Monday, June 25, 2018

Random Photos Part Two

Hugh Jackman spending another day doing the solo thing.
That is some serious luggage fees waiting to happen for Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union.
Bella Hadid in Paris.
Long time no see for Amelia Warner and Jamie Dornan.
Lenny Kravitz has hooked up with two of the three women seated next to him. Who has not? Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss or Naomi Campbell.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas maintaining that six inch space at all times.


sandybrook said...

I'll say Posh Becks didn't touch Lenny's wang.
Jackmans wife isn't exactly in great enough shape to sit and ride a bike Enty.

Jennifer said...

+1 Posh!

Leanne Norman said...

Dwayne Wade's outfit is like something a granny would wear to the gym.

Nick basically outed himself with this "relationship" he should have gone down the barely known model route if he wanted to stay in the closet.

Kate looks like she'd rather be anywhere else.

Jennifer said...

Didn't Nick star on some gay MMA drama a few years ago? Was he testing the waters? He should just come out.

Me Again said...

Too bad for the person who did not sleep with Mr. Kravitz. Their loss.

Sd Auntie said...

Posh would have to eat a burger before she saw any action. Yes, Ms Campbell and Kate are the lucky ones. Amelia us a hot mess in this dress.

Brayson87 said...

If Hugh was a true gentleman he'd have stopped that bike and offered to help that woman carry her produce.

Brayson87 said...

Yeesh, is that Bella's speed yachting outfit?

Thonker said...

Nick you don't need this just Hit me up and you'll be free to be you and a lot happier!

Brayson87 said...

Lenny & Co look like a DARE poster, this could be you.

Dammit Nick, reach for the hip or the butt, not the small of her back. She's your girlfriend not your dancing teacher, you have to sell it.

Beyonce is a little overboard with the leopard print, I know what the pattern is supposed to do but it doesn't work in that quantity.

Anonymous said...

Are we all still pretending we believe Jonas and Chopra are in a relationship?

Did Dornan’s wife ever hear of shampoo and a brush?

nancer said...

dornan's wife's ankles are crossed, like she has to pee.

and that is one seriously ugly dress.

CJ said...

Lenny & Co look like a DARE poster, this could be you.

LOL they do. What I think when I see that is, "Would I actually want to hang out with any of these people? No, not for two seconds."

pixiegothy said...

wonder if Lenny's leather pants rip open this time! I love Kate, she looks good even in that silk pajamas

Unknown said...

+1 Sandy.. 😂

Sharper Teeth said...

Is Amelia Warner pregnant again?

I have a gif of Lenny's pants splitting that I haven't been able to delete from my phone. It's one of the best.

Spitbite said...

Now I get it.

I wondered why no caption on the Bey, Jay pic and then I realised there was a six-inch distance there too!

Funny, Enty!

VikingSong said...

Moss and Campbell are looking fantastic. They're aging wonderfully.

Aoife said...

Who didn't sleep with Lenny? I'm going with Naomi.

Dornan's wife's dress looks like an oversized apron from the 50's. If she's pregnant I apologize.

Lucy said...

+1 Aoife - Enty wouldn't have bothered saying anything if Naomi and Kate hooked up with him because neither are married, so it wouldn't be scandalous. He's subtly calling out Posh because it's gossip-worthy.

I also think him calling out Dornan for not being around in a while could mean something since Dakota hadn't been spotted for a while either and she's suddenly in the DM with Chris Martin.

Lucy said...

Spitbite - thanks for pointing that out! It went over my head, too.

Hannah J said...

@Lucy Dornan and Dakota have both been spotted out a lot lately, with their significant others, Enty just probably didn't want to pay for the pictures. Head to the Daily Mail or Just Jared, they always have a story about them.

@Sharper Teeth, Mrs. Dornan probably isn't pregnant (she doesn't even look it). She wears the same look on the red carpet all the time big and baggy. Either she really doesn't know what size she is or she just likes for everyone to play the is she or isn't she game. But bet is on the latter.

orangesoda said...

I know Lenny is a dog but Kate, really? You're just asking for the hep with that alien looking oddity.


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