Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blind Item #1

At some point, the feds are going to take notice of this one named rapper/producer/reality star. He recently flew out of state with a 16 year old female who he has been trying to pass off as 18.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My only guess is the Game, he has been known for dabbling in the underage bracket......

  3. Replies
    1. Nope, it's pharrel Williams.

    2. When they play his music on the radio it's Pharrell (reality star?)
      Ludacris (not a producer last I checked?)
      Diddy (wouldn't be into underage girls)
      Game: maybe (produces?)
      Tyga: maybe (note no listing)

  4. I was thinking Nelly, but has he done reality TV?

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Yaz! He had a show way back when in like ‘04 with a wife or girlfriend.

  5. Yeah, this sounds like the Game

  6. Tyga for the win.

  7. Rack City, bitch
    Hun'nuds, hun'nuds

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Crossed state lines with a minor? He’s fucked. Literally. Prison style. I gotta paint you a picture here?

  9. These rappers forgot to set their d!cks ahead three years for Jail-Term Savings Time.

  10. How about Tyga and the tranny he shared with Charlie Sheen?
    That's a very interesting potential HIV cluster right there.
    Very effective blackmail.

  11. 16 is legal in most states. No big deal here.

  12. It doesn't matter who this is, they will never get into trouble.

    Celebrities are constantly in clubs while underage. Basketball players fly in underage girls and openly talk about it on social media.

    They play by different rules.

  13. Celebrities still get in trouble for going after underage kids. It's been an issue since Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin, it was an issue when two underage girls were found naked at Don Henley's house, it was still an issue when Rob Lowe was caught on tape with two 16 year olds, and it was an issue when Michael Jackson was dragged into court over little boys. I'm sure Bryan Singer doesn't want the ages of his conquests to come out publicly. Nothing has changed. It's still something they rightfully don't want to be caught at and shouldn't be doing in the first place.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Trouble is the lack of lawlessness in the business. They do what the hell they want because they are protected. Are they already grotesque or does their environment make them worse? Who knows. maybe a bit of both.

    2. Oh, yeah? How much jail time/loss of career did any of those you listed face?
      Michael went on trial after repeated claims by prepubescent BOYS were made and it was known he'd paid off others.
      Plus, he didn't help himself by saying he liked sleeping in the room with children & climbing trees w/them, had a pedophile wonderland at his home, etc. Not exactly case boosters, and he still got off.
      Rob Lowe was the first guy caught on video w/drugs & under age minors & got a slap on the wrist, but by and large the entertainment business and sportsball business has ALWAYS looked the other way or mitigated the damage.
      You try and recreate one of their scenarios and see how well it works for you.
      You won't get the Geffen/Singer/Seinfeld/Nugent/Henley/Elvis/Jerry Lee/Henley/R Kelley/Woody Allen/9,000 other musicians, actors, athletes, directors, producers, etc.
      It's rarer than rare for someone famous to get serious career damage for underage "dating" and just about as rare for a pedo to be outed & punished.

  14. In what state would 16 not be age of consent? Distasteful or even disgusting or bad for image is not always illegal.

    1. They try their damnedest to normalize bad stuff

  15. @Southern Man, there are plenty of states where age of consent is older than 16.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Game. He’s been with multiple 16 yr olds.

  18. @southern man California for one. The age of consent is 18. And that applies to both parties. I know of one musician whose son (16) had sex with his girlfriend (also 16), were caught and both had to go to court and faced being on the sex offenders registry. I don’t remember the final outcome (or never inquired) but the fact that it made it to court was the craziest thing I’ve ever heard of. Both parents of the boy are British and I think they’ve moved back there.

  19. Pharrell is on the d.l. not him. Game has form for this.

  20. Age of consent is older than 16 in some states. If the girl was underage in her home state but the rapper transported her to another so they could have sex then a federal crime was committed. Doesn't matter if she met the age of consent in the state they travelled to. Transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of sex is a federal offense.

  21. Many states, including mine, also figure age differential into the equation. In mine, the age differential is three years. In other words, if two 15 year olds screw, they are under the age of consent but are not committing an illegal act and won't have to register as sex offenders. If a 19 year old screws a 15 year old, he is committing statutory rape.

  22. Tyga hasn’t been traveling in the states recently, he’s been in Asia, so I doubt it’s him. I say Game or Nelly (he did a show with his current gf and kids on BET a few years ago).

  23. Thanks for enlightening me.. I am in the south, i think most of the states down here are 15/16 but have no idea personally. Never had a reason to research it!

    1. 16 in GA. I think Bama is the same.

    2. I also agree this is The Game, btw.

      When is R Kelly ever going to go to prison?!?

  24. Tyga was recently in Australia.

  25. Not that it was illegal, but just as a point of trivia-
    Wilmer Valderrama started dating Mandy Moore when she was 15 & he was 20,
    Lindsay Lohan when she was 17 & he was 24,
    Demi Lovato when she was just turned 17, & he was 30.

    He had a good decade run of scoring underage Mouse House jailbait, from playing a middling character on one hit comedy.



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