Friday, August 02, 2024

Four For Friday - A++ List Randomness

#1 & #2

This place that has been in the news lately only exists because many, many years ago a businessman of a certain faith slipped two million dollars in a suitcase to the A++ lister to make it so.  This A++ lister had a reputation for directness and honesty but nothing could be further from the truth.  Check out those who groomed and financed him in the early stages of his career.  

#3, 4 & 5

The recent photos of the A++ list aspirant on the yacht with the permanent A+ director and actor, reminds me of another story from a few years back.

Before he died, there was a political fixer/errand boy for that other A++ political family all of you know, who sang like a canary until his last breath. Among the stories he told repeatedly was that the director was also a part-time pimp for the political elite, and in particular he would hook up this formerly A++ female politician with young teenage girls whenever she was in town.

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