Thursday, July 29, 2010

Drew Carey Gets Sick Of Being Fat - Loses 70 Pounds

From the time I first saw Drew Carey doing stand up and then through his run of being on The Drew Carey Show and all the other shows he was a part of at ABC, one thing was consistent. Well, a couple of things. The glasses and that he was overweight. I never really thought of him being fat. He held it well and the clothes he wore never really made him seem obese. Now though when you look at his 70 pound weight loss you think to yourself, wow, I guess he was heavy. He showed off his new body yesterday and said it was about exercise and eating right. Hey Demi. Look, Drew did it the sensible way. He also said he gave up donuts. I admit donuts are a weakness of mine. Give me 24 donuts and I will show you an empty box in just a little while. Mmm, donuts.

The great news is he is no longer diabetic which is fantastic and that he said he wants to keep losing weight. Do you think he needs to lose more? It looks like he might float away now.


  1. I smell a gastric bypass.

  2. He looks great! Way to go Drew!

  3. Yeah, you may be onto something, Sunnyside!

  4. Donuts or bacon. Which would you choose?

  5. I think he seems like he is going to float away because it is such a dramatic change. I guess PIR is reruns in the summer? Otherwise I would think people would have noticed the weight loss.

  6. BACON!

    Drew looks good. Maybe he has the same doctor as John Goodman.

  7. he was over in South Africa for a long ass time during WC.

  8. I think he looks good. Hope he can maintain it. Lord knows that is the hardest part sometimes.

  9. Now he just needs to lose the bowtie.

  10. He's still diabetic and will be his entire life. The difference is that it is under control now.

  11. I agree with sunnyside... gastric bypass. Not that it matters.

  12. Um, how much time did it take him to lose that weight? I definitely smell gastro bariatric surgery.

    Ice cream is a weakness of mine. Everyone on my dad's side of the family eats ice cream before dinner. Must be genetic.

  13. how can you no longer be diabetic? i didn't think that was possible.

  14. I think Drew is a fairly straight-up person and would probably say he had the surgery, if he had it. At least he is in a healthier place now.

  15. No,if you are overweight and lose weight there is a chance you can not be Diabetic anymore. Type II diabetes is known as "Adult-Onset". It is a type of diabetes that is developed based on lifestyle. It can be a malfunction of the body based on malnutrition, obesity, etc. This type of diabetes can go away with the right lifestyle changes and sometimes medications. However, Type II diabetes varies from person to person a lot of times so there is no clear "answer" for all Type II diabetics.

  16. I hope he keeps it off this time. I think some people are just big naturally and thus cannot keep the weight off.

  17. Good for him. When someone has bad health issues, I don't care if it is by gastric bypass or diet and exercise as long as they keep a healthy weight doing the right things.

  18. I'm glad he's made an effort to get healthy. Lod knows it can be hard for anyone, especially someone in the spotlight so much. I hope he doesn't lose too much weight. He'll end up looking too much like Larry King.

  19. "Lord" not "Lod". Stupid typos.

  20. Snap! Sunnyside, I think you're right.

    Ummm. Ok so don't jump all over me, but:

    Today's posts are so poorly resemblance to the original writer. Original Enty come back!!!!

  21. I suspect bypass as well, and agree with the commenter that people should just ADMIT it already. Hear me, Star Jones? Then again, Seth Rogen also said "diet and exercise" was the key for him - yet anyone and everyone claims it was cocaine whut done the trick for him!

  22. I liked him better heavy. He looks WAY older than 52 now.

  23. My brother was probably 60 lbs. larger than Drew, and he lost 65 lbs in 2 months using a doctor approved/monitered diet called Medifast, and is still losing. (I am so proud of him, too :) He would not even consider surgery, so just saying - you can lose the weight quickly without gastric bypass. But my brother has stuck to the diet like glue and never cheated once... I think that is his key.

  24. he says it was also appetite suppressants.

    looks like he got his hands on some Ephedrine somehow. that stuff really does work. trust me, i know.

    i'm's illegal now. can't get it anywhere, not even with doctor's supervision, which I've tried.

    good for him.

  25. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Methinks he has lost more than 70 lbs.

  26. also, he is a Type II diabetic. Type I is not caused by obesity. i wish more people would stipulate which they have, so the type I's don't get grouped in with the "epidemic".

  27. Regardless of HOW he did it, at least he did it. I'm tired of losing funny, fat guys... WAY TO GO DREW! And "f" that sexual-harassing m-f BB for dissing DC! You da man Drew and you brought back a lot of younger viewers that don't think sexual harassment is part of the job for a female! (I stopped watching BB YEARS ago!)
    Although, maybe Drew should go SLOWER... his skin is starting to hang -- look at his face.
    LOVE THIS GUY and best wishes!

  28. I lost 65 lbs. eleven years ago through diet and exercise. It took me a year and a half. However, in that same time my husband dieted and exercised with me and he lost over 175 lbs. Overweight men can lose weight very quickly without surgery, especially if the main cause of their obesity is overeating. I believe he did it through proper eating. And he does not need to keep losing, but I understand why he thinks that. It's hard to ever believe you aren't fat, if being overweight has been a big part of your identity for most of your adult life. Plus, it is actually easier to lose weight than it is to maintain your ideal weight. It would be like telling an alcoholic that it's ok to have two beers, but then stop. That's the best way I can explain how hard it is to keep eating under control when food is your drug of choice.

  29. Just read it took him 5 months to go from the pic on the left to the one on the right.

  30. I don't think he had a bipass. Guys drop off weight so much faster than most of us women. I can tell you from experience that you can safely drop 70 pounds in 5 months time without starving yourself or surgery if you exercise more and watch your fats, sugars and portion size.

  31. I agree @MadLyb. If I am super strict in my portions & exercise regularly, I can lose weight pretty quickly. Men do tend to lose it even faster (bastards).

    Obviously not everyone is the same...i guess it is possible he had the surgery. I'd like to think NOT since he didn't mention that.

  32. idrc how he lost the weight, but if he did it without surgery then i have a TON of respect for him. he looks great! dare i say, handsome?

    it goes to show what really hard work, decication and motivation can do for someone.



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