Friday, March 06, 2020

Blind Item #12

Has anyone told the foreign born B list singer who is pregnant, that LSD counts as a drug when you are pregnant. 


  1. Musk's chick

    I hope everyone has a really great weekend :)

  2. That poor baby is tripping balls in the womb :(

  3. ew on her and Musk breeding at all
    creepiness factor very high

  4. She has ears that make her look like a cab with both doors open.

  5. Maybe the LSD was an"anxiety" issue....

    Just ask Bill Clinton...or don't... just might be Arkancided. :p

  6. that's gonna be one ugly baby

  7. Grimes is such an appropriate name for her. That’s going to be one weird-looking, fucked up mutant baby. The world doesn’t more idiots! At least the financial burden for this one won’t fall on society.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I pray for the baby.....I really do!!
    Some of these blinds are pure heart break!

  10. I read an article that’s lady took like 400 times the normal amount of lsd while pregnant and the kid came out fine. This might actually help the child.

  11. she's trying too hard to stand out and seem authentic and unbothered by people's opinion but this throwaway plastic cup is oozing with insecurity and need for approval

  12. O/T: Woody's book cancelled after staff walks out: YES!!!!

  13. She looks Satanic. LSD is just one other fear I have for this baby.

  14. No one actually knows if it is harmful to take LSD during early pregnancy. But the safe route is to not take any drugs while pregnant.

  15. Grimes. I can't believe she's 31 she looks about 19. She should be careful LSD can cause birth defects. If the kid's born with retinal dysplasia we'll know why.

  16. Poor baby. The fight when they break up is going to be epically messy

  17. Bless @ Aisle B Bach🙏

  18. Seems LSD and the ole Magic Mushrooms are making a comeback. This is very good news for our current societal issues. We all need to calm the F down and listen to Pink Floyd's The Wall while blazing. I'm 54 and I approve this message!

  19. Why does anyone think Grimes is taking LSD while she is pregnant? Did someone see her with giant pupils?
    Guess since Tesla and SpaceX have been proven successful it's tougher to crap on Musk so the people around him are getting grief.

    1. Exactly. Just because she has trippy album art, etc does not mean she's tripping balls

  20. +1 Studio54!

    Woody Allen will be remembered as the pig that he is. His films forgotten, his crimes against the innocent remembered.

  21. I really don’t know anything about Grimes, and honestly have no interest, but a few headlines that I’ve seen lately make me wonder. She had ‘no idea’ what being in a relationship with Musk would be like; she ‘knew nothing at all’ about pregnancy; and of course, that the baby will decide ‘who it wants to be.’ I don’t have high hopes for this one as a mother.

    Meanwhile, Katie Perry has said that her pregnancy ‘was not an accident’ (I guess she knows that we’re all thinking about her coke habit) and that both she and Orlando are looking forward to ‘this interval’. I hope someone has the heart to tell her that having a child is not a short term thing.

    I pray for both of these kids.

  22. Anonymous4:13 PM

    FUCK woody allen. Glad his self absorbed book is cancelled. That said, I find it hilarious Mia Farrow was scolding Bernie for not controlling his supporter's online behavior when she could not control her husband or protect her own children. What a dumb bitch

  23. I thought Musk was a "back door man"

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. DTT, that's a bit harsh. I'm more of a lurker here than a frequent commenter and while I think some of these blinds have to be taken with a lorry (truck) load of salt there are a lot worse things people could do with their time than read or comment on a gossip site. I wish that there were a few more light-hearted blinds but that's just me.

    I don't know Grimes - I'm definitely out with the out crowd these days - but someone upthread said she (Grimes) looked "satanic". How does "satanic" look and do "satanic" people necessarily look "satanic". Isn't there something in the Bible about watching out for "wolves in sheeps' clothing" - i.e. people who don't look like they are harbingers of evil.

  26. @Puzzled Onlooker, Satan is disguised as an angel of light. So the danger isn't from fake devil worshippers or unattractive singers.

  27. O/T On "Project VERITAS" and right wing billionaire funding, targeting liberals

    New York Times: Eric Prince recruits ex spies to help infiltrate liberal groups:
    Prince, a contractor close to the Trump administration, contracted veteran spies by PROJECT VERITAS"

  28. Isn’t musk supposed to be a genius? Doesn’t he know how NOT to get someone pregnant?

  29. wow grimes way to be a selfish psychopath. taking LSD while pregnant is like smoking meth.
    hope he baby is ok but her dumb ass dies in childbirth. get a fresh new life and get to toss out a worthless one (grimes)

    1. As someone who has taken both LSD and Meth, how are the 2 similar?

      I think other people experimenting with lads effects on an unborn child is very intriguing. Musk has the money to care for it if things go the other way, so let them play god



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