Blind Item #4
This a-hole of an A list director who has a dark side to his movies apparently told an aspiring actress that she should really work on her body and hair before he would hire her. He said this after they had sex and an hour or two before a date with his actress girlfriend.
Darren Aronofsky, lets hope he did not knock her up!! :O
With JLaw? ewwww
Well she's not aspiring,but yes-saw a pic of them-hopefully just friends ! That's creepy sh*t
David O Russell, known asshole.
That blind does not at all fit Tarantino and Jen, it's Darren Aronofsky as the known asshole and Jennifer as the girlfriend getting cheated on by Darren.
Jen is not an aspiring actress. Darren is the known asshole with dark movies.
James Cameron, Michael Mann, so many to choose from.
All of them, but aspiring actresses that sleep with them for work should come to expect it. Did he tell her to read a book too.
At least she had the sex she wanted, because if she rode his penis hoping for a role, that would be prostitution, and that is illegal in the USA and she should be arrested.
Darren and Jen just went out to dinner at Nobu so it's definitely him as the director, and her as the girlfriend being cheated on. Hopefully it's just a fauxmance because Darren already is rumored to have a kid with Natalie Portman and that asshole is a mess she needs to run far away from.
prostitution is legally defined as exchanging money for sex. gifts dont count (tho I agree, its the same as being a hooker)
Darren Aronofsky. he seems like SUCH. A. CREEP.
jennifer lawrence for the clueless famous gf, obviously. he strikes me as the type who would take off a condom to get an actress pregnant.
J. Lawrence does NOT need to sleep with anyone to get roles. She's an Oscar winner and a super talent. Any director would be lucky to get her.
WTF if this is true.How the fk you cheat on JLaw ? I truly hope this is fake relationship right now so after the Mother promo she's done with him.Also she can do so so much better.She's the biggest actress and has been for years and she dates THAT ?
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