Monday, August 12, 2019

Your Turn

When you were in school did you have summer vacation or did you have an all year school calendar?


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    When I was in school we had to do our own work and. It have shitty interns do our dirty work.

    But summer vacations. That’s how so cal schools worked

  2. July and August and through Labor Day week we were off. Skool started the Monday after Labor Day and ended the last Friday in June.

  3. I moved around a lot as a kid, so I've had both full summers and all year long school. I preferred having the full summer because it was more difficult to get caught up if I moved mid year to a school that had year long school.

  4. Summers at the ole log cabin the northern Michigan woods.

  5. Summer vacation. School year ran from Tuesasdy after Labor Day, September to first week/ 10 days of June.
    I graduated high school on a Friday night and started college (Summer Session) the following Monday.

  6. Summer vacation from June to September.

  7. Summer vacation, but my mother made us do math, science and literature during the summer months.

  8. simmers at Mission and Ocean Beach. with visits to Disneyland, Magic Mountain before it got hot. MM is like Dantes Inferno in the summer.

  9. Summer vacation, Thanksgiving break, winter break and spring break, plus holidays. I've never heard of anyone going to school year-round.

  10. Summers off. Went to school in the city and for summer I had 120 acres and a 4 wheeler to myself all day long. My grandparents were awesome.

  11. Summer vacay baby!!! That hay ain't going to make itself!!

  12. Summer vacay. We lived by the beach in SoCal, but that marine layer lasted through July, so it was usually too cold to go swimming or sunbathe.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Summer vacation.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. summer vacation/ we moved all the time and if I moved in the summer I didn't know anyone in the neighborhood... really sucked moved to Memphis my freshman year of high school and there were no people my age in the neighborhood. They all went away to camps or to Israel. When school started I couldn't believe how many people from my class were a block away from me! I spent that entire summer in a tree house doing crossword puzzles with my transistor radio. I haven't really changed much since then. Class of 81

  16. School was rough. Living on the east coast we didn't get out at the same time as cousins on the west coast who were already chopping it up by end of May. School ended third week of June unless we used more than the slotted snow days-seriously. When the huge ice storm happened we had school for a straight year and they said the time we spent out in a national emergency was our break. Loads of shit. I'm still bitter about it.

  17. Summer vacation
    Our grandchildren get out of school the last week in May and go back to school the first week in August. Hoping they go to year round with maybe 2 week breaks every so often. It would make sense, IMO, because teachers would not have to spend at least half of the first quarter reviewing material from the previous grade.

  18. Summers off. When I was very young (grammar school) my father often had to go to school for his job during the summer. So we all went with him. One summer we lived in VA, then Mississippi. We also drove everywhere and made lots of stops along the way so it was a great way to experience the country at such a young age.

  19. All July and August off for summer.

  20. Summers off, which is how it should be!

    School is hell for a lot of kids. They have to give kids a break. Year round? No wonder kids are losing it in recent years. They didn't used to have year round school.

  21. Why can’t I post anymore???

  22. The air smelled different when we had summer vacation.

  23. I don't think year-round school even existed when I was a kid. We were off from the end of June until the Tuesday after Labour Day. Absolutely everybody I knew, wherever they lived, did it that way.

  24. @Samantha It's not really year round. They start back in August but have extended breaks in November and March, and they finish in June like everybody else.

  25. It's still not the same thing, OKay -- everyone used to be off all summer, that's 3 months to play and be with friends and not worry about school.

    Can't really even get into the vibe of being free if you have to go right back again in a month or so. It's gonna feel continuous. To a kid, time feels different than it does to grownups.



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