Blind Items Revealed #4
April 26, 2017
I’m not sure what he tells his girlfriend but this A- list mostly television actor on an almost television show told the 19 year old he has been hooking up with that he is single and does talk to her all the time. All the time meaning when he is on set, rather than when he is home with his girlfriend.
John Stamos
and how would you know what he told this supposed girl?
I'm sure she's in it for a payday eventually anyway. Just another 19 yr old girl who normally sleeps with men old enough to be daddy, happens all the time.😣
your site pisses me off. I'm mad some believe this shit. how would you know what he told that girl? this is why your blinds are not believable.
Well, there are no 19 year old castnates on the show so must be someone in the crew
I use to like him but now he's just creepy.
He was ALWAYS creepy.
I don't know what he's like in his personal life (met him once at an event and my impression was that his handlers dictate his every move) but those TV commercials are arrogant and creepy, and he goes along with it.
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