Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 28, 2018

This A++ list CEO is trying to walk a fine line right now. He does not want to upset some of his biggest investors so he blocks people reporting anything bad those investors do while at the same time passing the blame of blocking on algorithms.

Mark Zuckerberg


  1. Who is on FB anymore? Just old ladies...

    1. Yeah but Facebook still owns Instagram and WhatsApp.

      I still remember joining a group back in 2006/2007 to campaign to get my university listed on Facebook as a Network, can’t believe nobody uses it anymore.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Everybody I know from 9 to 75. I live in uk.

  2. I deleted my FaceBook account years ago.

    Such a waste of time...

    I'd rather read CDAN instead!


  3. So we are over that whole "he's running" thing. Thank god

  4. Zuckerberg looks more and more like some kind of weird possessed alien as time passes.

  5. Yeah nobody haHAA bunch of hipsters y'all

  6. I think he owns more than those 2

  7. I missed this blind. This had to have exploded a few politico heads! I am not going to go back and look, but I bet it was a sh*% storm in the comments.

    Keep up the great work Enty!!!!

  8. So the obvious question here is just what is it his biggest investors are doing that's so bad that he has to cover for them?

    I would have thought that attending bloody child sacrifice ceremonies to Moloch dressed in Ku Klux Klan robes would be so commonplace to the public by now that they'd hardly elicit any attention at all.

  9. I really hoped he'd run in 2020, too. The "fellow humans" memes are hilarious. Looks like we're still stuck with HerTurn again.

  10. Did Alex Jones send this one in Enty? Srly.

  11. Never joined Facebook (or twitter) and I can feel so smug these days. Fuck the Zuck.

    1. Same here- I always found it well, stupid.

  12. So where do the hip people hang out now? Myspace?

  13. never used FB garbage. Can't get my daughter off that thing. She's 40. She doesn't believe what i tell her about that shit hole place.
    I know young kids don't use it, so not sure who else is really left. FB is a money laundering machine, so they'll fight to the end to keep it up and running. It's just useless.

  14. Zuckerberg 2024! I didn't keep your data safe, and I won't keep your country safe!

    Zuckerberg 2024! Hey, if lies on Facebook are going to make anyone President, it might as well be me!

    Zuckerberg 2024! Remember that time I wrote a big check to New Jersey to fix education?

  15. That Listening Tour was not so long ago, remember Zuck? You went into the hinterlands and were honestly ASTONISHED that people worked, had families, did community things, etc., without much high tech instruction. You regarded us as quaint anachronisms. Ha ha ha buddy.

  16. Blame the Russian oligarchs. They gave him big money back in the days when the recession started.



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