Thursday, June 28, 2018

Blind Item #7

If you watch that long running quiz show today, you may see a CDAN reader/future Dancing Boy character in that franchise.


Do Tell said...

Guess I'll have to look Jeopardy up on line later on.

J said...

Not much of a lure.

Krab said...

I admit it, it's me. I'm the one who answered Podesta to every question.

Green Tea said...

Makes more sense that it's the guy on tomorrow....he is a writer from LA.

Ophelia said...

Hi! Lurker finally commenting - it could be tonight's female contestant.
Journalist in NY and author of a book called "The Forbidden Apple: A Century of Sex & Sin in New York City"

Brayson87 said...

Trebek had so much more mojo with a mustache.

Alex Trebek Drunk

A dumb idiot said...

i think Ophelia's got it. Only one person is friends on facebook with little dancin' man.

Sara, Making It Work said...

They're a CDANer too? A lurker or commenter? Now I'm kind of curious. I haven't watched in years though.

sandybrook said...

The writer on tonight is named Kat Long.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Thanks for that link. I'm sure his friend is the gal from today, but the writer guy from tomorrow is super cute...

Anonymous said...

Just to be different, wheel of fortune.

Lurky McLurkster said...

Ophelia's guess makes sense but it is weird he uses "may see" when the Jeopardy guests are set it. It almost implies more like Who Wants to be a Millionaire where they only get on if someone's run before them is short

Anonymous said...

my first guess was who wants to be a millionaire

Ophelia said...

Lurky - The only way I can think of for the "may see" to be significant if this is about Jeopardy are those guest star video questions that they do - which would only air if that question is selected from the board.

lynn said...

Currently watching 😬

Green Tea said...

Yeah, I was premature. I saw she was from NY so I dismissed her too quickly.
Also, I assumed, since it was related to DB, it couldn't be as straight forward as it seemed. But I was wrong this time.

Shaddup Mimsey said...

I think it was Frank on jeopardy.

Jennifer said...

💠What about the fact they turned the camera on the audience and showed two guys, (right b4 first commercial) the one was waving... They NEVER show the Jeopardy audience. I watch almost every night, and the only time I've seen them show the audience is when they had a former contestant in the stands.❕❓❓❕ 💠

KnitWit said...

A contestant on Wheel of Fortune was the voice of Barney.

Jennifer said...

👆maybe he has dirt on Demi and Selena!!

But Wheel is in reruns right now.

Anonymous said...

Unless it's one of those game show skits on SNL, hosted by wonderful Kenan Thompson, I won't be seeing it.
Love Kenan soooo much

Lala said...

Match game was on - Alec Baldwin’s the host.
Jack mcbrayer, Anthony Anderson and James Vanderbeek were on the panel

chillip said...

Ophelia's guest attended Sarah Lawrence.


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