast” commercials on hotube? They’re brilliant. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂

Seriously Brayson, what do you know about what comedic timing skills have anything to do with psychopathic tendendecies? 😨 seriously. 😐

Scandi Sanskrit said...

*YouTube (not hotube) 😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🖤

HeatherBee said...

Yeah! So that’s 2 votes for the shark!!

UniversalEnergy said...

She's stupid. No one even wants her for A list movies. I guess a nose job and boob job with some bleach and a semi famous set of parents makes you a big headed bitch.

skipper said...


Don't even make me start know she tried to make people believe her dad was a teacher during a Vogue interview 3 or 4 years ago and she keeps telling her mom was born poor?

BRAD PITT said...

she worked with woody allen

Habibti said...

Both Ryan and her have egos way larger than any actual talent. I used to like Ryan but you can see he thinks he is extra special.

skipper said...


I used to like him too, I thought he really did care about his privacy, as he's always avoided even walking a red carpet with ScarJo when they were married. Then everything changed when he married Lively and I think it was because he understood he needed to sell himself in order to have success and stay relevant. Now, after Deadpool's success, he surely thinks he won the lottery and that the PR strategy payed off. They're not genuone to me, I feel everything they do/say, especially on socials, is studied.


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