Thursday, March 05, 2020

Blind Item #8

This back in the day one hit wonder who got her start on a network reality show and had an interesting choice of roommate for several years also had an affair. Now, she is hitting the casting couch hard to get infomercial jobs.


  1. I think I'd have more respect for her if she was yachting.

  2. And if she doesnt get that role she hit the casting couch for, she can always shave her head and accuse the producer of rape 20 years after, given that buyers remorse is considered rape now

  3. No, rape is considered rape. That is why there are specific laws against marital rape. because people used to deny (and still deny) that that was a thing also.

  4. F*ck off Unknown, Weinstein is a serial rapist who paid her off years before #MeToo.

    1. Weinstein paid her cuz she was blackmailing him with accusing him. How do you deal with claims that cant be proven nor disproven?? Sometime people pay even when they aren't guilty.
      Rose went to his hotel room, alone, at night. Didnt leave when she saw him in bathtub. Didnt say no or object him in any way. Instead she faked an orgasm when he went down on her.
      How was Weinstein supposed to know it wasnt consensual? Is he a mind reader? Women who go to a man's hotel room know exactly what they are doing.
      Then in 2006 Rose had no problem working and partying with Weinstein.
      Weinsteim is the only "rapist" in the world whose "victims" were more than happy to be seen with him when it suited them
      80 women and not one police report. Not one medical report. Not one of them even got a STD test. Riiiight...
      Many of them kept going to his hotel room more than once and his accusers in the trial admitted they had consensual sex with Weinstein for years.

      I'm still wondering what type of gun did Weinstein held at these women's heads!

      Third degree rape based on hearsay only.
      If Weinstein was a plumber, he would walked !

    2. This is what I have never understood! Why there are so many pictures of the accusers with Harvey after the fact. As a woman, I would not want to be breathing the same air as that repulsive fat bastard. I couldn’t give a fuck if I never worked again!

    3. I'm not sure what type of gun Harvey held to their heads
      But I bet it had a short, floppy barrel.

  5. +2 Brayson87 and Do Tell.

  6. Not Fantasia, she has had great success critically with her albums, won several grammys. Shes a hot mess, but I don't think she's a "one hit wonder".

  7. Tricia, Brayson is right. and the "trend" that is being is accepted is that any exculpatory post-assault behavior by the accuser is to be considered a normal reaction. so, its heads I win, tails u lose. and after 20, 30,40 years?? that is antithetical to our judicial system. yeah, make the accusations. fine. some will believe you, some wont. but you have forfeited the right to a criminal proceeding. that is why we have statutes of limitations. an accusation is not proof, and standards of evidence are sacrosanct. period.

  8. ...and despite the fact that Harvey Weinstein is a hairy-pig-rapist...Rose McGowan is an unreliable lunatic who may or may not have been a "victim", may or may not have been a participant.

    1. You keep saying that , hairy and fat. Yup he is overweight and hairy, like so many american men. That didnt stop women to flock to him just the way he was and shag him for years.

    2. Soon as Rose cashed the check she lost any possible victim status and became a prostitute.

  9. If this is Fantasia, who was the interesting choice of roommate?

  10. @Brayson @Tricia

    Weinstein paid her cuz she was blackmailing him with accusing him. How do you deal with claims that cant be proven nor disproven?? Sometime people pay even when they aren't guilty.
    Rose went to his hotel room, alone, at night. Didnt leave when she saw him in bathtub. Didnt say no or object him in any way. Instead she faked an orgasm when he went down on her.
    How was Weinstein supposed to know it wasnt consensual? Is he a mind reader? Women who go to a man's hotel room know exactly what they are doing.
    Then in 2006 Rose had no problem working and partying with Weinstein.
    Weinsteim is the only "rapist" in the world whose "victims" were more than happy to be seen with him when it suited them
    80 women and not one police report. Not one medical report. Not one of them even got a STD test. Riiiight...
    Many of them kept going to his hotel room more than once and his accusers in the trial admitted they had consensual sex with Weinstein for years.

    I'm still wondering what type of gun did Weinstein held at these women's heads!

    Third degree rape based on hearsay only.
    If Weinstein was a plumber, he would walked !

  11. Welcome to 2020 when the burden of proof is no longer on the ones who make the claims (the accusers) but on the accused.
    Believe women because women are incapable of lying.
    They are sweet innocent angels who have no idea what they are doing when going to a rich powerful man's hotel room MORE THAN ONCE.
    Jessica called him her soul mate, gave him her number 5 times, sent him hundreds of fawning emails from miles away as did Mimi, Alexandra Canosa, and so many other accusers. They admitted having consensual sex with him for years and yet somehow these evidences do no matter.
    But their INCONSISTENT he said she said stories matter and a man can have his freedom taken away based on hearsay only.

    If Weinstein was young and fit, people would give him a pass like they did with Kobe Bryant whose victim reported it imediately, had DNA evidence and injuries but people didnt care.

    To all you who defend the wannabe actresses who accused him because they didnt get the promised roles, may you never have your life ruined over he said she said gossip

    Ask yourself, why dont the women who have a career thanks to him accuse Weinstein of anything?

    Why is it the irrelevant ones or the wannabe ones to accuse him?

    I hope they get an appeal!

  12. Fantasia HARDLY qualifies as back in the day anything. She's out on tour right now.

  13. @Unknown, Now you're double shilling, check your posts.

  14. How did Weinsten get internet access in prison???

    1. He is not in prison. He's in HOSPITAL and he will appeal the sentencing!
      If quid pro quo is rape, prosecute the women too 😉

    2. He's in prison now.
      A male prison.
      And the prisoners have read he has a vagina.
      Game on.

  15. HOw low do you have to go to do a casting couch for informercials? Sad.

  16. This is NOT Fantasia, sheesh

  17. Unknown, you have nothing intelligent to add to this conversation. Go volunteer at a womens shelter or rape hotline. Get back to us after that.

  18. Kimberley Lock (8th World Wonder the hit) was roommates with Clay Aiken for a while.

  19. @shady Unknown, He's being moved to prison now.

    1. 🎶 Don't be fooled by the cock that I've got,
      I'm still, I'm still Harvey on the block 🎶

  20. Ding, ding, ding! Kim Locke sounds like the answer! Well done, JaxBentley!

  21. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Unknown, Fucking little freak. . .
    But yea, do you, freak.

  22. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Is there really people defending Weinstein? What a joke. No gun needed for rape dipshit. Think of all the women he banged telling them they would get a job and never got one. He deserves to (and will) die in prison.

    Oh and statutes of limitations are still statutes dumb ass. The legislature can change it, which is what happened in California.

    And fuck Oprah too. She is a total fraud

  23. People fuck for infomercials? There are producers or w/e out there demanding actors blow them for an INFOMERCIAL?!

  24. Weinstein apologist, rape apologist, and incel what prize you are @unknown. Go eat bag of micropenis

  25. Fantasia is far from a one-hit wonder. Only white folk think otherwise.

  26. @Notagoodscreenname: LOL! LOL!!!



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