Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

June 6, 2017

She must have almost 200 credits to her name and she has had a regular role over the past two seasons on this superhero show. All of you know her from an iconic show and her appearances where she failed to wear a certain item of clothing. Our actress is one of the few that I know who still answers her own fan mail and actually sends back photos with a real signature to anyone who asks. Because she has been in so many things, she gets hundreds of requests a week and fulfills them all.

Brenda Strong


JustReading said...

No, I don't know her.

MontanaMarriott said...

I remember her as Mary Alice from Desperate Housewives. However what was the piece of clothing she failed to wear?

Kajaakw said...

A bra on Seinfeld. she played Sue Ellen, Elaine's friend/nemesis

Lurky McLurkster said...

Seinfeld reference

Kat said...

But what show was she a regular on for the last two seasons? She recurred on Supergirl for this past season only.

Dee said...

Good on her! That's really nice to hear. She must be a pretty great person.

Jimbo said...

I don't know her.

OKay said...

Clearly, there's a lot you're not watching.

persiaa said...

Wow, she has a lot of IMDB credits.

persiaa said...

Wow, she has a ton of IMDB credits. Busy lady.

Mz Kitty said...

She was Denise Richards' flight instructor in Starship Troopers. Great actress!


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