Thursday, March 05, 2020

Blind Item #11

This huge online only celebrity website not named TMZ is going to go under in the next few weeks unless they get a cash infusion from the parent company. The problem is the parent company is also bleeding cash because most of their other businesses are not doing well either.


Tricia13 said...

The DM.

Tricia13 said...

Just Jared?

gauloise said...

Perez Hilton, is he still a thing?

sandybrook said...


Flashy Vic said...

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

BigSwingingRock said...


MyDogSmiles said...

sandybrook said...

Awww that's too bad for them, I'm sure Enty will greet all those ex-readers with open arms while wishing his good friend Ace lost his job instead.😒

Unknown said...

sandybrook said...

That is a quality website making all of Canada proud.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Big and MyDog

Count Jerkula said...

I hope it is not CelebJihad.

Studio54 said...

Radar, good riddance! I am reading brave Ronan Farrow's "Catch and Kill" and the Enquirer/AMI/Pecker/Dylan Howard are vile!

LooLooEasy said...

I hope it's X17

Baby Face said...

RADAR hasn't posted since the 2nd.

Rosie riveter said...

The DM is waaaayyy too juicy to go under. People eat up those catchy headlines. And it's written at an easily understood 6th grade level, much like reader's digest. But inflammatory and hideous.
So not that.
Perez is still around? That boy shoulda been gone years ago

Tricia13 said...


Skyler the Weird said...

Anyone else have Radar Love stuck in the brain now.

Tierney said...

It's radar - their gossip people were tweeting goodbyes after working there for 10+ years.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

+1 Studio54, probably the blackmailing Jeff Bezos plan backfired

Andy said...

Good riddance Radar.

CBGB said...

Radar. They haven't been posting much the past three days.

Tricia13 said...

Good Riddance,indeed ......

Unknown said...

Yep. Have you had issues with them updating articles?

Jennifer said...

Radar sucks.

GooseBear said...

Yes- same stuff for several days

Studio54 said...

Dear Radar Employees,

In Ronan Farrow's "Catch and Kill" he stated that Dylan Howard cataloged all the "catch and kill" and 10 developed stories on Trump before he shredded them that were secreted in a locked safe. PLEASE LEAK THAT INFO. Plus Dylan Howard going after Harvey Weinstein accusers Rose and Gonzales. Plus what if any $$$$$ passed hands between the Enquirer/Radar/Dylan Howard and the family of JonBenet Ramsey for running THEIR OTHER PERPS for over a decade, not yielding a single good tip. Enquirering minds want to know about all of this, and more.

SlimKeith said...

Radar sucks, the readership consists of people who rode the short bus to school.. Come to think of it, a few of those appear to comment here too. If I never hear anoher conspiracy theory or yachting story it will be too soon.

Anastasia Beaverhausen said...

Yawn. Snore. That site is soooooo dated.

notthisagain said...


JL said...

DM is owned by Jonathan Harold Esmond Vere Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere. He mainly hangs out at his chateau in France. It is not hurting.

Ebb said...

@Skyler the Weird - I didn't until you posted the question. Thanks.

Habibti said...

Radar Online.

Megley said...


Anonymous said...

The Blast

MichiganMama59 said...

RadR has two new posts today

orangesoda said...

DM is not an 'only celeb' website, it's a newspaper. It's a shitty one but it's still a newspaper.


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