Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 23, 2020

There was another possible grave found on this very famous ranch. Until such time the owners can get a handle on what or who is in the grave, they have decided to shut things down and not allow any visitors, even pre-screened ones on the property.

Neverland Ranch


  1. this is bonkers, were they actively searching for burial sites, or was a dog like, randomly digging a pot hole

  2. I haven't seen this on the real news.

    1. Why on earth do you think they’d put this in the real news? Do you know who owns the mainstream media?

  3. WOW! I hope they can identify the deceased, and when the person went missing and died!

  4. Wasn't there a previous blind about Sandy Gallin where it was inferred he dealt with the 'bodies' Jackson was responsible for?

    1. What the heck? Seriously? The media must work so hard to overlook this stuff

  5. Tell that to Oprah....she might make a documentary and watch it on Geffens yatch!

  6. Ronan Farrow dumps publisher over its book deal with his father, Woody Allen."

  7. Wouldn't the police be interested in mysterious graves?

  8. @Studio54, Publishers are whores, they're only there for the money, and they'll f*ck or f*ck over anyone to get it.

  9. If Neverland is no longer owned by Jackson estate (I thought it was sold, but perhaps not), why would anyone new be protecting the discovery? I can see avoiding media until body is identified, protecting property until every inch is excavated, but certainly not to protect the image of the deceased owner. Although, I'm sure there would be plenty who'd argue bodies killed and buried during an owner's possession of the property doesn't mean HE was guilty😣. This would be too insane to keep quiet about. I'd love to know more about the Sandy Gallin rumor, too.

  10. Drunken-- enough already. You only make yourself look worse

  11. This is going to end up being illegally buried animals. This place was home to many exotics

    1. Bowler chick got it. If it was remains of cub scouts they would be better disposed of.

    2. Or cattle, assuming that this isn't designed to distract from that Mac Culkin revealing all blind that didn't come true.

    3. Where that culkin weirdo list fugazi blinds?

  12. Bowler_chick & Count-- excellent points!

  13. Gee, who owned Neverland and tried to dump it after the HBO Jacko documentary "Leaving Neverland" was released? TRUMP pal and real estate developer Tom Barrack, who lost a ton of money on Neverland:

    1. BlAmE tRuMp fOr eVeRyThInG BaD!!

    2. Ok.
      How's that wall that is impenetrable and is definitely being paid for by the Mexicans coming along?
      I hear it can be cut open with a hundred dollar tool from Home Depot.

    3. I applaud you for being consistently being The One to bring these tidbits to the page. It looks like if you do- they just smack you down as having TDS. Yet others here can be as conspiratorial as they like as long as it's pro trump. Anyways.. thanks for your posts. @studio54

  14. It's easy to tell the difference between animal bones and human remains.

  15. @Studio54
    what is your point - just routine "orangemanbad" TDS or is it something else?

  16. It's Sycamore Valley Ranch these days, and the current owner, an investment group, has been unable to sell it for years. Even with a 70% price cut, no one wants to buy it.

    There are no kids buried on the property. It that were the case, it would have made the news in a heartbeat.

    There might be animal remains, common for this rural area.

  17. That would make him on a par with's sad to think anyone would protect that in the name of money, especially when they already have more than they know what to do with

  18. @Sally - did you just get here or what?

    Most of the interesting things here are the ones NOT in the news. That's the whole point.

  19. Is it the body of a child?

  20. How do they even know it's a grave if they don't know what's in it? There could be treasure, cash or drugs in that hole for all they know.

  21. the word "another"is interesting.. what were the other graves?

  22. This was first published 2 weeks ago. Exactly how long does it take to dig a hole? As others have noted, they would know immediately if there were human bones. Unless, of course, the Medical Examiner was gone the day they taught that in medical school.

  23. Total BS
    The coroner and police would be there instantly

  24. Nobody looks hot in a a mugshot. Anyway, this is obviously evidence leading to a peado.

    1. Not true, orangesoda, that Hot Felon dude launched an entire career from a single mugshot.

  25. I imagine that is one creepy place at night. Hell, its creepy during the day.

  26. Fake news strikes again. Another script from CDaN production that will never be proved.

  27. What I wanna know is...
    why do people who disbelieve any story "not" in the news, bother coming to a celebrity blind gossip site just to say...I haven't read this in the news.

    1. I'm not sure.
      But the Daily Mail are bound to print an article about this very odd phenomenon that you've picked up on.

  28. It's fun to see the defensive screen names that show up every time there's a Michael Jackson blind.

    1. What like JesusJuice69?

    2. Or 4everBlowinBubbles?

  29. Do you really think bodies of children would be buried on the property?
    That would effectively preserve evidence.
    If Jackson was smart enough to hide his crimes for decades, why on earth would he hide the smoking gun in his own backyard?
    My guess is animal remains will be found,

    or an illegitimate Jackson baby produced through incest ;-)

  30. @Meliticus Well, there's news and then there's gossip. Gossip says there are bodies buried all over Neverland! News says yeah, there are, they're right here. See the difference? Of course you don't.

  31. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I agree with the exotic animals theory.

  32. Folks there is a type of human remain that if found on your property are an enormous hassle. You would prefer lost Manson victims be found than these remains.

    The remains are AMERICAN INDIAN remains. There has been human habitation in California for thousands of years. A single human bone can be considered a burial which immediately triggers FEDERAL LAWS curtailing what you can do with the property.

    Find one set of human remains? Native American activists can tie you up in court with the assumption that there are hundreds more you have not found yet,

    Large landowners fear the discovery of these remains, if you find them, you clam up and obscure it,

  33. Maybe it's the real bubbles. Fake bubbles is still alive. MJ would never kill a child. Neglected his animals was brought up when he went downhill.

  34. M MJ has been dead many years, someone could have buried bodies there after he died.

  35. It's fun to watch brainwashed republic labelling everyone as a paid PR/bot who does not agree with their collective fantasy. If indeed any animal remain was found, could be one from the cattle crowd of CDaN readers with heard mentality.

  36. agree with previous statements that any remains will be animal. which is still pretty sick.

  37. A previous blind talked about wildlife causing problems on the property by repeatedly digging on the grounds. Some person, like w/wild animal expert specializing in looking at the stuff - and by the way, the property owners invited this person to investigate) came to check it out & it wasn’t animal bones. They were child bones allegedly the blind says.

    If a r*pe game went wrong (little boys / grown man / sodomy could technically kill a small body like that) hence needing to ‘dispose’ of the bodies. We already know MJ didn’t victimize just anybody. He talked like a normal guy in private. He was methodical in choosing his victims, alleged here before they were vulnerable in some way or easy to befriend/coerce families. That’s why Macaulay culkin is telling the truth about MJ never touching him etc. To MJ he was a famous kid & too high profile.

    I don’t doubt the worst has yet to be discovered on that property. What that maid of his there alluded you is fuccing disturbing. But nobody will bother to report on anything regarding MJ & this stuff bc ppl still worship him as a pop icon & legend who ‘was wronged’ & just a ‘child in a man’s body’. No he wasn’t. He knew exactly what he was doing & the facade he needed to cultivate for that to be an excuse.

    1. I think a lot of us believe that he was, in fact, a man inside a lot of different childs' bodies.

  38. Are you guys flipping nuts??? I thought you lot had some semblance of critical thinking skills and were capable of real research. Lies and more lies about the long dead MJ. Should try doing some research into those who wanted MJ dead and why. He has never been any evidence of MJ being a child molester. He was a targeted person and ironically enough still is even many years after his death. Real paedos, liars and extortioners targeted HIM. Not one piece of evidence that would hold up in a court of law until this day against him. Leaving Neverland was a propaganda piece proven to be choke full of lies. Do some real flipping research. DISGUSTED that so many, even here, are suckered into believing such crap.



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