Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brittany Murphy Has Died

Apparently 2009 is not going to end quietly for the Grim Reaper. According to multiple reports, Brittany Murphy is dead. TMZ is reporting that Brittany "died early this morning after she went into full cardiac arrest and could not be revived. She was 32. A 911 call was made at 8:00 AM from a home in Los Angeles that is listed as belonging to her husband, Simon Monjack. TMZ was told by LA firefighters that Murphy was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where she was pronounced dead on arrival.


cibele said...

Oh, no :(((
I can't believe it.

Genesis said...

Soooooooo saddddddddddd!!!!!!

PollyPureBred said...

Thanks for taking time out of your Sunday to post - I feel like now it is official.
Brittany, RIP. You will be missed.

lutefisk said...

Thanks Enty--so sad, but any of us here could have predicted it.

Priscila said...

My God, i mean everyone who reads here and dlisted knows she was a nut job, but even so, i ve always thought she could recover somehow ....
Rest in peace

.robert said...

LA needs to fix its drug problem.

cibele said...

Wow, she had a good career, was doing really good. I liked her movies. Too bad drugs destroyed everything she had.

Linnea said...

if it was drugs, i hope the cops search through that house and makes that husband get some help as well.

West End Girl said...

Like Polly said, thank you for taking the time out to write this but the subject saddens me yet doesn't surprise me :(

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh... I was just watching an old episode of King Of The Hill (she did the voice of Luanne Platter) when I simultaneously saw an article about her death on MSN's front page. How terribly sad.

WBotW said...

Oh my gods, so incredibly sad

Jillian S. said...

I wonder if her husband delayed calling 911 thinking it was just an asthma attack.

MnGddess said...

It's a sad commentary on how Hollywood forces (yes, forces) girls to take radically extreme measures in order to stay thin. Sad thing, but I'm not surprised.

Shmooey said...

I have "Just Married" on my laptop, and I was watching it Friday night, thinking how cute and charming she was and that she and Ashton really make that film work.

And I was thinking "I hope the rumours that she has a drug problem aren't true". I saw her on Craig Ferguson's show and she seemed out of it.

I am shocked and saddened at the news. Very, very sad.

Rest in peace, Brittany.

WednesdayFriday said...

This is so sad. I'm so sorry for her family and friends. The hubs and I were talking last week about how horrible she looked.She clearly needed help, and never got it.


Nosey Parker said...

Why did she marry him???

This is really sad. She was young and I hoped she'd get better. RIP

Winston Ono said...

so, so sad.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is sad. Remember her in Girl, Interrupted? She was great-just sidelined by drugs (and anorexia?) like so many other talented people. I hope others like her (Lindsay Lohan, etc.) are inspired to turn it all around now, but I doubt that'll happen.

Goodgrief said...

Thanks Enty for working on your day off to post about this. It is sad that this is how it ends for her. First her husband's "death" and his miraculous revival on a plane a few weeks ago and now this.

cibele said...

Now I remember the few weeks, lot of stories about her antics. The airplane story, the thing in her house...

Definitely not surprising.

libby said...

Something was definitely fishy about her marriage.

She was truly sparkling onscreen, and in her voice work. She was so talented, I had hoped she could get away from the drugs.

I'll bet Mike Judge and all the KOTH guys are CRUSHED. They worked together for what, 14 years?

RIP, Brittany.

bionic bunny! said...

mr. buns came in from shopping and told me about this, my jaw 'bout hit the floor.
so sad.
well her asshole husband killed her career, now he's succeeded in doing the ultimate. poor thing. i hope she rests peacefully.

maybe class alpha's been right along, dammit.

Kelli said...

Through all her problems I really did hold a soft spot in my heart for her and wished she could make a comeback. She was an amazing talent that never really got as big as she should have. Rest in peace.

Karmen said...

I watched Clueless a few weeks ago and it was so sad seeing how healthy she was then to see her look so unhealthy now. Sadness. RIP.

Judi said...

Yes, Priscila and Isabel. I always thought and hoped she'd make it past her addiction issues. She was SUCH a good actress. This is so sad. :-(

Dead Angel said...

Brittney was a true talent and aside from what was going on in her personal life she was the real deal. This is just nothing less than tragic. They are going to have to extend the Oscars by a half hour to get through the memorium for this year.

Sympathy goes out to her family and friends.

Merlin D. Bear said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lana said...

im not suprised but im really bummed because her movies lately were cool quirky independent films. Everyone should see Love and other Disasters! She was good in that and i liked her makeup in it.

Merlin D. Bear said...

First off, RIP Brittany.
Second, thank you Enty for posting this on the weekend.
I saw this on MSN's front page and had to come here to validate.
Is it just me or does this seem a little off to anyone?
I'd be damn interested in seeing the autopsy reports as to the cause of the heart attack.
My personal theories lean towards anorexia and or cocaine.

lmnop123 said...

I just found out. I really thought she was a talented actress and am very sad that she's past on. I had high hopes that she would fully recover from her addictions.

It's funny how the moment I saw it I came here to see if Enty posted it too.

Thanks Enty, that's very kind of you to keep us updated on a Sunday.

R.I. P. Britney

ballyhoo. said...

she was very talented and always seemed like such a sad case because of that wasted potential. she seemed like a genuinely nice person who got led down the wrong path. that is why i think so many of us thought she would one day turn it around and it makes me genuinely sad that it didn't happen.

r.i.p. brittany.

ballyhoo. said...

oh yeah, i also wanted to say thanks enty for posting on sunday which also let us know that you are okay.

Katja said...

this makes me teary.. rip.

Sydney in Wonderland said...

Echoing the thanks to Enty for taking the time to post this on a Sunday.

Like a lot of others here, I really hoped that she'd make it through the drug issues and come out the other side. She was a beautiful, charming girl that is another Hollywood victim. I've very sad for those who loved her. It won't be an easy holiday season.

Unknown said...

Like a lot of people have said...I came here to validate this story..Thanks Enty for updating us on your day off.

So Sad...RIP Brittany

trashtalker said...

Another thought: What if it had something to do with plastic surgery?

Really awful. Total waste. As for LiLo and the rest who need a wake-up call, they'll just continue to think, "It won't happen to me."

Anonymous said...


I swear it was like the Celebrity Rapture this year. (except it was mostly troubled people - Brittany, Michael jackson, Farrah Fawcett)

what is eight past six? said...

I haven't been on here in months, due to getting caught up in other things, yet as soon as I heard the news I thought "I wonder if Ent updated his site" and came to check. So interesting that several of us had the same thought.

Like most others, I was hopeful that Brittany would one day turn herself back around. I always had the feeling her husband was the beginning of her downfall, but of course we have no way of knowing if this is a problem she'd had before and his entrance into her life just coincided with that.

"She'll be rollin' with the homies in the sky now." RIP Brittany.

MizCaramel said...

RIP Brittany... So sad, maybe now you'll find peace.

what is eight past six? said...

As for LiLo and the rest who need a wake-up call, they'll just continue to think, "It won't happen to me."

Exactly, either that or they're too strung out for the logical thought that a wake-up call would take. Such a shame.

You could possibly add Billy Mays to that troubled list, DNfromMN; he apparently had cocaine in his system.

T said...

Incredibly, incredibly sad. Drugs have a way of taking away - and ruining during life - the most creative people. She could have had everything. And what's amazing is that everyone who reads entertainment blogs or who worked in the industry knew. It was pretty much an open secret. But why didn't her handlers or family help her?

Ugh, awful news.

Wil said...

Damn .. I just logged on for the first time in a few days and went to the Star Tribune (Minneapolis) and saw this on the front page. Damn.

I am assuming it is an O.D. due to the way she has slid in the last few years .. and ESPECIALY after being fired a few weeks ago. It is very sad .. she really had some great potential until that scumbag entered her life.

Rest in Peace, Brittany. Goddamn this was just so unnecessary.

trashtalker said...

TMZ says Brittany's mom found her unconscious in the shower.

Moosefan said...

Peace to her Mom and friends and family. For her mother to have found her, that is a sadness that is just too much.

ChasingHeaven said...

My heart is broken.

Thank you Enty.

Katja said...

oh, her poor mother!

slider1964 said...

I just went numb with this one, but I'm really not surprised.Every time this happens you look back at the person's behavior, and realize you were watching a train wreck in slow motion. So sad and such a waste!!

Angie said...

damn.....sympathies to her family.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

As soon as I heard about this, I came here. This truly sucks as she had so much potential. I can't say I'm truly shocked even though in a way, I am. I was just thinking yesterday when I was doing my celebrity deathpool for 2010, "There has to be at least one more major celebrity death before the end of the year...there always is...I wonder who it is going to be." Go figure.

Ms. said...

Sad, but not a surprise, unfortunately. As for blaming the husband for her downfall, I think it started before him and she sought and found someone on her level with vices. Partners in crime, so to speak. They probably both contributed to each other's downfall by neither of them applying the brakes.

Dick Insideu said...

ENT - sounds like an OD to me. 32 year olds don't go into cardiac arrest unless they are anorexic or run too much cocaine.

Anyhow...since you cannot libel the dead, ENT, it's time to unveil whether or not she was the Jordache Junkie who ran heroin and fucked a banquet waiter in a stairwell a while back. Enquiring minds want to know.

And finally, ENT - as we round the corner of yet another year, another year older and deeper in debt, I want to thank you for your efforts to entertain all of us during the previous year. Despite the shit I give you and your other readers, I enjoy your blog and appreciate the effort you put into it.

Shoeaddict said...

Thanks, Enty, for posting on Sunday.

I know it sounds immature to say but, drugs are just so terrible. I think Brittney was really beautiful and talented at one time. This is super sad. :-(


Dick Insideu said...

Correction: She could have ODed on meth. And here's the blind item about her:

Where do we start? When are folks gonna realize that blowin' out your brain cells with booze, dope and doofus doings ain't exactly the best way to go? Prolly never. But what the hell, that's not gonna stop me from tellin' on Whore-tense Past-tense, the country's latest glossy victim in chemically enhanced career descent.

Whore-hon—such the doll. Well, I never thought she was, but lotsa other folks sure did. Always found W.T. to be a bit o' a fake onscreen, not to mention in real life. I mean, who else would date a gay man for years just to get herself more in the tabloids? I know, I know, half of Hollywood's female population, but you get my point. Also, forgive moi, but I never really found Ms. P., with all of her kooky outfits, to be all that attractive—and I think that's largely because, deep down inside, Whorey was projecting nothing but a desperation to find the next heroin fix.

Which she always has found—much to the chagrin of Whore-baby's current group o' hangers-on. And, trust, when a bunch of nobody poseurs who leech on to a star's fading wattage just to get attention start worrying for their so-called friend's welfare, that amiga's gotta be in pretty pitiful shape. And Past-tense sure is.

So much so, in W.'s increasingly notorious state of euphoric Hell-Ay horniness, she's screwing busboys here, waiters there, car parkers, too—and she never stops to think that these (almost always skinny) dudes just might talk. 'Course, they haven't (yet), but W.T.'s buds sure as ef have. And the only other thing that's got these ultraclassy hangers-on—not to mention W.T. watchers—gabbing as much would be Ms. Pee's skeletal frame. For your next meal, hon, you might try a noodle, not a needle.

Kristen S. said...

She could have had a very successful career as a character actress probably for many, many years. This is too sad.

Linnea said...

Wait, is that blind one of ENTYs? It sure doesnt sound like one of his...

Jasmine said...

To me the very minute I read about this I thought 'how could anyone even try to deny this was an o.d.?'
I mean, what are they going to say? This is a 32 yr old woman- they just dont die of cardiac arrests like this without something contributing to that. For sure she must be a blind item somewhere in here about drugs and an actress, only I dont know if Enty would reveal it now. It would seem insensitive or somthing. But I would love to know which one is about her.
RIP Britney, her mama found her in the shower? Sheesh, that is so fucking sad :(

Jasmine said...

oh, and I vote coke and or anorexia with diet pills thrown in there ftw.
I mean thats what anna nicole died of, right? I think it was something like that.

whole lotto luv said...

Very sad.

@Dickinsideu, taking a shower at 8 on a Sunday morning doesn't sound like meth-head behavior to me (I could be wrong, but I've heard meth users aren't too concerned with hygiene). Not that I think she didn't do drugs, I just don't think this will end up being an OD situation. Years of excessive dieting, and probably drug use, ruined her heart.

RIP, "Mrs. Murphy."

Glad Enty is all right.

Unknown said...

Very Sad. If this was drug related, I hope the family shares that piece of information as a warning to others, and not try to cover it up.

whole lotto luv said...

linnea said...

Wait, is that blind one of ENTYs? It sure doesnt sound like one of his...

It's a Ted Casablanca blind, and I think it's commonly believed to be about Kirsten Dunst.

MCH said...

So, so sad. I really had hoped she'd get her sh** together. :( RIP Brittany. My thoughts/prayers go to her family.

Pookie said...

thx, (((enty))) for posting on a sunday...this is heartbreaking. RIP, sweet Brittany. loved her, especially in 'uptown girls'.

cryptic and very sad tweet from kathy najimy:

"Kathy Najimy, Brittany’s co-star in the FOX animated series “King of The Hill” had a strong reaction.

“wrked w/& knew Brittany 4 14 years (& plyed her mom once as well) sweetst most talnted angel who got hked up w/ wrng people. we love u brit,” Kathy reportedly wrote on Sunday.

“so sad this is truly a waste. feeling regret we didnt’ do more. i love you so much Brittany and always will,” she added."


Kelsey said...

did brittany really wear "kooky outfits"? she never struck me as someone who did. I don't know, though.

thanks for updating us on a sunday, enty. horrible, sad, and senseless loss. like kathy najimy's tweet said, she always struck me as somebody who was good at heart but just very troubled and "hooked up with the wrong people".... RIP.

Kristen S. said...

"regret we didnt’ do more" The burden of the ones left behind. I know it well.

lanasyogamama said...

RIP Brittany, pay attention Lilo.

mooshki said...

Wow, I always thought she'd wise up and get healthy again someday. How sad. LiLo, pay attention, this is going to be you if you don't shape up.

penelope said...

Only watched a few of her movies, but she struck me as having real talent. SO VERY SAD that her mother was the one who found her. RIP Brittany.

Maja With a J said...

Very sad, but not surprising, unfortunately.

Casey said...

@Jasmine - if she had a history of drug abuse, and it certainly appeared she had some kind of eating disorder, she may very well have had a heart attack. Both are very hard on the whole body.

empyrios said...

god, her mother must be devastated.

this is really tragic. i liked Brittany a lot. i met her years ago on a job and she was really sweet, humble and personable and seemed to just be happy to be working.

she also did me a favour that kept me from getting in shit with my boss. she didn't have to and i always thought that was really cool of her.

my thoughts go out to her family and friends....

Ells said...

her mother reportedly told paramedics that she was diabetic. but yeah, sounds an awful lot like od. this is just so sad... I had hoped she'd dump the hubby and turn her life around.

cibele said...

TMZ is saying the husband doesn't want autopsy. Can he do that? Is that even legal?

witwritergirl said...

TMZ is reporting that her husband doesn't want an autopsy. Um.... ok. Wouldn't you want to know what killed your wife?

Ms. said...

@witwriergirl - he knows what killed his wife. That's the probelem...

Unknown said...

I had a dream last night Lindsay Lohan died, I guess I dreamed the wrong red haired teen movie actress. In all seriousness, this is really, really sad. When her husband had his medical emergency on a plane a few weeks ago I had half hoped HE might die so she would get some help and get better. Clueless is one of those movies that if I am flipping channels and it is on, I will always end up watching it. I have a soft spot for everyone who was in that movie, sort of a nostalgia thing. This is truly a shame.

Casey said...

He's Jewish, according to Jewish posters on ONTD, it's against their religion to perform autopsys (I would assume some kind of desecration of a dead body thing) - I'm not Jewish so I don't know exactly.

Ells said...

her husband may not want an autopsy, but when someone so young dies or the death is suspicious the authorities will likely require one be done anyway.

Ms. said...

TMZ reported an autopsy will be conducted anyway.

Jade Ashleigh said...

It doesn't matter what the husband wants. When someone so young dies an autopsy is automatic unless religous beliefs dictate otherwise.

lutefisk said...

Casey, I don't know what his religion is, but she wasn't Jewish, so it doesn't make a difference.

witwritergirl said...

Somebody help me with this - if she were Jewish would they not conduct an autopsy anyway or would her religous beliefs be honored and the cause of death would never be known?

Casey said...

He's her next of kin though, and I'm pretty sure would have decision making power because of that.

I'm wondering if he did agree to it after all though, since apparently the autopsy is going to happen tomorrow. Can the police step in that quickly if the family doesn't want it to happen?

Anyone here know for sure?

lutefisk said...

For Judaism, an autopsy may be performed when the cause of death is undetermined, when the autopsy may help save the lives of others, or when relatives might benefit from the knowledge gained by autopsy.

witwritergirl said...

Thanks for the info lutefisk. I didn't have a clue what happened in this kind of circumstance.

ms_goddess said...

My 17 year old niece was surfing on my computer and found the news first. She was in total shock and I had to explain to her that, unfortunately, this will happen a lot in her life to celebrities she likes and looks up to.

My first thought was cocaine - not necessarily OD, but heart failure due to years of use (a la Andy Gibb). Also recall Karen Carpenter died of heart failure after years of anorexia, so now I believe it could be either one or a combination of both. Guess it really doesn't matter now.

Rest in peace, Brittany...

Wil said...

@Casey - Once the police opened a death investigation .. it doesn't make a difference what the family wants - even in terms of religious practices. They find the death suspicious and an autopsy will be done.

Sporky said...

WOW. What a friggin' shame. RIP Brittany.

slider1964 said...

He can't stop an Autopsy in a case like this. No way, No How! I found this little tidbit about Simon

Also known as Con-jack, Simon Monjack is a British screenwriter and the husband of Brittany Murphy. This fool is one screwed up guy.

Rumors and accounts from our readers suggest he is a "tremendous" con artist and possible criminal. Regardless, Simon Monjack and Brittany Murphy seem happy for some reason.

GladysKravitz said...

RIP Brittany.

Just got home from a breakfast, lunch and shopping and like so many others, had to come here after I saw the headline. So thank you Enty for posting. As Merlin Bear said, it doesn't quite feel real until I see it on CDaN.

Autopsies are conducted by the county sheriff's office in California, and it doesn't matter whether the family wants one or not--if the sheriff wants an autopsy, it's required by law. Both the hospital and the funeral home are legally obligated to surrender the body to the sheriff. Often the coroner releases the body, but not under such suspicious circumstances.

Whatever caused her death, it's sad. Diabetes--hard disease. Drug use--hard disease. Depression--hard disease. It doesn't matter that much what killed her: 32 is far too young to die.

Unknown said...

did something happen to Enty? I am asking cuz I am seeing all of these posts saying you are glad he is okay....

surfer said...

A friend's brother died suddenly at the age of 30, and though her mother tried to prevent the autopsy (due to religious beliefs), the police said that when someone dies so young for a reason that's not obvious (murder, car accident), the law takes precedence over religious beliefs. So there you go.

This is just so sad, because it probably was preventable.

.robert said...

No Friday blind or FFF.

Tea Lady said...

Enty, thanks for posting today. This is sad but like others have said, unfortunately not a total shock. Kid had talent, it's a shame.

Unknown said...

Help me out here...everyone posting seems to be fully aware of BM's drug history and some drug stuff with her husband....for those of us not in the know, can someone please fill us in. I didn't even know she was married.

Lizzie said...

I'm so sad. I really liked her. My heart goes out to her loved ones.
so so sad.

Barton Fink said...

Horrible horrible news. I hope that she didn't suffer. This is just terribly sad, she was unique and mesmerizing when she was on top of her game.

Ice Angel said...

Etickeg...there have been several blinds about Brittanys drug use and her strange marriage. I actually think the blind about the husband having video of an orgy or something might be her too. He was a con artist and svengooli type character. She has been fired from several projects lately. Her huusband almost died on a flight a coupleweeks ago and drugs were suspected. Nobody here should be surised. Shocking and sad but not surprising.

RIP Brittany...I was rooting for you

B626 said...

Brings tears to my eyes even MORE now when I hear her sing the Queen cover in Happy Feet, and she had always been trying to get the lead role in the Janis Joplin biopic.
Her voice would have been perfect for it.

Lux Luthor said...

I still read this site all the time, I just don't post much anymore since my work schedule changed. But like many others, this is the first place I went to when I heard. Thanks, Enty, for posting this on your day off.

Sure, it wasn't much of a surprise. And pretty disturbing, coming after that incident with her husband on a plane. But it's still sad, and a waste. I wasn't a huge fan but I appreciated her unique vibe and thought she had talent.

I'd love to bitch about the husband and blame it on him just because he seems so skeevy. But at the end of the day, GladysKravitz has it right: It doesn't really matter what killed her; 32 is far too young to die.

Missjenny619 said...

I heard about this earlier and have been pretty bummed since. I didn't think it would affect me like this. I wasn't this huge Brittany Murphy fan, but she was in many fun movies and I really enjoyed one of her last roles in "The Ramen Girl".

I was really hoping she would get it together too. Very, very sad. I'm glad to read other comments about this and how a lot of you were routing for her like I was. This kind of put a damper on my night. =(

abigail7881 said...

what exactly happened on the plane? never really understood it.

janet85 said...

Wow. I'm a big rom-com fan, and Brittany Murphy made some great rom-coms. She could have continued to do well, but something obviously has been up lately in her life. It's very sad that she died so young, it must have been preventable. Too sad. So sad for her mom and family! :(

We don't know the cause of this yet.... but some celebs really need to take a hard look at their own lives and get reminded of their mortality.

RIP Brittany.

Catherine said...

OMG I just saw the news. Thanks for the post, Enty, and RIP Brittany. How terribly sad. My prayers to her friends and family.

Ms Cool said...

Cause pending toxicology?

Too sad that she couldn't get things together if the obvious is the cause. She was pretty cute and I enjoyed her acting.

AphraelDanae said...

My gawd, and she's my age :( I had the urge to watch 'Clueless' today, but never got around to it.

My sympathies to her family and friends.

Mango said...

So very sad.

I watched Clueless a few weeks ago and it was so sad seeing how healthy she was then to see her look so unhealthy now. Sadness. RIP.

@Karmen - I know. Brittney was so funny and cute in Clueless. I saw Mean Girls a few weeks ago on cable and LiLo was gorgeous, like a ripe peach. Now she looks what she is: strung out. Once these girls start starving themselves to fit in with Hollywood's size zero standards and doing coke to both party and keep from feeling hungry, it's a slippery slope that many never manage to climb back up.

RIP Brittney. I was rooting for you also.

JJ said...

This is just so sad. I agree that it's not at all surprising tho.

My heart goes out to her mother for having to find her. The whole family must be devastated.

Is it wrong for me to wish that the skeezy husband is somehow found responsible for her death and is sent away for a very long time?

Unknown said...

just awful.

came right here when i hear also.

look forward to any additional commentary enty can offer.

Katja said...

clueless script

The actors in that film owned those rolls...

Kat said...

So sad to hear about this. I was rooting for her to get herself back on track. All my sympathies to her family & friends. 32 is too young to die.

ardleighstreet said...

Thanks for the Sunday post Enty.
Tragic and sad. So much opportunity,so much potential, and so much destructive waste. It's a shame and I hope her family finds peace with it.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I find it suspicious that her sketchy husband doesn't want an autopsy. Religious beliefs, my ass. He's afraid of what they'll find. I bet the LAPD are keeping an close eye on him.

RIP, sweet girl. You were way too young.

chihuahuense said...

aw, sad!

I just heard, and of course, I had to run here like so many others and confirm.

I agree with what someone else said, Enty probably won't reveal her BIs for fear of being "insensitive" but I do wish I knew if any were her!

LauraM said...

Shocking but at the same time not really. I thought she might somehow dump that husband of hers and pull through eventually. I think he was enabling her and a bad influence. He's a fraud. Anyway, I hope girls like Lindsay Lohan take a long hard look at themselves and see that they too will end up like this if they don't do something right now.

R.I.P Brittany

Anonymous said...

How incredibly sad. Brittany, despite all of her issues, really was a talented actress and a sweet person. I don't want to speculate about the cause of her death... but I just don't trust her husband. Something has always seemed "off" about him. She seemed to lose it once she married him. The drugs, the plastic surgeries, the eating disorders... I have no doubt that one if not all of the aforementioned contributed to her death. Like so many people above posted, I also really hoped Brittany would get herself together and straighten out her life.

Regardless, it's a truly tragic thing. My condolences to her family- it's never easy to deal with the death of a loved one, let alone someone so young. And during the holidays, what a nightmare.

Rest in peace, Brittany. You will be remembered and missed.

Mango said...

I went to IMDB, which is one of my favorite sites because of the sheer breadth of its resources (been posting there since before Amazon purchased it) and the majority of the posts on the Brittany Murphy message board seem to be rude, mocking, unsympathetic and just plain MEAN.

What is wrong with people? Is it because they are anonymous or have they really lost their empathy and are sociopaths?

Mango said...

Just want to add that that's why I enjoy the reader community here; no (well, little to no) freakish trolls. I really appreciate that about CDAN, Enty. Thank you.

Amit! said...

Augh! I can't believe this! I really, really loved her - ever since I saw her on that "The Torkelsons" spin-off, "Almost Home" back in the mid-nineties. I just...gah.

This is like Heath Ledger all over again.

It's really very sad.

palealebrew10 said...

This is truly, truly sad. I always got the feeling that she was a genuinely kind person with good intentions who got mixed in with the wrong crowd. This should not have happened.

I've grown up seeing addiction, and I can't imagine having to deal with that problem in Hollywood-arguably one of the most superficial, relentless towns known to man.

I hope Lindsay sees this as a wake up call. It's hard, though.

I's not like an ambition for anyone to become an addict. Nobody wakes up one day and decides they want to be f_cked in the head. The drugs and alcohol are an escape from some deep, dirty shit they're feeling and hate feeling. Yes, it is up to an addict to decide to get help, but when they do, it's literally like they're divorcing a love that's helped them from feeling pain. What we see as an addicts demise is what they see as the ultimate painkilling agent. It's a frustration that's hard to beat and usually why support can fall off for addicts.

We all have something that keeps us trucking through life. Unfortunately, for Brittany and Lindsay and Courteney and...well most of them, that thing that gets them to night's end is what's killing them. But it's about getting it now rather than thinking about its long term and potentially fatal effects. You reconcile that in your brain--you just want that fix now and it'll figure itself out somehow.

It's so easy to read about these kids and kick them when they're clearly down..but look what happened. These Hollywood addicts know what's up, they know what's being said about them, and I just don't think its fair to laugh at them. Because its encouraging their downward spiral.

Think about the darkest moments you've experienced, or seen someone else experience personally. Now imagine that same situation if you or that person were hugely famous with yes-men and no genuine support urging them to get help. Addicts are generally emotionally unstable people and to laugh at these people who clearly have some horrid demons is simply inhumane.

I've had issues with alcohol in the past, and I remember a dark period where I would literally put off any responsibility to drink. I hated myself for it, I lost friends because of it and I didn't know where to go from there. The key to getting help is wanting it..we hear it all the time, but if you don't want help, if you truly think you're unfixable and that what happens will happen when you're caught up in that nasty cycle..that's where its tricky.

But, Brittany..RIP. Your spirit lives on in the movies and I hope you've finally found peace. This is just much too incredibly sad.

palealebrew10 said...

Just read she's an only child too, and was very close to her mom. Not exactly a great year.

nunaurbiz said...

Someone please explain to me all the vitriol directed toward her husband. I never got it in the first place except that he wasn't a handsome or young guy. Is there anything more to him than that, that is known, that is proven?

This is very sad. I know she had problems but I'm just wondering why there is such hatred toward her husband?

ItsJustMe said...

Yes, the Torkelson's spin off!

I was a fan of hers, and as such, I am so sad that she got wrapped up in the drugs and whatever else she got wrapped up in. It's terrible and sad, and my good thoughts to her family and friends.

Thinking back on the blinds, I think she was the actress who had to have most of her face recontstructed. Also, at some point she and her husband were both clean, but apparently they went back to their old habits recently. Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.

I have to say, I loved her singing voice in Faster Kill Faster, Pussycat - I couldn't even believe that was her the first time I heard it.

Jen said...

Knowing nothing about her childhood...I think the pressure was on her after Clueless as she was seen as an overweight actress (which is complete bs, obv) and then her transformation began. I know that Hollywood brings us art and entertainment and escapism, but the entrance fee for those exploited is a high price to pay. She may have had things other than "hollywood" going on that may have contributed to her demise, but there's a reason Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell moved their kids to Canada (other than hockey) to raise them, and it isn't because they love the snow.

classalpha said...

... ya... didn't I 'TELL' *you* THIS WOULD HAPPEN? ... BTW... Her Name still Is and Will Always Be Spelled, "Brittany". As well... it's "classalpha"...

... as far as Kathy Najimy's "tweet"... she said *it*... though obviously TOO LATE to Help Her... because Kathy N. and her *Hollywood actor ilk* are abject COWARDS and NONE OF THEM EVEN BOTHERED TO DO "so" WHEN IT 'WAS' *necessary*...

... So Rest In Peace My Precious Babe Brittany. I have Forgiven You for Your *'S!N's* and Will Always Love You Eternally. I Will See You again when We Meet Our Father YHWH In His Kingdom... and We Will Be Together There Forever...

... So May God Rest Your Soul... and 'Nuff Said.

classalpha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ellapetal said...

I know I shouldn't be shocked, but I am. I've just adored Brittany since I saw her in Freeway and Clueless. Wanted to put her in my pocket. Fantastic talent. Dramatic, comedic. Natural beauty. Not cookie cutter beauty either. And I rooted for her. She got bigger roles and I was so happy for her. And then she just got smaller and smaller and started putting plastic in her face and consuming drugs. I don't know if she started doing all of that because she felt she wasn't good enough or if others told her that or both, but it was sad to watch. And I honestly thought she would find her way out of this tragic but temporary detour. I know you'll think I'm an idiot but I really didn't see this coming. Or maybe I'm an optimist. I hope you find peace, Brittany.

trashtalker said...

TMZ says Brittany had flu-like symptoms for a few days and was taking prescription meds. She began throwing up Sunday morning.

There were a lot of prescription meds in the house. Maybe something interacted with the flu medicine.

selenakyle said...




nancer said...

she very well could have developed the type 2 diabetes from really bad dietary habits---her weight loss was scary.
i imagine her toxicology report will be a fairly long laundry list of prescription drugs.

too many people still don't understand that just because a doctor gives you medications, it doesn't mean they're safe. you don't just up and die at 32.
all 'natural causes' really means is there's no external signs on her body indicating foul play. but there's nothing 'natural' about this.

Mango said...

classalpha said...

... ya... didn't I 'TELL' *you* THIS WOULD HAPPEN?[/b]Holy FUCK...

someone on IMDB mentioned that classalpha was flooding their boards with posts about Brittany Murphy, and that classalpha was a stalker.

Seek help, dude!

canadachick said...

sad but not surprising....where are the families in these cases...hell if my kid was that far gone, i'd kidnap him if i had to ...too many enablers in the world.

B626 said...

The people/family around a Hollywood breadwinner protect and enable that person especially when the entourage's sole source of $$$$ is that Hollywood breadwinner.
I hope for the mother's sake Brittany was a diabetic-that it wasn't a last minute excuse to explain mucho needle tracks.

sunnyside1213 said...

Mango, I too come here because the posting is generally troll free and people respect each other.

I just saw this. So sad. My thoughts are with her family. RIP.

Priscila said...

You know guys, our comments are the best source of information about this case. I ve just checked other siters and we pretty much summarized all that was reported about it...with plus that, as just observers and not journalists, we could be totally frank about it, without the lawsuit fear

KLM said...

Could she have been Morgan Mayhem (another Ted C blind)? I know everyone thought that was Lindsay, but maybe?

figgy said...

They're claiming that it was "natural causes." No way (or very little chance) that she could have died of "full cardiac arrest" without drugs being involved.

@Kim, no, well known that Morgan Mayhem is Lindsay Lohan.

Such a shame.

classalpha said...
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KLM said...

I know everyone thinks that MM is LiLo, but I just reviewed that last four Morgan Mayhem blinds and I couldn't rule Brittany out. Is there a definitive reveal for LiLo as MM, or do we just "know" because everyone thinks it's Lindsay?

CarolMR said...

I saw Brittany in a Lifetime movie several months ago, "Tribute." I think it was based on Nora Roberts' book. She was really good and looked great. My prayers go out to her husband and mother.

sunnyside1213 said...

I saw that too Kim. She was very good in it.

lmnop123 said...

People who worked with her on recent films suspected she had a coke problem.

However preliminary reports state she most likely died from "natural causes".

Sounds like there is a celebrity coroner performing autopsies now. Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson, Britney Murphy ... I wonder who will be the next lucky addicted celeb to get "Hollywood Spin" cause of death?

It's no wonder LiLo isn't concerned for her own health.

Kingrey said...

Welcome back, Enty! You left us hanging on Friday.

There was a blind revealed yesterday @ blindgossip that was similar to Ted's blind about Whore-tense, only more specific. They revealed it to be Brittany.

The coroner stated today that she died of natural causes, which he clarified only means it was not caused by something (like a wild animal) or someone else. Yesterday, someone close to her (don't remember who) stated that she was diabetic. Today it was reported by someone that she was suffering from flu-like symptoms. I think they're trying to mask something. Tragic.

CarolMR said...

I just read an autopsy is being performed, despite her husband's wishes. Her husband is Jewish. Did Brittany convert?

nancer said...

her husband's wishes don't trump the law. you have someone die outside the hospital at 32, they're going to get autopsied. i think more than his religion is behind his objection too.

Anonymous said...

Ha, way to prove you're not a troll, classalpha.

Bella said...

Way too young to die. So sad. RIP Brittany. You had talent. Now we know that you're rolling with the homies.

classalpha said...

... STFU...*SMELLY/ROTTING FISH TROLL*. I don't need to "prove" ANYTHING. I POSTED Truthful "Em"fo about Her when She was Alive for Her Sake so She could STOP DESTROYING HerSelf and THAT WAS *IT*.

... So 'Nuff SAID.

classalpha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katja said...

Kate Hudson went to Crossroads so I don't know about her being raised in Canada..

What a sad day.


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