Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sophia Bush Slams Urban Outfitters - Must Read

I mean to post this yesterday, but totally forgot until I was going back through my e-mails. It is a great open letter from Sophia Bush to Urban Outfitters about the t-shirt above that they sell.

I have never seen an actress rant as much as she rants in her letter. It is a must read and it is great that Sophia has taken such a strong stand on the issue. I don't care if you are big, curvy, thin or look like me. What I don't like is a company trying to make people feel bad for being whatever weight they are. If you are a clothing company or any person for that matter you should embrace someone for who and what they are and not try and fit everyone into a one size or you are worthless kind of mode and that is what Urban Outfitters did. You can read the letter here. (Thanks jax)


MontanaMarriott said...

I have a new found love for Sophia Bush, that was sooo ON!

Patty said...

If you have any curves, good luck finding anything at Aeropostle either.

Pookie said...

good for her! that was awesome. i'm so taking my business elsewhere...their stuff has really gotten cheesy over the past few yrs anyway.

von said...

I thought they had already removed the design. Maybe I'm confusing it with another store. Either way, good for her for publicly taking them to task.

jadetoo said...

That model looks hungry and the shirt is ridiculous.

Maja With a J said...
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Maja With a J said...

I've disliked that store for a long time...damn hipsters and their thinly veiled pro-ana agenda! *L*

Karmen said...

What assholes. Pissing off customers with your merchandise is a bad business strategy. Did they not make it past the first day of training?

jadetoo - You should see some of the Alternative Apparel models. They look like they're strung out on meth (which is true for a few pictures of American Apparel models I've seen). Heroin chic is so 90s. Now it's meth chic!

Anonymous said...

jadetoo, I thought she look kinda sick to me.

kathrynnova said...

EAT LESS????!?!?


if they just HAD to make a slogan tee that preached to all of us about eating (which the whole concept is stupid to begin with), they could've made that positive by changing it by one word: BETTER.

what a bunch of morons. EAT BETTER. that could've been great if they had to do it at all.

i never shopped there anyway - their clothes are shit and too expensive - and they're made of materials good for washing floors with, not wearing.

Ol Cranky said...

good for Sophia, I only wish she'd suggested designing and selling clothes for women with real figures too

delilah said...

UO is a horrible co anyways- they basically rip off indie designers/and do not use the fairest form of clothing production overseas.
the best thing to ALWAYS do is buy directly from the maker-start supporting domestic manufacturing.

RocketQueen said...
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RocketQueen said...

Go Sophia. I'd like to slap the person who suggested this design for a t-shirt in the first place, as well as the person who greenlit it, saying "that's a great idea!" You know, without *actually* slapping them.

mooshki said...

Now if someone sold that shirt in XXXL sizes, that would be awesome.

Syd said...

It would, Moosh. That would be funny.

I don't know who Sophia Bush is, but good on her.

sunnyside1213 said...

I want one that says Eat Bacon.

sunnyside1213 said...

Sophia is the actress on One Tree Hill who married her costar, Chad Michael Murray and got cheated on in 6 months. She continued to work with him for years. Very professional. I respect her immensely.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

Amusingly enough I was eating four (to five) cheese and spinach ravioli when I read the shirt. Didn’t stop me from eating all of them; UO mission fail.

While I know who Sophia Bush is, I’ve never bother wasting cognitive functions on her beyond acknowledgment, but now I kinda feel like I should have. Excellent for to her to use her platform to promote body acceptance. I like how she signed it, ‘With Sincerity but NO respect.’

amanda said...

Go Sophia!!!

She is beautiful inside and out!!

Anonymous said...

Is Sophia related to those Bush people from TX? Is BIlly Bush?

Sonia in MO said...

Good for her for taking a stand. And if the company wanted to make a statement, why not a t-shirt that said "Eat Healthy?" Instead, they put that statement on that poor model who's legs aren't much bigger than her arms... ugh!

Virtual Boricua said...

I have never watched One Tree Hill or even heard of Sophia Bush before this post, but I am now deeply appreciative of her courageous response. Fierce!

ardleighstreet said...

Someone should put posters outside their door with a photoshopped pict of that shirt that says BUY LESS.

ardleighstreet said...
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MadLyb said...

I didn't know who Sophia Bush was several months ago, then I knew her as Austin Nichols beard (which is fine - and I like him, too), but I've seen her stand up for gay rights, go to the Gulf and now this. I really do like when people use their fame to promote good causes.

Meg said...

I saw this late last night. My town just got an UO & this is certainly not something my community would be cool with. Ugh. I feel guilty for shopping there now.

MoodyBlueEyes said...

I honestly had heard her name, but didn't know who she was or what exactly she did. I'm proud of her for taking a stand, and I think this design is outrageous and disgusting, and can't imagine who in their right mind would've ok'd something like this.

jen said...

Include me in the group who knew who she was, but just barely hehe. But NOW I'm a fan. Good for her. Awesome. AND I sent an email to UO using the email address she provided.

littleoleme said...

Stands and applauds.


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