Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Your Turn

Favorite Jurassic movie.


sandybrook said...

The first one Jurassic Park because I don't do sequels very well.

Lurky McLurkster said...

Jurassic School

Lurky McLurkster said...

Would any movie with Helen Mirren be considered a jurassic movie?

sandybrook said...

Lurky I DONT THINK SO!!!!😣😣😣😣

IanPhlegming said...

Only the first one is any good.

Sara, Making It Work said...

None of the above. So not my thing.

rigs-in-gear said...

Jurassic Hadassah

totaji said...

Neither do most writers/directors.

John the peon said...


Mhdz said...

@Lurky I first heard of/saw Jurassic School a few weeks ago. My god...

riffer73 said...

Believe it or not I've never seen one of these.I had a buddy try to drunksplain the whole concept to me. That explained one movie, but the rest? How stupid are the people to keep on making the same mistake?

Jennifer said...

The first one.

cc423 said...

The one with the dinosaurs.

Freckles said...

The first, at the time it was so unique and well done

Mad Hominem said...

Is it wrong that I liked the 3rd one best because it actually had a sense of humor about itself and dared to "bite the hand that fed it"?

I loved the lecture scene early in the film where a student asks Sam Neill what he's going to do on the Dino Island when he goes back, and he looks at the student and says, practically winking at the audience, "there is NO WAY IN HELL I am going back to [Dinosaur Island]."

Five minutes later, you know what happens. LOL

Anyone with a drop of skepticism in their blood knows that this franchise, even the original, is just a pale attempt to remake Jaws with CGI. The characters are shitty and the saturation marketing just made me annoyed.

Unknown said...

First 1



Sal T said...

Jurassic Pork.

VikingSong said...

The one where the dinosaur bleeds chainsaws..

OKay said...

I've only seen the first one. I didn't particularly like it.

Do Tell said...

The Whales of August.

The Ashton Cruz Zoo said...


BRAD PITT said...

"They should all be destroyed"

is a line from which steven spielberg movie

1 Lincoln
2 Munich
3 Schindlers List
4 Jurassic Park

Bill Beard said...



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