Friday, September 27, 2013

Four For Friday- Mr. Meth

Announcement time. Not much to say. Happy October next week and don't go blind watching the Breaking Bad marathon.  I will be here all weekend blogging away and have lots of reveals and blinds over the weekend. As always if you would like to follow me on Twitter you can click the button to your right or add me. I am @entylawyer

This actor is B- list. Mostly television at this point in his career. He was going to be the next A+ list superstar. He was everywhere. When movies were made when he was younger his name was at the top of every wish list. he was huge. he also got a big head and started trashing his friends and rumor has it is the reason one of his friends died. How? Got him hooked on drugs and never even bothered to send a card to the family. The rest of the family hates him and have spread the word against him whenever they get a chance. They have not had to do much. He has done most of the damage himself. From date raping the 17 year old daughter of a studio executive who is now a studio chief to burning down more than one trailer after leaving his cigarettes burning on furniture or the floor.

His most recent celebrity girlfriend who had tons of money ended because he can't stop smoking meth and she was afraid he would get busted while they were dating and she would lose everything. Our actor spends almost all of his days smoking it. he says it gives him a creative energy for his acting but what it really does is make him lose out on roles and blow off the ones he does get. A sad ending to what could have been a great career.


Sugar said...

Jesse Pinkman?

Brian said...

Matthew Fox

sandybrook said...

Not sure James Spader fits this fully and hes fat but he is who I thought of first (well after I thought of Rob Lowe.)

jane3113 said...

What about Jason Patrick and Corey haim

Liz L said...

Charlie Sheen

Gertie Raus said...

Tho he says that he is sober now, this blind made me think of Tom Sizemore.

M. Brown said...

I'm thinking someone who was friends with River Pheonix back in the day.

VIPblonde said...

@M. Brown Yep

Flashy Vic said...

F**k him. The sleazy rapist bastard seems to have got off lightly.

Pogue Mahone said...

Whoever he is he's a shit of a human being.

Diane Marie said...

Shia? Or maybe someone who was friends with Cory Monteith

Kristin Wigs said...

Skeet Ulrich

Gertie Raus said...

Christian Slater?

beth said...

Cory Monteith first started using (and even went to rehab) way pre-fame. Given the references to the family trashing him every chance they get, I think it's a family that's plugged into Hollywood. Who is rumored to have gotten River Pheonix hooked on drugs?

norcal gurl said...

home alone

Unknown said...

I would think it would be Johnny Depp or Flea who got River Phoenix into drugs, but neither fits.

A RESIDENT said...

David Spade

figgy said...

Bullshit--I do not agree with holding someone responsible for a person's death because "they got him hooked on drugs." Unless it was a child, an adult is able to decide for him/herself whether to try drugs. We all have responsibility for ourselves when it comes to drug use.

Anonymous said...

It was Depp with River but Depp doesn't do TV.

jane3113 said...

To add , he is single, does TV mostly, and has some biting quotes on imdb about other actors. Was young and hot around lost boys. Now barely works. I like my guess.

SkittleKitty said...

I thought of Craig Sheffer or Stephen Dorff. Both are of the River Phoenix era and were supposed to be bigger than they are now...

Sue T. said...

Only problem with Jason Patric is that his most recent "celebrity girlfriend" was back in the 90s (Christy Turlington). He dated Danielle Schreiber after that, who is really only known for being Jason Patric's girlfriend (and from their whole child custody battle).

Kristin Wigs said...

What about Heath Ledger's friends?

sbalb said...

Christian Slater and Keifer both fit as far as once being expected to be A+ movie stars and now being B television actors, and both have had known substance abuse issues. But I don't remember either of them being BFFs with River though they were all of the same generation. And who would be the recent celebrity GF with tons of money?

VIPblonde said...

Actor: Martin Henderson
Friend: Heath Ledger
Recent Celeb Ex: Demi Moore

VIPblonde said...

@Kristin Just finished the research!

AbbeyBruce said...

Keifer was in Stand By Me with River though so they would have known each other.

Kristin Wigs said...

According to his imdb page, Patric doesn't really do tv work.

Tricia13 said...

Nope..Its Heath ledger and Wes Bentley everyones dream actor after American Beauty..martin Henderson...?Naaah. Never had buzz..evr

Kristin Wigs said...

@VIP I saw Henderson listed as his friend, but passed over bc I've never heard of him. Is he really B?

Anonymous said...

@norcalgurl I totally thought Culkin too.

Sugar said...

Aww, I just googled Martin Henderson and found out that there is another Martin Henderson, a dwarf who was injured by some drunk rugby players in some twisted dwarf tossing contest in New Zealand. Now I'm sad.
VIP, can you cheer me up with a new dick pic?

VIPblonde said...

@Kristin He's the closest fit. He did a slew of movies in the early 2000's, was in a Britney video, now his IMDB is predominantly TV and he has a recent celeb ex. The others mentioned are still all movie and/or are currently married and don't have recent celeb exes

SyDy said...

I thought that the dead actor was River Phoenix and that the friend might be Balthazar Getty, who has had drug problems from an early age and whose career trajectory seems to fit the blind. But I think he's still married.

Beetlejuice said...

Wes is married and working frequently.

VIPblonde said...

@Sugar Would you settle for an oldie, but goodie?

Sugar said...

Thanks VIP. Oldie but goodie indeed. The day is looking brighter now.

Snootches said...

What about Devon Sawa? Happy FFF!!

fleur said...

Pretty sure this is Josh Hartnett.

Do not ask Josh Hartnett about Heath Ledger.

Anonymous said...

Martin Henderson is not in the drug scene. He broke up with Demi due to her recurring lapses.

ladybaus said...

Josh Harnett for the win! He is a known meth user and early on was on the tv show Cracker (whatever that is) for 2 years

figgy said...

Holy cow, Jason Segal, who KNEW?? Thanks VIP! (And Sugar, for asking) ;-D

SkittleKitty said...

While Heath Ledger fits somewhat, it's the comment about "The rest of the family hates him and have spread the word..." that points to this being a friend of River Phoenix, as we know Joaquin, and to a lesser extent his siblings, would have influence in Hollywood, unlike Ledger's family (in/from Australia).

Anonymous said...

Looks good to me:)

Jacq said...

I would hit that like a house on fire

Katie said...

Who was Craig Sheffer friends with? He has struck me as a bit sociopathic ever since watching A Some Kind of Wonderful!

Sugar said...

Fire with Fire was one of my all time favorite movies! I watched it with my friends sooo many times. Had such a crush on Craig Sheffer.

sharka2002sharka said...

I REALLY want to say Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix as Ethan has crazy meth face. They were in Explorers together.

Sherry said...

I know he's got a decent shlong but Jason doesn't do it for me. Ugh that doughy body. That's the reason I avoid the mirror.

I'm liking the Josh Hartnett guess.

Diana said...

My favorite part of this story is how its sad because he could have had a great career. LOL Enty is a scum sucking piece of crap.

sharka2002sharka said...

Lukas Haas?

Gertie Raus said...

Corey Feldman? I'm terrible at this.

Eve said...

It's really hard fitting any of these guesses into the blind. Wes Bentley is in a big movie this year; Martin Henderson isn't really that well known, certainly not B level; Josh Hartnett's and Lukas Haas's credits right now don't match.

Weirdly, Corey Feldman is in the pictures today. He was going to be the "next big thing" when he was a kid, but he's not even close to B level now.

I think Balthazar Getty is intriguing, since he'd have the kind of access to date-rape a studio head's daughter, and was famously friends with poor Rodney Harvey, a rising actor who OD'd. In the old Premiere article about Rodney, Balty did not come off well at all. But he is still married.

I feel like either something is fudged in the blind itself, or we haven't cracked it yet, my opinion.

sharka2002sharka said...

Kevin Connolly with Nicky Hilton as the rich girlfriend? In the Pussy Posse with Leo and Lukas.

Kevin/Lukas ->Leo (played Gary on Parenthood tv show)-> Joaquin (played Gary in Parenthood movie)-> River

lazyday603 said...

I couldn't tell you who got me started on drugs back in high school. I always thought it was me. I Just Said Yes.

adrake said...
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NaughtyNurse said...

I really hope it's not Christian Slater, but this blind sounds like him.

amanda_jf said...

Feldman and Michael Jackson?

Marti said...

I feel like a doofus for asking this, VIP, but who's the pants-less dude. His face is smaller than his junk on my phone!

Meredith said...

@marti, Jason Segal.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erik said...

Sounds like Josh Hartnett.

Iskateboarding said...

Wil Wheaton or Corey Feldman

BeckyMae said...


Oopsy_Daisy said...

21 Jump Street. But he's definitely not B-.

TheTruthIsOutThere said...

What about Eric Douglas for the dead friend? He died July 2004 from drugs & alcohol. Kirk & Michael Douglas would be powerful enough to damage the reputation of whoever the blind is about & keep them from succeeding up the ranks. Plus they're old school & I could see the "never even bothered to send a card to the family" said by Mr. or Mrs. Kirk Douglas.

I have no guess in who Eric was friends with or who the rich GF of the friend was.

sifichick said...

I'm surprised that no one has said Keanu Reeves. He & River were close friends. It's rumored that he's the one who got River into drugs. It's also rumored that he fled the scene when River overdosed. That would probably have pissed off the Phoenix clan.

I know he hasn't done tv but that part could have been fibbed about to throw us off.

bluesangria said...

Frankly, there are so many people in Hollywood addicted or OD'ing, that this blind could probably fit SEVERAL actors....

Henriette said...

Dipp is the one allegedly got River Phoenix hooked on drugs. The Viper Room was a well-known drug den, but it hasn't hurt Dipp's career. Dipp also did not help River when he was dying. Witnesses say River was calling out to Dipp, but he did not nothing for him and Joaquin hates Dipp to this day.

River and Keanu were already into drugs separately when they met, as far as rumors go.

Don't know who this blind could be, but I don't think the dead person is River Phoenix.

Jess. said...

Hi! "First time poster, long time lurker!" (I've been waiting to say that!)

I like the Josh Harnett guess! I was OBSESSED with him when he was in Pearl Harbor and even Wicker Park :/
I had no idea he was such good friends with Heath Ledger...

Unknown said...

Speaking of meth check out the hilarious "e-meth" advertising skit from SNL last night.

WhoDatGirly said...

Edward Furlong

Puddy said...

Nick Stahl to be different.


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