Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 18, 2019

The coke loving A/A- list mostly movie actor with the new movie coming out keeps bragging about passing drug tests. He got to choose which day he took them, so he would have plenty of time to get clean and used an at home drug testing kit first.

Jeremy Renner


  1. And he is really becoming a douchebag.

  2. JFC. A child's safety is at stake. Why aren't these drug tests done randomly in court facilities?

  3. As an aside, I just saw a really good movie that happened to be on Showtime, "Rust Creek" this afternoon. I was switching channels and it had just started, so I watched, and it turned out to be great. It was a movie that Renner would have been a really good fit for, but he isn't in it. I'd recommend it though.

  4. Well no wonder why I haven’t seen him in Tahoe yet, I’ve been visiting the wrong drug dens!

  5. DoTell-- Amen! I mean, I had no clue anyone could schedule their own drug tests! If it is important, it's got to be random, or do a hair sample test.

  6. Eeesh. No closer toEnty acknowledging the John Doe situation I see. Read a specific related thread on Datalounge...interesting.

  7. Never marry and/or impregnate your beard. You’ll save yourself a lot of heartache.

  8. For years, we had rumors here that Renner was gay, and only married through a deal to get a child, without actually living with his wife.
    Now, the gay angle doesn't play anymore, and he was simply a raging coke addict.

    Sure, the accusations by the wife, that anybody can read, hint he may have drug problems. But it looks like all the blinds are just speculation. Then, it was speculation about Renner being gay, and every news about him was processed through this angle. Now, it's speculation that he's an addict, and everything that happens to him is related to his addiction.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Angela I find you to be very interesting and kind of curious though. I myself know first hand certain things about people in Hollywood. Nothing to start a blog over and ruin people but you caught my attention because you seem to someone who knows a thing or two. I’m almost tempted to call you an actress because of the confidential way your words read to me

      How are you able to speak with such certainty if you aren’t somehow in involved in the industry?

      I started doubting this site myself when people I know personally are actually really good people

  9. TwoDots: Can you share the link?

  10. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Here ya go

  11. Also in the comments for Friday's final blind item here:

  12. So Renner shouldn't object if Sonni asks the court to mandate random, unscheduled drug tests, at a specified facility then. Since he's clean and everything.

  13. All of nothing of the accusations may be true or untrue. Jeremy may or may not be gay,a coke fiend,etc. But a child's life may be in danger. If there is nothing to hide,then put everything out there.

  14. So it wasn't me all this time. As a teen i found hollywood characters/guys or athletes i liked/ would drool over, then i find out in my twenties that they're all either douchebags or gay, oftentimes both. I thought i had the worst man radar ever. In my thirties i realize its not me, they're all like that. The menu is selected for me before it even gets to my table lol whew

  15. All of these allegations are speculation and a mash up of various " reports", mostly by females with axes to grind and money to grift. As a person who has had things said about her THAT NEVER HAPPENED, i know it can happen. I know how that feels. Ill wait for legal settlement. And is it a coincidence this all of a suddenly comes out while he has project to promote? And all of a sudden yesterday she has daughter at pumpkin farm? She could not be more obvious.

  16. @Guesser

    That's what justice is for. Writing invented stories about Renner on the base of his possible drug addition isn't justice. It's catering to the tastes of some audience for publicity. It won't help justice, it won't help the child, it will just give you the illusion that you know pretty well who the real Jeremy Renner is.

    Let's say for instance that some dude wrote on his own during a decade hundreds of sensationalist stories accusing many people of being rapists, murderers, child molesters, etc. while having no direct connection to the world he depicted, just educated guesses, thirdhand information or even random obsession. Sure, some of the people targeted may be pieces of shit in real life, have a bad rep, etc. But many of them were average people who never did the stuff the stories accused them of.
    Now, how about THEIR family, THEIR children who discover at some point that there's this Internet rumor, only because some deranged writer had a lot of imagination and time on his hands, and somebody willing to post all of it? How about them?

  17. Both Renner and Sonni have chosen to make the custody battle public. There are many that know the truth,and when kids are involved, they need to put aside their bias. I couldn't care less about the career fallout of Renner or the wannabe actress. I have said the same whether it's a teen mom,a movie star,or Michael Jackson. Or a U.S. gymnastics team. Or my neighbor's friend. If you know the truth,put it out there. You constantly make false assumptions about people here you don't know. Take a long look in a mirror and you will see someone who tries to elevate themselves by putting others down. You are actually much like another person who used to be here. Fame by being a blog commenter? Okay then!

    1. They have NOT chosen to make it public, well mb she has- but info is coming from " leaked" court papers, not them.

  18. Lord, I can't believe I was hot for such a douchebag.

  19. @Angela +++++1

    I would think there would be 'insider knowledge' before all this blowing up, but everyone seems to have 'the goss' after it's in the public arena- truth or not.

    Also did anyone hear Enty say in the Himmmm podcast that he heard the news from another H (he couldn't remember the number), so either there are other Himmmms or there's more lies.

  20. @Guesser

    If you really want to protect children, campaign for a stronger legislation against domestic assault, don't obsess about a particular celebrity you've never met. There are millions of women and children who don't live in Hollywood and who are victims of assault on a daily base. They're as deserving of your attention as this guy in particular. And the best part is that you can do something for them at the local level. Volunteer, do something helpful. It will be a much better use of your time than looking for some dirt about any celebrity because you'd like to believe they're all phonies and creeps at some particular place.

    "That are many that know the truth"

    Who? Why would they be here for you? And how does this help the child to spread unchecked gossip?
    I didn't know this John Doe, I have no particular sympathy for him or his views. He was glad to believe too that these "many" were magically here when it was about some Hollywood celebrity.
    Then he started to understand that Enty may have never had this exclusive connections given that he published for years hundreds, probably thousands of stories (none of the blind items that "Himmmm" submitted between 2008 and 2017 were credited), provided by some schmuck who had spent his entire life in Virginia, apart from at best a few months in Los Angeles in the nineties. Some schmuck who had no ties with the industry, no famous friend, no RDJ or PTA still in touch with him who would call him "bro" and share with him the gossip of the day. And many, many people who had looked further into the matter had correctly identified him for years. Yet, Enty still turned these "memories" onto blind items without any fact-checking.
    Was Enty a "victim" for so long or was he somewhat aware that his source has zero direct knowledge of the events he'd describe? Do you think that Himmmm would just be a one time incident (that lasted 11 years) or is he representative of how the site operates to post blinds?

    As I said, I have zero sympathy for "John Doe" and his views, but at least, he was smart enough to put the pieces together and retire when he realized he was being played. Are you as smart?

  21. So easy to accuse. Proof.

  22. Well @auntliddy, you have a point. nobody here knows for a fact that Renner is a violent, irresponsible cokehead, and nobody here knows for a fact that his ex wife is a moneygrubbing liar.

    It will shake out in court and I hope the court makes the right decision based on what they see presented to them, and a legitimate series of random drug tests performed on Renner.

    As for the nanny and the friend who have stories, I honestly can't see committing perjury with the possibility of a huge fine and jailtime for my boss or my friend over a custody suit or anything else. I find it very difficult to believe those woman are lying.

    And when else would one take a kid to a pumpkin farm, in the middle of February?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Sonni has never been photographed with Ava- ever. Now all of a sudden shes photoed at pumpkin farm. You know they call the paps themselves.
    Point tsken on drug tests, but she needs to be tested as well. Shes had 2 pops for possession in Canada, where she was a well known party girl who modeled lingere, worked as a stand in, did some softcore porn, sold real estate in fla.( I tripped over all this by accident on a blog or site from her small town. No one seemed overly fond of her. )She met renner on a set, she wanted to come to us, so she grabbed onto him and shes not letting go. Point being, shes no fragile babe in the woods clutching her pearls over renners alleged behavior

  25. As I said, nobody here knows what either one is capable of.

  26. Nobody forced him to marry her.

    There have also been no allegations of violent behavior against her. That's the key point, the kid's safety. That is why the court has to weigh this carefully.

  27. Oh the nanny and her buddies may have their truth questioned, but i doubt they will take time to make a case for perjury. If these are mistruths, the info is already out there. As for money mb sonni promised them a cut of what she gets. Mark my words,custody wont change but she'll have a big payday.

  28. @YoSoyMilk

    I'm not an actress, not in the entertainment industry, not an American, and not a woman. Yeah, I know, it's a lot to take at once regarding my credibility ;)

    I've been an early reader of the site, around 2006-2007, when it was mostly a snarky blog with one blind item a day, often on Classic Hollywood (If you click on my name, you can see that I created my Blogger account in February). I enjoyed the urban legends it collected. I saw it move over the years from this original tone towards material that was very sensational, almost obsessive about prostitution, rapes and underage sex.
    Yet, I only left around the days it switched to a different platform, that made the content borderline unreadable. (Old souls will understand what I mean). And still, I would check as the content was still collected on AGCWebpages. Old habits die hard. When it returned to Blogger as the host, I tried it again, but found that the content was morphing into dark fantasies, which is why I wouldn't post often.

    And then the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke out, followed by the Kevin Spacey scandal, Brett Ratner, NXIVM, etc. I agree that the site had posted about them over the years, and I had actually found some other sources that partially backed the claims (even the NXIVM material was actually on Twitter as early as 2015 or 2016, and and was also mentioned on sites such as the Frank Report).
    But then, after a couple of months in 2017, I noticed two things. Most of the material was now about child molestation rings that implicated most of the industry. And every new blind item magnet was basically some person who had been a vocal critic of Donald Trump a few days or weeks before. With no confirmation in both cases around the gossip community, just from the crowd who also discusses the QAnon or "Pizzagate" material.

    I tried to post then why some of these allegations made no sense if you know a few basic facts about the bio of some of these people, but I saw the regular commenters here would eat the stories. The community had also morphed into conspiracy theory enthusiasts. They would pretend to care about the wellbeing of the children, of the raped women, etc., but they would be mostly ecstatic to learn that one more supposedly respectable figure in the industry was implicated in some very dark stuff. Behind the facade, they just want to burn the whole place down and to get validation for their own prejudice against a few key celebrities, but also the industry in general.

  29. (Edit for the previous post: I created my account on Blogger on September 2007. I actually predated "Himmmm"'s involvement with CDAN)

    At some point, last year, I even spent a few days digging around to understand better why the site had evolved and I used the "Himmmm" material as a pivot to my searches.
    Before that, I hadn't particularly cared for him or the push he had provided to the site by leaving clues he could be the actual RDJ in March 2012. But I mostly watch arthouse films, and when he tried to pose as Paul Thomas Anderson in 2018, it rung a lot of bells, as the tone of the stories was totally out of mark with how the actual PTA develops female characters for instance. So, I did a few researches and found a dozen of separate sources that simply confirmed that Himmmm was indeed the dude from Virginia who had been identified in 2012. All the boxes would check, and the stuff he had posted under his own name revealed methods bordering on manipulation and self-delusion.

    Himmmm was in real life a failed screenwriter who had briefly tried to find his place in the sun in Hollywood around 1998, experienced a few hurdles in the process (substance abuse issues must have played some part) and had to go back to his birthplace and his parents.
    From there, posting as Himmmm may have allowed him to live this alternate life where he would have made it big in the industry, had become best buddies with people he genuinely admired and become a Zelig-like figure who had played key parts in the making of many cherished arthouse films and a few blockbusters, without accepting a single credit ever.
    "Himmmm" would also spend a lot of time among veterans of the industry, who were shocked to find somebody that knowledgeable about their career and would regal him in confidence with stories they had never told anybody.
    You shouldn't forget (as explained in the free Enty podcast that served as a eulogy) that Himmmm wasn't just the guy who posted a few blind items in the comments around March 2012, or who was credited as the writer of many more of them in 2017-2018. Himmmm had started contributing material as early as 2008 and would sometimes provide Enty with 50 different "original stories" in a single week.
    For 11 years, Enty dealt with somebody he never checked, without any red flag over the likelihood of some of the tales or the fact that he never exchanged over the years with any of the three other "Himmmms" (whose identity would also change).
    And "Himmmm" used the platform as an opportunity to get in touch with some of the fans, allowing the guy to catfish several women.
    This was a huge clusterfuck, sadly concluded by his death.

    Because of the many clues over his identity (even if some people still assume that the three "other Himmmms" are well and alive, mourning him in secret) and the acknowledgement by his own family that his online activity was mostly lies and should be dismissed, "John Doe", who was a big voucher for the site, started to understand that the content posted here was more fabrication than verified material. Whether the issue is with the sources or Enty himself doesn't seem to matter. As he said before he deleted his account, he didn't think he could still comment on the site. The whole content was now suspicious to him. Also, it appears that Enty didn't want to give him explanations about the whole situation.

    To me, the whole site has turned into an operation to appeal to the QAnon crowd and hardcore conservatives, who already tend to smear their dissenters by involving them into pedo rings and similar stuff. This has allowed Enty to sell subscriptions to his podcast, that features more of the same. And most of this empire was founded over the imagination of some fertile writer with an axe to grind and a fake life to develop.

  30. Someone is seriously unhinged

  31. Some adults have apparently issues admitting that there is no Santa Claus, and that they have been played for suckers for years.

    The same adults also enabled for years a mythomaniac, considering his stories as reports made to them by some actual insider, some guy who was a big player in the industry or knew some big players. The delusional individual took advantage of this rep to catfish women and hurt them in the process. That who this hero, who was reportedly so meaningful to #metoo, was in reality. He was sick, he was self-destructive and he was a fraud.

    Some people like John Doe have been able to face some of their own mistakes, even if they had for years promoted and amplified the stories published here. I have nothing to do with his epiphany by the way, I've never been in touch with the guy, I don't post about this blog on Twitter.
    It apparently got him a ton of backlash, with many people being sure that Doe was being manipulated and that there are still three other Himmmms who could confirm what the dead one had written.
    Yet, Doe is in a better place than whose who are still in denial and trust this blog as a legitimate source for inside dirt.

  32. @auntliddy, you seem to be forgetting one key thing. If Sonni destroys Renner's career, there is no more money rolling in and Renner could get even the existing amount reduced. So I doubt that this is purely moneydriven as you seem to be insisting.

    The other thing I mentioned is that these two women, the nanny and the friend, are unlikely to commit perjury and risk jailtime over a custody case. You might not think the court would pursue it, but you can make damn sure that if Renner lost custody over what he felt was fake testimony, he would push for those charges or sue them.

    1. Oh i think she wld love to destroy his career, get as much money as she can and leave him broke and penniless. And I dont know so much that this money driven, more like revenge driven, but money is the language of these cases.

  33. I'm happy to see this all coming out and do hope that Angela and John Doe will reach a few people. Too many hurtful and extremely dangerous lies have been told here.
    I've noticed Enty hasn't posted as many sensational and outrageous lies lately. I think it hit fever pitch with Don Henley, the uterus farms that Illuminati Beyonce orchestrated, and Devonte Hart flying out of the ill-fated truck and surviving by hanging on to the the cliff. There were dozens of others, just as outrageous.
    The worst part is that the people here believe these and cry for their heads! but then do shit all in their own community.

  34. Don Henley did receive a suspiciously light sentence for a serious set of consequences at his home, so there were already some teeth to that story to make it easy to buy into.

    Although I'm sure the people who are convinced, for example, that Angelina Jolie is some baby sacrificing, child trafficking psychopath will be hardpressed to be disabused of their notions.

    The site says outright that there are fictions mixed with truths. So calling it out repeatedly doesn't mean one has any sort of insight.

  35. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Whatever happened to boarding school for these children of messy celebrities? Send the kid out of harm's way to a nice school for girls with the best education money can buy. Both parents can be as messy as they want. Pay the ex a lump sum to STFU forever. Divide the kid's off time between both parents. Problem solved. The old thot Mom parading the kid around the celebrity pumpkin patch over the weekend was too much.

  36. Things started to unravel for me when Himmmm recalled his night of passion with Kate Beckinsale that resulted in a pregnancy that sadly was not meant to be, but they remained great friends and unrequited loves, followed by the story of his one night of passion with Brandon Lee's sister that also resulted in a pregnancy that sadly was not meant to be although they remained great friends. Interesting coincidence. The ALL CAPS missives threatening legal action for guessing the people involved in his blinds was also very off.

    Since reading the site from the early days and hearing so many stories of Harvey and his unsavory treatment of so many women (The Director's Wife, anyone?), it was exciting when Rose McGowan finally said what so many had kept secret. It took only a few days before Enty posted "blinds" about her mental state and substance abuse to poke holes in her credibility. Then often the subject of the blinds shifted to those surrounding the actual perpetrators (usually women) so as to make the blame fall on them instead.

    Recently Enty posted a story on Twitter about a democratic donor running a drug house so readers could call for the impeachment of all Democrats while remaining silent on the arrest of a GOP senator for child pornography possession the very next day. It's basically just a propaganda site at this point, along with "blinds" crafted from Daily Mail articles. Disappointing for a place that used to be entertaining.

  37. Again, auntliddy, you know as much as anyone else here about this case, which is to say nothing beyond reports.

    The point is there is a six year old girl involved and her safety is what is important. There are at least three people who have made allegations of dangerous behaviour against Renner and more stories beyond that, hinted at in articles.

    There was obviously a clause in the divorce agreement that said the monthly amount would go up if Renner's income went up, which it did, and the support was adjusted up accordingly. The allegations came after that. this tells me money is not the driving factor, but we'll see.

  38. There was no such clause until he hit it big in avengers snd she took him back to court. And the money doesnt go to her but in an account for Ava. I think she just loves the drama and poor me facade. She has accused him of everything under the sun, and it was all cleared. As for these recent allegations, she lived with him for coupla years- no drug using then? So this is just all of a sudden? And yes, trolling fornaked chicks online is tacky as hell, and having alleged threesomes late at night, after Ava is in bed and has a nanny to look out for her, is kinda trashy, but thats his business. Saying at a club he love for his ex to dissappear is NOT saying he wants to kill her. Nor did he EVER say that. And now shes all dramatic, she needs special room because she's afraid of him, like he's some sort of homocidalmanic who's gonna load up on weapons and lay in wait for her at the courthouse. I mean cant you see thats all bullshit? Now if he's shooting into the ceiling that is trouble. Btw, whats with the nanny being so familiar with him she just walks into his room? Isnt that s bit weird for employer/ emplyee behavior? So she walk in, sees him with gun in his mouth like he's suicidal, And no one calls police? Or friend of his? Or shrink or family member?? Or even tries to talk him down? Oh but A YEAR later they supp tell sonni, oh yeah sbout the gun and oh yesh coke residue left where she cld reach it. After a year? I cant help it, it stinks like 3 day old fish. If im wrong im wrong but this is hoe i read it. And btw, you are fun to talk to!

  39. Jesus fucking Christ, you really have twisted yourself into a ridiculous pretzel trying to justify some of the things he's said. If anyone ever said to me some of the things i have read that he's said to women, I would run as fast as my injured knee would allow me to run in the other direction.

    He is an actor neither you nor I will ever meet or know at any level. Neither will we personally know his ex-wife.

    It will shake out in court, and if the court finds there;s something serious going on with him,l I'm sure you'll find a way to excuse or deny that too.


  40. What happened to Amazing/Enthusiastic Quotes??

  41. Lutefisk - I’ve been wondering the same!!!!

  42. Im just not buying the bullshit. And yes, if he is found culpable i probably will remain skeptical. And you're right, i dont know either one of them, and i hope she's a fantastic mother, for ava's sake.



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