Friday, February 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 15, 2019

Much like her last husband who serial cheated his way through the marriage and also was foreign born, our A list singer seems to be OK with it as long as you keep it under the radar. There will be a whole lot to keep under the radar.

Katy Perry/Russell Brand/Orlando Bloom


Huckleberry said...

I think this is the case with a lot of celebrities. They spend lots of time apart and around other attractive people, so it's tough to expect fidelity.

KaiserWilhelm'sGhost said...

@huckleberry What you mean to say is that celebrities lack even the most basic integrity that we expect from normal, everyday people.

Although if anyone's ever been around any celebrities, this is common knowledge.

Huckleberry said...

Yeah, pretty much. I mean, if it's an open relationship and they both like that, then fine, whatever.

RedVelvetBoots said...

Why get married?

Amartel said...

She just wants arm candy and sympathy.

Amartel said...

I love Russell Brand. He's gross but I don't care b/c he's pretty honest about it.

Thursday November said...

It's about status to Katy, Orlando could have a VS model & did, but he is chosing her. She's probably just realistic, most of the guys at her level won't be faithful, unless she gets engaged to her "assistant" like Xtina did.

Astra Worthington said...

Wow Amartel! Now I can finally say that I am aware of a person that likes Russell Brand! I thought they were rarer than unicorns🦄!

Amartel said...

How can you not like him so long as you don't have to smell him?
He's hilarious!

Henriette said...

Does Orlando have the small dick like Brand? Obviously, Katey is not a size queen.

Pea Nut said...

One of those people must be shitting himself about details of his abusive sexual past coming out. It's been long alleged that he paid off a friend to take the rap for raping a girl when he started getting interest in the US, in order for his brand to not be adversely affected.

Vita said...

Pea nut-- to whom are you referring?

Henriette-- Judge for yourself! There are many pics of him in all of his splendor, rowing Katy along on a paddleboard, like a gondolier at a nude resort!

Henriette said...

Pea Nut
Bloom or Brand?

I saw those pics. He looks a little bigger than Brandt, but that's not saying much. Brandt has a micropenis.

HeatherBee said...

Under the radar, like she bought herself her ring?

Morrisseyx said...

It isn't cheating Enty IF she is cool with it. I get this is an AMERICAN board and your country is a bit prudish about sex. BUT in the rest of the world people understand the concept of monogamy is outdated. Katy gets it she seems happy. Good for her.

Infidel said...

Russel Brand is not hilarious, he's a moron. He impresses those who aren't used to multisyllabic words, by confusing them, when in fact, whenever he speaks, he says absolutely nothing of either importance, gravitas or depth. He's the idiots' hero, while those who posses more than 5 braincells, have seen through him years ago - which is exactly when his career finished.

TwoDots said...

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom: two of the most basic bitch celebrities out there. Narcissistic, and their career highs firmly behind them, they probably should just marry. That engagement ring though 😂

Substance D said...

First off, Brand was allegedly fucking a Rothschild so he's owned by the top tier assholes. Second, this triad is cousins. Rothschild's? Inbred. That's what these "people" do. Bloom and Brand are also British actors so they default gay. Perry is frigid. All these female celebrities are either gay, frigid or trannys. They don't reproduce. They are drones. Celeb babies are props. Adoption? In Hollywood, that's what they do to sell that they are kind of normal. Have for most of the last 80 years. Mommie Dearest and whatnot. Russell (a top name in the peerage) Brand (product) cheated on peak value Katy Perry? Gay! Take the blindfold off.

Pea Nut said...

Vita and Henriette, re-read my post. I mention the surname.


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