Monday, June 25, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Patron

I think of him as more of an investor, but that is not the right word. What is the right word is that this patron of the Church should be in fear of his life. Apparently it has been discovered that this person all of you know now, but may not have known even a few months ago created a shell company many years ago and used the proceeds of a company all of you know to buy some property in the state where he grew up in. Yes, the property where the Church has its headquarters. None of this would probably have ever been discovered if not for the events of the past month or two. Apparently though, someone close to our Patron did discover the purchase and then asked too many questions. Presumably, they didn't like the answers given. The Patron probably should be careful hanging out with that person who was just an intern last year and is now a full time hookup. Wouldn't want them caught up in the dangerous game our Patron is playing right now.


MontanaMarriott said...

Is this have to do with Rainierre and Nxivm?

MontanaMarriott said...

"Proceeds of a company we all know" Seagrams?

sandybrook said...

+1 Montana Bromfmans daughter is the money behind nxivm. Maybe her father figured things out? Assuming he's still with us, if not him some other heir.

joshg g said...

Isn't the Church the Dream church in Arizona?

joshg g said...

Isn't the Church the Dream church in Arizona?

Brayson87 said...

I can't keep track of which church is which, I think capitalization matters.

Colonel Blake said...

Chris Pratt? But, he's from MN.

gauloise said...

I thought someone said the Church was the CIA?

MDAnderson said...

I think this has to do with Michael Cohen.

Rosie riveter said...

Schneiderisnext made a list for us, it's somewhere, a couple months ago.

Guesser said...

Edgar Bronfman,Jr,the product we know Seagram's, he is the one who sold the company in a shady deal, the Bronfman sister's are big shots in NxIVM, Bronfman was also at one time head of Warner Brothers Records,working with some guy named Geffen. For those of you who think NxIVM is some little sex cult,why do you suppose one of the wealthiest families in the world are involved? @Schneiderisnext will need to explain the Church, my head will explode if I try. You can not make this stuff up.

Jessica said...

Church: church of scientology
State church has headquaters: florida
Patron: david mscaviage

Cadmium77 said...

Maybe the problem can be better understood if we remember that the Bronfmans are no longer that rich. Apparently they've lost about 11/12 of their once immense fortune.

Now they still have a lot of money by our standards, but for people that want to be players in the great game this is a disasters. They've descended to being mere nobodies.

Maybe they're desperate to get back in the game as big players. They just might need large sums of cash. Obviously moving bootleg booze from Canada to the USA is no longer a profitable enterprise. Judging from the fall in cocaine prices from the early 70's to today it would seem that the cocaine market has been saturated with product too. What to do? What to do?

Underage girls is cash in the bank with a customer base that is wallowing in the dough. Disgusting pigs from the Persian Gulf that have never had to work a day in their worthless lives for money so they have no concept of its value for instance.

I doubt if the sisters are doing anything even Granddaddy Samuel would disapprove of. After all, money is money.

Mahogany1 said...

I want this to be Hillsong

Andyb12 said...

Wasn't one of the Bronfman's married to a Hollywood star?

joshg g said...

Scientology is usually referred to as the Organization

Schneiderisnext said...

Here are some these to get up to speed.

The first "The Church" post Dec 12/2017

"The church is a non profit and their biggest donor is a shell company which is part of another shell company which is owned by the same A+ list mogul we have seen time and time again in all of these stories."

Schneiderisnext said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Schneiderisnext said...

Read all 494 comments of "the church" blind to understand who this refers to.

Schneiderisnext said...

If I'm reading this correctly....

Blind refers to NXIVM (Keith Raniere=PATRON...he isn't a financial investor)

Their current headquarters are in Half-Moon NY where Raniere grew up.

Now this "church" has multiple locations, this blind probably refers to Seagrams Money (via Bronfman Twins) being funneled to buy a whole street of Houses in Upstate NY

Schneiderisnext said...

If Raniere is indeed "The Patron" (he's the only person who has bubbled to the topl of societal awareness in the last 5 months)

It means "The Church" isn't Raniere's creation...he's just a figurehead


Schneider and Brayson start a blog (NO PODCASTS) and i'll give u 2HOT6CDAN

It has to be called "Parlour Ishikawa," though.


Something like moonofalabama but funnier


Thank you.

joshg g said...

NXIVM is referred to as a sex cult not Church.
And Raniere is in jail and not hooking up with anyone.


Also like the rancidhoneypot or w/e like that tarzie guy
Viva la hummus


(((Piss Jew Psyop)))




If u r anyone listed (except caro) u better legally change your names and never get on the internet again.



Weev weev weev

There you go you namesearching bottom bitch come at me faggot


Shout out to that deranged derrida loving tranny who started calling me a rapist because I mocked derrida's stupid faggot bullshit

You know the one that one with zero qualifications during the surge who was mercing as some pog logistics escort to pay for a sex change and managed to step on a landmine somehow.

Blew his legs off. Never asked but it would have been convenient if it blew his weenie off too, right?😎


And the president of the Finland branch of the 'Justified' Fanclub




Schneiderisnext said...

@Joshua g

If this isn't NXIVM, there may be two separate sex trafficking operations catering to Elites.

@Enty's original "The Church" Blind was clearly narrowed down to be partially based in Short Creek ARIZONA

fundamentalist Mormons (Warren Jeff's) practice polygamy, child brides, and abusive sexual rites.

@ENTY claims that In this Tiny Northern Arizona Border Town a Hollywood Mogul set up a trafficking ring where eastern European teenagers are brought for sexual slavery under the cover of a REHAB.

If this is a separate ring from NXIVM, this is the organization this blind refers to.

Fozzy Bear said...

Josh g “the church” blinds all refer to NXIVM, and this blind is about a “patron”, e.g. a financial backer, not a public leader.

Guesser said...

@Schneiderisnext,how can this be Rainiere if he has been caught? This has to be someone still free.

Schneiderisnext said...


I'd do a costumed live streamed + cluttered convoluted red-stringed corkboard a-la-a George Webb

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Like the Michael Cohen guess.

Schneiderisnext said...

Ahhh, I misread the blind and associated the PATRON with the "person we all know"

In that case....


Raised in PHX Arizona? He's a part of DreamWorks _S_KG?

the "Dream City Church" and "Dream Center" became associated with SKG when they consulted for "The Prince of Egypt"

I think Geffen's label coordinates the church's record label

joshg g said...

Spielberg would make more sense for an intern turned hookup. Dream Center is southern Utah, on the border with Arizona near Colorado City.

joshg g said...

Enty says they brought in young foreigners for the Elites so as to avoid diseases.

Schneiderisnext said...

The Saturday Profile: Steven Spielberg, Film Director: Patron saint of entertainment

@Enty you cad!

Schneiderisnext said...

Spielberg named ‘Patron of Culture’

The Associated Press
Jul. 6, 2005 at 10:55 AM

The city of Krakow has recognized Steven Spielberg for his efforts to preserve parts of the former ghetto where he filmed much of his Oscar-winning “Schindler’s List.”

Spielberg was named a prestigious “Patron of Culture” for 2004 in a ceremony late Tuesday, Krakow spokesman Filip Szatanik said.

Schneiderisnext said...

Krakow, Poland.

I WONDER if this is where the Eastern Europeans might be coming from

ReallyDonna said...

@Schneiderisnext ((slow clapping)) excellent 🕵️‍♀️ sleuthing! Thank you. This makes so much more sense now.

JrSlims said...

@schneiderisnext, the Eastern European girls are likely coming from the Balkans/former Yugoslavia. That's where Jeffrey Epstein "acquired" Natalia Marcinova. Epstein also flew under DynCorp's tail number - suggesting a larger connection - and that's where DynCorp was assisting child trafficking operations.

Epstein and David Geffen are (were) connected via Dana Giachetto, one of the people house butler Alfredo Rodriguez identified as being a material witness to Epstein's activities. It was under Courtney Love's entry in Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book, but with an arrow to "Dana." Geffen and Giachetto were both investors in the Digital Entertainment Network and also made the most money in Kurt Cobain's demise (Giachetto was Cobain's money manager but sold the label, Sub Pop, to Geffen - making a ton in the process).


Just don't Eliot Piggins and shit the bed



Not asking or telling just suggesting

Donations and a one stop shop for the internet confluence of CDAN and QAnon

joshg g said...

But Spielberg isn't someone everyone got to know in the last month or 2. Dream Center headquarters is in Utah not Arizona, although it is on the border. Was there some big news event in Utah recently?

Maggie T said...

Agree. That's more like Raniere, but he wasn't born in Arizona.

AgonyAunt said...

Wasn't Malia an intern last year???

travis said...

Raniere isn't currently hooking up. Not with interns anyway.

The blind sounds like a combination of Geffen/Speilberg.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Look, it's not going to be Geffen, or Spielberg or anyone we've all known of for years. Think somebody the public has only more recently heard of.

Unknown said...

The Patron could be someone we've known for years, but someone else (let's call him R) bought the property. If that's the case, then it's saying that someone close to the Patron has been asking questions about R's ownership of the property, and that's putting the Patron's life in danger somehow. That's where I start to lose the thread -- seems like it would be the inquisitive intern/hookup's life in danger, not the Patron's. But it could be that the Patron is worried that R knows too much about the Patron's use of the property, and would roll on him in a deal, making the Patron a danger to someone further up the hierarchy who might take him out.

It was also suggested in a past blind that a particular patron of services like these would kill himself rather than face public charges, so I guess that could be another way it could threaten his life.

AppleThief4Elliot said...

That's helpful, @Cail Corishev. I'm not sure your right, as Enty does usually assign a nickname or a letter or something when introducing another figure in the story, but the way it is written, yes... the patron and the person we have only heard of in recent times might be the same person.
Other angles:

Church: Scientology, LDS, Pratt's weird thing, or NXVI-whatever.

Proceeds of a Company we've all heard of (Bronfman, Schmidt, Musk or really there are tons of options.)

Mo said...

Well, he could be hooking up in jail. Not sure how consensual that is though.

plot said...

Oh dear. The BIG problem with any Bronfman connection made her is the deceased Papa Bronfman is the one who begged the cops to look into NXIVM. He was no part of it and wanted his daughters out.

Quite the stumbling block there, unless your crazy theory is one of the daughters hacked her dad's computer (No!) and did some funny business with his investments (you don't say!) without any of his many accountants or money managers or investment arms knowing about it (well, I'll BE!)

Schneiderisnext said...


Daddy is dead. He's not doing shit. Yes he did complain publically, but his son's had already taken over the Seagrams Fortune. Power had already been wrestled from his hands.

The Sisters hacked Daddy's computer and used it to make their own investments. Nobody has made any claims about them messing with Daddy's money. They already had their inheritance.

Once again @plot is lying.

memyselfandi said...

Sometimes I read into these too much and confuse myself but to me this sounds the property purchased is in AZ, as the original Church introduced is based there. So the patron has to be from AZ and maybe this came to light because of either the different government investigations going on involving trump - not trying to start a political debate or war - or maybe the issues at the border. So many things are being looked into, who knows what's been uncovered that the public isn't aware of.

No clue on actual people just thinking aloud. To be honest, I didn't even understand what a shell company was until all of this government investigation stuff came up.

Guesser said...

@plot,there was a court case stating the Daughters did hack into the Father' s computer. The older brother was responsible for the sale of Seagram's, even though the old man was alive at the time.

joshg g said...

Michael Avenatti spent his childhood in Colorado and Utah.

plot said...


What "hacked" means in this case is, as always, nebulous. What some imagine they did as a result of that hacking is fantastical.


Sure, why not! Slap on any public figure to this behemoth of a narrative. Can't let interest flag!

Sweet Woodruff said...

I think "The Church" is in Arizona, right? I'm going to guess Andy Spade.

...just thinking out loud...

Schneiderisnext said...


You lying sack of shit.

The "hacking" wasn't "nebulous" or "fantastical"

"Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records."

A simple KEYLOGGER. They had access to BRONFMAN'S emails, passwords, etc.

I really hope your lies catch up with you @plot. They probably already have.

NorCal Norm said...

I would guess the church they may be talking about is the one in Arizona/Utah. From what I have read they started a church there and would bring in under aged kids as "church workers" to make it easier to traffic them in. Also celebs would go there for "rehab" which was to visit these under age kids. I did a quick google maps check of the church near the Utah/Ariz border, very interesting setup. It is completely walled in, they have Zion suites motel right next door that is also walled in. I found it weird as I have never seen a walled in motel in a small town such as this.

Haywood Jablomee said...

That's the reason I make all my 7 & 7's with Old Thompson instead of Seagrams 7 Crown, and also cuz it is cheaper.

Schneiderisnext said...


Thank you for the info!

BoyWander said...

Speaking of the Church...I meant to post something I found interesting way back in December when the topic first came up...if you look on google/Apple maps and find the Colorado City Airport, jog down the airport road just a bit until you hit Canaan st. There is a MASSIVE compound/mansion right there, very conveniently located. Wonder who owns it? Wonder if it houses some of those kids the priest fly in?

Dusty Fairy said...

The Bronfmans still do enormous real estate deals for Israeli investors. They are not even close to being regular folk.

codyave said...

patron = possibly Adam Bronfman
“The Church” = Mormon
shell company = unknown
“proceeds of a company” = possibly the Samuel Bronfman Foundation
“state where he grew up” = Utah
LDS headquarters = Utah
intern = unknown

codyave said...

The Church: LDS Church
Patron: Jacob Kingston
shell company: ?
state where he grew up: Utah
company all of you know: Washakie Renewable Energy
someone close to our Patron: Mary Nelson (niece of Paul Kingston)


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