Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Heidi Klum walking the streets of New York and

Heidi Klum in the banned billboard for the new season of Project Runway.
Isla Fisher goes short short short in this look. Unlike her.
Apparently people in great numbers are willing to buy Jessica Alba's book.
Julianne Hough goes for a jog listening to the dulcet tones of Ryan Seacrest.
Kate Hudson and Anna Friel filming their latest movie.
Katie Holmes in a Justin Bieber pantsuit.
Meanwhile her ex Tom Cruise was in Venice Beach having a business lunch with this woman and
one of his exes, Nicole Kidman, was at lunch with bed head.


skimpymist said...

Love katie, loathe tom

skimpymist said...

The project runway billboard is sexy but distracting. There are too many pervs outdoor that get distracted by the slightest glimpse of skin.

califblondy said...

Is Isla in SoCal? Dude, it's hot, I've been wearing the least amount of clothes possible. But, she could use a little self-tanner on those legs.

auntliddy said...

Kate hudson is like jenn aniston: both cute as a button, always working, never have a hit.

MBK said...

Oh, Katie. No.

Anonymous said...

I love Katie, but her fashion sense, and styling leave much to be desired. If she's still going to try the actress route I wish she'd hire a stylist to help her out. It makes sense though that she's enjoying being sloppy after so many years of forced contractually obligated styling.

Count Jerkula said...

Damn! Hough, Hudson, Alba, Fischer. That is quite a selection of trim.




I guess I'm still bitter Alba wasn't topless in Sin City.

Cindy said...

That woman who Tom is supposed to be having lunch with isn't paying one iota of attention to him. Seriously, she looks like she was walking down the street and got caught in the photo.

Anonymous said...

She's dressed for Summer Bay.

Anonymous said...

Great way to avoid camel toe or moose knuckle

Desiree said...

Just saw the paperboy. Kidman really surprised me. Actually the whole movie surprised me.

Desiree said...

Just saw the paperboy. Kidman really surprised me. Actually the whole movie surprised me.

parissucksliterally said...

That Project Runway ad is just plain stupid. The show is about CLOTHES (from what I hear, I would never watch that crap).

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Tom Cruise is such a little fag boy. Why doesn't he just admit he's a spermbreathed turd burglar already?

Anonymous said...

Her face moved?

Jessie said...

That ad doesn't promote what the show is at all. It's just pointless

Kelly said...

What the heck is there to love about Katie Holmes? She bugs.

NaughtyNurse said...

Good god, Isla! Buy yourself some bronzer for those legs! They are blinding!

Charlotte. said...

What's wrong with pasty white flesh? I'd look ridiculous if I tried to fake a tan. Isla is rocking her pasty flesh. We can't all be blessed to have beautiful, dark skin.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Heidi has grown herself A big ass. Must be all the nigger cock and babies.

Fluffy White Clouds said...

Heidi looks good. Ass and all.

califblondy said...

Victoria's Secret Rockin Body lotion gives a nice glow.

Sarah said...

Redheads look trashy with tans if they don't tan naturally. She's gorgeous

PJJ said...

Atrocious 'fit

figgy said...

Jessica Alba is just soooooo blaaaaaaand looking to me. And her supposed great body? ?? It's fine, she looks fit, but for awhile there she had hired a PR firm I guess to try to promote her as having some great body, when in fact she has no real shape to it, no waist, no hips, not much butt, everything about her is dull.

figgy said...

Hey Pale Pride, embrace the skin you're in, that's my (fish belly pale) motto.

paula said...

I like that Project Runway pic--it's pretty.


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