Monday, March 12, 2018

Blind Item #14

This former A list mostly television actor all of you know who has had some middling network success but nothing like his biggest generational hit is struggling financially. No one is hiring him and he took some big loans in anticipation of a syndication deal that never materialized. 


  1. Replies
    1. Generational hit: Full/Fuller House, arguably General Hospital
      Synd deal: Grandfathered cancelled after 1 season

    2. I actually think he's okay. Fuller House seems to work for Netflix and he's a producer. Also, last year he sold a show to Amazon (I think it was) based 9n his early days in soaps .

    3. Wasn’t there some news about the cast not paying taxes properly and getting hit with huge fines? And I really truly hate to say it if you’re a Full/Fuller House fan, but check John Doe’s staggering thread on Twitter about a disgusting bet that went on behind the scenes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Joey Lawerence. I just read somewhere he was filing for bankruptcy. I don't really think he was ever A list though.

  4. @Carrie, well he did have that song..... LOL

  5. Replies
    1. My first thought too, but I don’t think he’s having trouble getting work right now. I think @Carrie got it!

  6. Perry is selling his house.

  7. I hate to say it because I've always liked him but this sounds like Matthew Perry.

  8. the Friends cast make about 20 mil a year on residuals. Ricky Schroeder is my guess.

  9. Generational hit? What does that even mean?

    1. @Sara Making It Work - Generational hit could mean the show touched on topics a specific generation could relate to. If you ask said generation about good tv shows they will tend to name the same shows.

  10. Perry makes sense, since the big syndication deal might have been for the 'Odd Couple' reboot which didn't make it to enough episodes for syndication.

  11. Doesn't Perry make enough money from that crap show Friends?

    Joey Lawrence and his family had to declare bankruptcy and sell their clothing, purses, and wallets. Perhaps they should not have spent $1,000 a month on entertainment.

  12. @T.W. Thanks, for whatever reason, I can't leave replies on this site on my phone.

    +1 I think you have it. Fred Savage is the only actor from a show I could see being described as a "generational hit". Idk
    Maybe he was hoping for his game show "Child Support" to get picked up for syndication (even though it was airing on ABC. Or maybe there was a new syndie deal for Wonder Years, but it all fell through after Alley Mills spilled the beans about the sex harassment charges back in the day.

    Unless generational means TV show with various generations represented, like the Waltons or something.

    1. @Sara, Making It Work - you are welcome. The blind as written can be anyone.

      As for Fred Savage I think his parents were casting agents so if no one wants him this is telling. The guy is a motor mouth to boot. Plus, rumor has it he has information that can put an end to pedophilia on Hollywood. If he does he needs to use that motormouth of his to do good.

    2. His brother Ben was a DEN invester there used to be a creepy video of Ben/Marc Collins Rector greeting each other.

    3. It's in an Open Secret which I saw for the 1st time yesterday and it definitely gave me the creeps and made me look at Ben in a different light. didn't know he invested in Den that just makes it worse for me.

    4. Nooooooo!!! First I’ve heard of this... 😩😩😩 Signed, 90s Boy Meets World Obsessive

    5. Marc Collins Rector told Ben after his butt squeezing greeting that his friend Michael Huffington was dying to see him. Very creepy.

  13. Welcome to mainstream America.

  14. Perry. Its been a rough for years from him from what I can tell. Plus selling the house.

  15. No way is this Matthew Perry. All those Friends actors are set for life and beyond. Joey Lawrence was never A-list.
    I'm thinking Kelsey Grammer.

  16. But doesn't Perry own some kind of rehabilitation house? Maybe it's bleeding through his $.

  17. It's Matthew Perry.

  18. Luke Perry with the generational hit 90210?

  19. I was thinking someone from that 70's show

  20. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Topher Grace?

  21. There aren't too many 'generational' hits, one that defines a generation. Friends would be one of them, (Seinfeld too, not too many others). Has to be Perry. Has some middling network success fits the bill. Plus, I have found when CDaN uses an actor 'all of you know', it usu refers to a 'Friends' star, noticed it in blinds for Courtney Cox as well as Anniston. Could be a thing, or nothing.

    The Friends cast may have made a tonne in residuals back in the day, not sure it still does with tv viewership down and way more content out there on the airwaves, content that is prob a lot cheaper. Syndication may have pulled a lot more when there were less shows to put on air. Plus Friends has been on forever, not sure if the demand to watch it is as great as it was even 10 yrs ago. Perry should have been set for life, and prob does make $ off residuals, but who knows what his expenses are/were and how he choose to manage his money. He's had some substance abuse problems in the past.

  22. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I thought it could be Tim Allen. Then I read that his show "Last Man Standing" has a lucrative syndication deal already.

  23. First rule of Hollywood - don't count your chicken before they are hatched!

  24. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Matt Perry?....I refuse to believe he can't survive on 20 million/year.

    I'm going with Scott Baio (the generational hit being Happy Days)

  25. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Charlie Sheen first came to mind...

  26. William Shatner. Maybe.

  27. Joey Lawrence from Blossom fame?

  28. It's gotta be Joey Lawrence. He was living way beyond his means. Driving a Bentley. Utterly ridiculous.

  29. Maybe Danny Masterson? With all the rape charges, the costs have to be adding up- and he got kicked off his latest series.

  30. Fred Savage was at the DEN parties himself in “ An open Secret”- then Ally Mills coming out now about his “Wonder Years” behavior is telling. Sadly, with his parents career, he was probably brought up in that life- many who were repeat the cycle as adults. Supposedly a huge case is coming on Singer, Dan Schneider and Geffen by DOJ. If so, the Savages will probably get caught up in it.

    1. What’s Fred’s involvement?

  31. Not Perry.

    ..."through the magic of syndication revenue, Friends pulls in a whopping $1 billion each year for Warner Bros. Here's the kicker though: That translates into about a $20 million annual paycheck each for Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer, who each make 2% of that syndication income".

  32. James vanderbeek?

  33. @Joan - Ally Mills defended Fred and Jason pretty forcefully, from what I've read. I knew the three Savage kids pretty well soon after the Wonder Years started, and they were about as normal as your typical tweener/teenager. While the lawsuit in public was a he said/she said situation, the stylist who sued had been written up numerous times and was fired several months before the suit was filed.

  34. Charlie Sheen. He's gotta be broke by now.
    Generational hit - Platoon or Wall Street
    Didn't say the hit was a TV show.


  36. Matthew Perry is selling his house over Sunset Strip ($13.5MM) but that is because he bought a $20MM condo in Century City. So maybe the Entern meant him but didn't bother with the facts.

    I do note that Dick Cavett is selling both his Hamptons house and NYC apartment. Since he is in his 80s I hope that doesn't indicate health issues.

  37. I say Hasselhoff, he hasn't had any hits since Baywatch or Knight Rider and those are definitely generational. Plus, hasn't he been having financial problems over the past few years.

  38. I was thinking someone from That 70s Show???

  39. Any chance this is Christian Slater? Mr. Robot was canceled at 3 seasons and I remember something about his father recently suing him for his entire net worth.

    1. Generational hit being Heathers.

  40. If Matthew Perry is set, than Kelsey Grammar certainly is with Cheers and Frasier.

  41. Mr. Robot has been canceled? I didn't know that.

    Fred Savage is a TV Director now. He still makes $.

  42. Scott Baio to be different.

  43. I don't think it's Stamos and Stamos is still A list. He is very loved, all over the media still sought out in interviews, invited to major events. People seriously love him. Judge a you want but it's true. Wonder years does make sense for a gen hit since the premise of the show was the time period



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