Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blind Item #11

You can thank the drug issues of this A- list mostly television actor for the cancellation of his show. The whole filming process was crazy and erratic and based on what partying he did the night before. It was a fairly hit show and could have stayed on for much longer.


  1. Uh Matthew Perry that is?

  2. Those were the first two who came to mind. Either one makes me sad if true.

  3. @kimberly

    Shooter, his show, was just cancelled after 3 seasons and it was mildly popular apparently (? I had no idea)

  4. yep
    Ryan Phillippe

    I think Keifer has a "minder" to keep him from going off deep end. could be wrong tho.

  5. But is Ryan mostly television? He was all movies before Shooter?

  6. Guesses - Blind doesn't say "foreign Born" or "North of the Border"

  7. What show is Matthew Perry on? He hasn't been the lead on a series since "The Odd Couple" like 2 years ago. This is definitely Ryan Phillipe because variety just reported that his show "Shooter" has been cancelled.

  8. Ryan did a season of "Secrets and Lies" before he did "Shooter." Each season was a separate storyline with separate characters, so he was on for the entirety of his storyline. I think four seasons of tv in recent history, even if he's done some movies here and there, does qualify him as "mostly television." And I agree, he's the blind item. The first thing I thought when I heard "Shooter" had been cancelled was how much it must cost now to insure him. He's not uninsurable the way Lindsay Lohan is uninsurable, but it's not something a modest cable production would want to or can take on.

  9. The Enabling Capital of the World.

  10. Sutherland has never been accused of using drugs....... his fondness for alcohol is common knowledge, but he is also known as one of the most professional, word perfect, punctual actors in the biz.

  11. Anonymous8:53 PM

    This is sad if it is Ryan, I liked him in Secrets and Lies

  12. Kiefer is a train wreck and I'm told was not a good time to work with.



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