Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blind Item #4

This three named singer has enough family money where she will never need to yacht for money. The thing is though, to get the best tracks, she does still have to hook up with guys which is what this producer a lot of you know is making her do. That foreign born one named singer did the same thing not that long ago, but from what I hear, the songs delivered are not that great.


Tricia13 said...

Lana Del Rey

Tricia13 said...

And Grimes maybe?

MDAnderson said...

Jack Antonoff for the producer??

ttellapttam said...

Lorde i think. He produced Melodrama


Joe Biden too sick for Democrat Day?
What does it really mean?🤣🤣😎


Sorry for plotting here, but my time in NYC has made me despise the Lanas of the world and I just saw it in NYP

Tricia13 said...

Yeah no clue about producer-Mark Ronson maybe?

Now! said...

It means Biden is 75 years old and too old to be a viable candidate in 2020. Which most people already knew.

gauloise said...

Grimes was supposed to release an album last year, but she cancelled it indefinitely due to behind the scenes could be her.


Joe Biden’s Disturbing Groping of Young Girls and Women

November 21, 2017 • 29 Comments

Rachel Alexander

He’s got nicknames like “Handsy” and “Creepy Uncle Joe.” He was also vice-president of the United States.

Now that other famous men in entertainment, politics and the media are being accused of sexual abuse, videos and photos of Joe Biden touching young girls and women are starting to attract attention. As bad as the things people have accused Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roy Moore of? No, not nearly so bad. Okay then? No.

Not okay? Then liberals criticize Biden for being creepy and “inappropriate”? Do they tell him they won’t support him as a candidate if he acts like that? Well, no, not yet. They find excuses for him. He’s strongly for “women’s rights,” after all. He’s thorougly pro-choice.

But the possible 2020 Democratic presidential candidate may still find that being handsy means not being president.

Known For Years

Journalists have been writing about this for a few years. Look at this article from the lefty website Gawker from 2015. It gives lots of pictures of what it calls “groping Joe moments.” Time magazine let a Republican writer suggest the same year that “America Shouldn’t Tolerate ‘Biden Being Biden’.”

Amanda Terkel, writing in Huffington Post, described another incident. “The teenage daughter of Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), for example, visibly cringed and pulled away when Biden whispered in her ear and kissed her on the head.”

NPR found the incident amusing. The news site relayed the incident in an article entitled, “The best of Biden being Biden from the new Congress’ first day.” Richard Armande Mills and Ace of Spades compiled a long list of Biden’s groping.

We knew that too

.robert said...

@Geeljire, why are you bringing political crap here? There are numerous other forums for that stuff.


Why does Enty post about political things?
Are you daft?
I hate having to answer bullshit questions with more questions. Does anyone really care who Lana blew? Why is it ok to do this in Dancing Boy blinds?

Oh no, not self-reflection! ANYTHING BUT THAT

Leanne Norman said...

If she has the money she should hire a different set of writers and producers preferably gay, or at the very least demand to hear the song before you sleep with him.

hothotheat said...

Biden also sat on the committee that saw Clarence Thomas, sexual harrasser, take a seat on SCOTUS. Not only did Biden not take seriously Anita h
Hill's story about the harassment, even as late as last year, post-Weinstein, he said he's "sorry she felt the system didn't work for her".
I'm a die hard Democrat but I will NOT vote for Biden.


A Pennsylvania priest tortured an altar boy for over a year, sexually abusing him and beating him with a metal cross, then left the church for a gig at Walt Disney World — with a reference from the Diocese, a grand jury report found.

Father Edward George Ganster is one of the hundreds of priests named in the statewide grand jury investigation, which found that 1,000 children were abused in Pennsylvania for decades, as church leaders shielded their tormentors.

Years after being abused, a married 37-year-old man came forward in 2002 to say that Ganster had fondled and groped him for over a year in a half, beginning when he was 14 and an altar boy at St. Joseph in Frackville.

In one instance, Ganster allegedly dragged the boy across the living room, pulling him by his underwear. He also beat the boy multiple times — including once with a metal cross, the report states.

The victim reported the abuse to the Diocese again in 2004, but church officials didn’t bring the report to the Northampton County District Attorney’s Office until 2007.

The mother of a second victim came forward in 2005 to say that her now-adult son had been abused by Ganster in 1977 when he was 13. The parents had allowed their boy to accompany Ganster to the beach on an overnight trip and the teen recounted that Ganster “hurt him and got in bed with him.”

The mother said she immediately told Monsignor Connelly about the abuse and he told the distraught woman that Ganster would be given counseling and removed from the parish. Ganster announced he had resigned the following Sunday at mass but the victim’s life spiraled out of control and he endured multiple broken relationships and anger issues.

In 2015, the mom of a third victim came forward to say her son was abused by Ganster in the summer of 1977 when he was 12.

After being hospitalized at St. John Vianney Hospital in Downingtown in 1988, Ganster eventually left the priesthood to get married, but there were other victims who came forward.

But he had one request — a letter of recommendation for a job at the Orlando amusement park.

Maybe this can be the last generation in'sha'allag.
PANopticon out of PANdora's, might as well use it for good.
Why is it all happening now?



notthisagain said...

Lana Del Rey w/Jack Antonoff as the producer, Lorde the foreign born one before

Lana posted an insta w/Antonoff showing them working together a day or two ago

alphacranberry said...

Melodrama did pretty well, it was nominated for album of the year, and Lorde was very happy with it. I think it's Grimes.

Thonker said...

Where does Lana have family money from? Is her family rich?
Also I really cant imagine jack antonoff telling anyone what to do lol
I once again call Bs...

Thonker said...

Also if the last line refers to Melodrama enty clearly has no taste in music cause Melodrama is an amazing album

Kate said...

Grimes produces all her own music. Production is really her thing more than being a singer.

Her album was delayed because her mixer couldn’t get to it in time for a summer release, so her label pushed it back.

nonyabusiness said...

lana del rey did say she fucked her way to the top

gauloise said...
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longtimereader said...

If biden isn't disqualified for the crime bill that decimated the black community, then liberals deserve to loose to Trump. I'm surprised antonoff has the pull to require 'fucking for tracks'.

Mac said...

I had to google her, and boy one look at her photos... she reminds me of Nicole Kidman, all dead eyed and totally consumed by her own beauty that everything else she has no time to notice. No matter who this woman is with, she is staring at the camera with that 1,000 mile glaze.
It kind of gives me the creeps tbh, even though she is pretty.
So yeah, I could totally see her selling her body for tracks.

yepthatsme said...

Which family does Lana Del Rey come from? And she has already admitted to sleeping to the top, i think! The producer has to be the former boy friend of Lena Dunham! I think he just begged Lena to sleep with him by emotionally blackmailing her, after all he did date Lena for long time! Anyone would feel sorry for him!

cc423 said...

No one wants to hear your bullshit @Geeljire

VikingSong said...

Lana del Rey is a good guess, but she writes her own music.

In regards to your question, Robert. It's because he's a fucking twat.

UniversalEnergy said...

Lana's father is a millionaire from his online business he sold. Her mom is a teacher. They're from Lake Placid, NY. The really famous producer she's worked with is Rick Rubin. The two one named singers he's worked with are Adele and Shakira. I'm guessing it's Shakira because she has new music and Adele doesn't. .

UniversalEnergy said...

Lana's father is a millionaire from his online business he sold. Her mom is a teacher. They're from Lake Placid, NY. The really famous producer she's worked with is Rick Rubin. The two one named singers he's worked with are Adele and Shakira. I'm guessing it's Shakira because she has new music and Adele doesn't. I doubt Lana bones anyone she doesn't want to. She's not timid. I think she's one of the best singer-songwriters from the past decade.

Unknown said...

Who let the Qanon-psycho-Freeks in here ???
Go away! Go back to Reddit, you Sad housewifes and 40 something years olds in Mommys bassement!

... Anyway, Lana Del Rey Fully Admited to sleeping with people to get her career ahead. She wrote a song for Harvey Weinstein.
Hardly a "blind".

UniversalEnergy said...

Also, Lana said "I Fucked My Way Up to the Top" was both poking fun at herself for never getting a recording contract from any of the music men she had sex with, and it was also about a singer who stole her music and look - Taylor Swift. Taylor plagiarized the melody of her song "Without You" for her own song "Wildest Dreams." Lana cowrites songs and doesn't do sound engineering so maybe she's boned or blown some engineers.


Lol if you actually believe that

Thot Crimes said...

Those "Grabby" Joe Biden pics are disturbing; does that make me NaziChan?

hunter said...

Yes Lana Del Ray's family is wealthy, many say she wouldn't be famous without her father's money (also see: Taylor Swift.

That said, Lana was in the DM on a yacht yesterday. She didn't look great (heavy from below the bust) but she was there.

Bill Beard said...

(((Jack Antonoff)))?

Stupidpervs said...
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Lana Del Gut

Grateful Goddess said...

I enjoy your bullshit

Spudmonkey said...

I can't believe some of you fucking idiots hold onto the deluded dream that Lana can write a song without ghost-writers actually doing it for her... It's 2018 people, wake the fuck up - she's just another low talent slut that fucks for songs/plays/press etc...


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