Monday, June 12, 2017

Blind Item #2

He might not be open about his sexuality yet, but this foreign born former A- list mostly movie actor who was really big a decade ago is finally getting work after a several year absence. His long time actress beard had a lot to do with it and a guy he has been seeing for the past year or so.


Tricia13 said...

Hayden Christiansen/Rachel Bilson

Paige said...

Is she really a beard if they have a child together (and she makes more money). I Don't know the beard rules.

Tricia13 said...

Me neither.... Butbseems to be on Trend(Clooney,BCoop lol)

inga said...

what abt this supermodel & her clooney's lover husband?
P.S. she's a superbeard...

police dog said...

you really think you either have sex with the woman or there's no way to get pregnant? have you heard artificial insemination? science is cool, go learn it.

Paige said...

Ok, let phase that question again / differently. Why would she be the beard of someone she is more successful than?


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