Thursday, June 15, 2017

Blind Item #9

It is not exactly what she meant, but the PR people of this A list singer are having to placate a bunch of industry people about awards and award shows and swear she wasn't including them in her list. She is going to have a tough time getting nominations or awards this year.


sandybrook said...

Katy Perry

sandybrook said...

I'm not sure how this can be misinterpreted, all the awards shows she won awards at are fake. The Grammys which she never won aren't,

John said...

The Grammys are sales driven, admittedly or not. So unlike a critique or fan based award they are phony and PR based AF.

sandybrook said...

She said all the awards shows are fake and the ones she won are fake because they don't represent the audience.

david said...

Fastest way to kill a career is to bite the hand that feeds you!

TBone said...

Is it just me or is she heading 90 mph towards a meltdown ala Britney?

police dog said...

definitely katy perry and her saying all awards show are fake.

taylor is probably delighted.

shakey said...

Does she show up for any of them? That would be hipocrasy.

Amy said...

Well did she lie? We know all awards involve a lot of PR and sometimes money.

Plus they often fake surprise when most know they won way before the show.

Katy will never win any awards. She is right to let that go. I mean she is always competing against Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor. She will never come out on top.

sandybrook said...

Yeah I think she shows up for the ones on ABC that the fans vote on. I seem to remember she went to the Grammies once.

NoseyNeighbor said...

Katy is heading for Heigland one comment at a time.

AyyPapi said...

Katy's really just become insufferable over the past year. I've always got the vibe that she'd be unbearable to be around, and it's all coming to the surface during this era. From preaching about politics to claiming to be "woke" in the music that's written for her by other people. She's believing her own hype which I guess happens when you mix being surrounded by nothing but 'yes people' with a drug addiction.

Also, it's a little stupid to 'out' awards shows for being fake, when her video views for Bon Appetit broke Youtube records for a music video, only for the song to tank disastrously both in the charts and streaming. Nothing suspicious or fake about that at all. /s

Jimbo said...

She's having a complete meltdown but she's right about reward shows. They are all bought and paid for before they even air from the Oscars down to the Kid's Choice. Meaningless

numoon6 said...

what is the point of any award when they are all bought?

numoon6 said...

I'm not posting again until the captcha is gone - what bullshit after the first time?!

SnarkIsFun said...

The real question is, how is she going to try to pin THIS one on Taylor Swift, and claim that Taylor is trying to ruin her? *insert eyeroll*

HRH2 said...

She'll never win any awards except Craziest Crazy Eyes and Most Insufferable Twit Who Thinks She's a Genius.

longtimereader said...

Yup,not just you.

longtimereader said...

It's worth remembering that swift cleverly used her money to buy into companies that run/service the music industry so she does have power behind the scenes. It's how calvin harris got the cochella headline f'instance.

Renshaw said...

Obviously she is having a meltdown and lost her filters. So yea, she said what she meant. If she keeps telling the truth they are going to have to reprogram her. And what is she saying about awards we don't already know. It dawn on me when performers refuse to attend unless they either perform or receive an award. The music industry is foul business and maybe it's finally gotten to her. When you are marginally talented as I believe she is, you don't last long. We don't hear anymore from far more talented folks.

Renshaw said...

Ha, I just posted that. I believe she's already there. I would love to know what triggered this. She has near $300M in the bank and on top of the world.


[…] June 15, 2017 […]


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