Monday, June 25, 2018

Blind Item #8 - BET Awards

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress from a hit almost television show with a provocative title is a great actress. She is ticked though because she feels the streaming service just plays lip service to people of color and has not done anything to try and get her an Emmy nomination except invite her to a for your consideration party with every other person on the streaming service.  


Gossipgal said...

Logan Browning from Dear White People?

Unknown said...

Lol is she wrong? I actually watched the show and it’s really amazing. People should just ignore the title and watch the damn show. It’s extremely realistic, educational and hilarious

J said...

So "doing something for people of color" = getting one thirsty chick award nominations?

I'm not woke enough; that never occurred to me.

Unknown said...

The performances are phenomenal too especially from Logan

Thonker said...

Lol @J I thought the same. Do you care about your community or if you get an award? lmao

MDAnderson said...

I like it too. I liked her on hit the floor

Unknown said...
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Gossipgal said...

You quoted a phrase that isn’t even in the blind & conflated two separate issues. Reading is fundamental.

Unknown said...

so because she wants the recognition she feels she and her show deserves she doesn’t care about her community?... have you actually seen the show?

J said...

I have no idea as to whether she cares about her community. Presumably she does.

However, this complaint of hers, assuming it's described correctly, sounds like childish and selfish petulance.

beebopcowboy said...

this reeks of entitlement this unknown actress hasnt even earned yet.

sit back down, logan.

Brayson87 said...

Oh Logan Browning, loved her on Powers with Sharlto Copley, Susan Heyward, Noah Taylor, Eddie Izzard, Olesya Rulin, Adam Godley, so many other talented people. That show was wasted on the PlayStation Network, check out at least the first season if you can.

VikingSong said...

I'm waiting for the TV show "Dear Black People" to air which looks at how White people are vilified for the same shit ALL RACES did throughout human history. I'm particularly looking forward to the segment that deals with the laughable hypocrisy of non-Whites screaming "cultural appropriation," while virtually everything they have or use was created by Whites..

nonyabusiness said...

Someone's angry. ^

Brayson87 said...

"Stuff White People Like" was pretty funny and often accurate. ;)

Bitchy Woman said...

I refuse to watch any racist pile of shit show.Blackish is another one , I don't care not my problem if people wanna cry about what happened 300 yrs ago. Whites were slaves at one time too , and I never used it to gain for myself.It is the reason they do not get ahead if worried about past instead of present and future !

canroadrunner said...

So they do the same thing for her as with any other person on the service but they should do more for her because she is a person of colour? If she is any good at her job, the work will speak for itself.


Who cares about Dear White People: Interracial Gay Sex in College Pre-Gaming the Boulé: the series?

Bullshit ass suburb shit




If your answer was "some faggot ass shit" you win!

IanPhlegming said...

Never watched, never will. Amazon and Netflix are now mostly misanthropic programming.

It's diabolical how they hook you with quality, then turn it to soul-destroying sickness. The first season of "Goliath" on Amazon was a David vs. Goliath story. The second season has been torture porn and killed off major characters in horrific ways, with amputations and much suffering. No thanks.

drkdragon777 said...

Give me a break you racist twats. This is referring to the hypocritical Netflix spot "Strong Black Lead" where they say they are promoting diversity among the company, but in actuality don't do anything behind the scenes to support it.

J said...

How many times have you called people racists this week?

Unknown said...

LOL @ some of this moronic comments in here on racism. Go get your klan hoods you slob knobbers

taurus1987 said...

logan browning

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Mo said...

Never saw the show, but I saw the movie and was really surprised how good it was. Also thought it needed a different title

MyMyMy said...

This show is great. The title is misleading... it’s the title of the lead characters radio show. But it’s really about coming of age during college, finding your place in the world, confronting your own contradictions and hypocrisies... and it’s funny.

Unknown said...

Whenever the topic of slavery would come up in any of my classrooms I would always point out that every student in the room, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, has had ancestors who were slaves at one point.

Slavery is an economic contagion not a racist practice. There are over 60 million people in the world today who live within some iteration of slavery, yet a small segment of African descendants in America have appropriated the practice to further their agenda.

You wanna be "woke", be woke about that.

Unknown said...

-300 years ago, try 150 years ago.
-Immediately following slavery were mass lynchings.
-One effect of slavery is institutional racism.
-This disease rears it's head in the two tiered justice system.
-Same crime, different time.
-Brock Turner gets 6 months and Corey Batey gets 25 years.
-Louisiana: black cops convicted of murdering a white child while a white cop gets charges dropped for killing a black man.

And the beat goes on...

Cuddlebutt said...

@Unknown a young white man, unarmed was shot 14 times exiting his trailer by the police. Just one mention in the news. No traction because it didn't fit the narrative. The black deputy marshals killed the autistic boy when he was with his father. Father was pulled over and had his hands out the window. One marshal was fucking the trashy meth head mother of the boy. Saying they don't deserve convictions because they are black? How about the black church vandalism done by a black guy to promote racism? Or the chick that cried racism and abuse by whites-said her hijab was torn from her head on a city bus. She lied. And the Jena 6 that was based on lies.
Racism is alive but the victims aren't only black.


Oooh if we're doing this post how about when Jews at college carve swastikas everywhere and put them on whiteboards and forget CCTV saw them do it.

I'm thinking that time at GWU but this game is an old one!

orangesoda said...

Right, so people having an opinion about some award-thirsty actress demanding awards when her show isn't actually that popular is racist now? Cut the shit. These 'go get your klan hoods, skree skree' comments are the kind of comments that stop real problems from being taken seriously.

Urban Rosebud said...

LOfucking L Viking Song. Your education has failed you.

Urban Rosebud said...

When you remove entire countries from the continent of Africa & then try to turn them European & take credit for it. Then create a campaign to align people of color internationally through education, government & media - YOU HAVE NO FUCKING LEG TO STAND ON.

Sit your stupid ass down, SHUT THE FUCL UP & take a fucking history class before you even try to speak about the injustices my people experienced in this country at the hands of your d
fucking ancestors who raped my grandmother & then I became related to trash like you. FUCK YOU & YOUR ILK.

Urban Rosebud said...


Urban Rosebud said...

Drkdragon take your blood pressure medication before coming in here.

Spudmonkey said...

urban ignorant rosebud. Nigger please, shut the fuck up with your whinging BS! Blacks like you (the loud, ignorant cunty minority) need to pull your head out of your asses and realise people are fed-up with your constant complaining shit. While the majority of black Americans have their shit together and don't expect to go through life receiving hand outs and being treated different from anyone else, fuckheads such as yourself have to shit all over any and all situations. You clowns have been given a free ride for WAAAAY too long. You people are a joke.
Yes racism exists in America, the majority of it coming from low IQ ignorant blacks such as yourself.
Enough already!


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