Today's Blind Items - She Killed Him
You know a death we don't talk about much is the death of this Academy Award winning/nominated B list actor who was killed by his celebrity girlfriend. Oh, sure, she was not charged, but those closest to him know she was poisoning him and gaslighting him to the point he had no idea what was going on and made a will naming her as the sole beneficiary. Previously his family members had been named. Our celebrity also took out millions of dollars of life insurance policies on him and raided his bank accounts. When she cleared out everything she could while he was living, she upped the dose of what she had been giving him and he died. Then she cashed in on everything and moved on to the next victim.
George Kennedy?
Was he only B list?
Mimi O'Donnell isn't/wasn't exactly a celebrity.
Omarosa and
Michael Duncan Clarke
Michael Clarke Duncan and Omarosa
*Michael Clarke Duncan
Great blind, even if it fake,because it is pretty special that she is suddenly supposed to be the most trusted person in the world. I'm not convinced yet that she killed him,but I remember how odd the money issue was with his death. Now even the President is sending in blinds!
No autopsy or blood test was done?
Another hero,
Another mindless crime,
Behind the curtain,
In the pantomime
Hold the line
Does anybody want to take it anymore?
If this is Omarosa it wouldn’t surprise me. She is a self serving, conniving evil person.
@totaji,he was on life support for a while,so any drugs that may have contributed to his death would be gone. He did change his will only months before his death. His family claimed he was incapacitated at the time.
Let's break this down CDAN!
1. Murder your famous actor fiancee
2. Ensure his net worth is your net worth
3. Always trade up!
4. Get hired by Trump Team!
5. Get blackmailed by a third party that has some connections with the Mossad/Arnon Milchan
6. ???
This is a very interesting read and there are other similar articles online from the same time period. She is definitely cold hearted.
I agree. ha ha.
Who could have predicted that putting famewhore reality stars into the white house would be a big mess?
Watch the first season of The Apprentice, if you haven't. Omarosa is an insane narcissist (perfect for reality TV). She was caught lying multiple times -- stupid lies too, things people were perplexed she even tried to lie about, being on camera and all. Hiring her in the White House was pure trolling.
As far as poisoning goes, that's an old favorite for women wanting to get rid of a man for his money. Usually with rat poison, back in the day. Fellas, if you have an ailment you just can't shake and your wife/girlfriend/landlady is very hands-on taking care of you, get a second opinion. Just in case.
@Cali, Rat poison and some blood thinners,same thing. Assuming he already had some signs of a heart condition, it is easy to hide.
Hmmmm, hey, yeah Omarosa is just now talking about leaking tapes of Trump and of course there's a blind indicating she's a murderer.
Enty, grow the fuck up. It's abundantly clear you are just a shill for the Trumpies. This is getting gross.
There's a reason only YOU have these blinds but Blind Gossip, The Gossip Life, D Listed, Naughty Bossip and others don't.
You made your hand obvious these past few weeks.
Good luck catering to the alt-right,
Love and Bacon,
Melvin the Reanimated
It's not that deep Melvin.
The alt-right is another media strawman.
You didn't catch that, did you?
Thank G-D for alt-right brand ambassadors such as yourself otherwise we'd all lack awareness!
Nothing of value was lost.
Holy shit.
I loved that actor. I'm no fan of Trump, (no Dem either), but I hope she fries...I want a front seat.
Leaving a gossip site and announcing it like you're going to be missed is hilarious.
Yo Mel! I might be the biggest Trump hater here but I wouldn’t blame enty. Donna probably submitted this. Or Unknown lol
This column is equal opportunity. You're the one making this political. I hate both parties with a passion... set party on.
I watched the first season of the Apprentice. She was a lying narcissist. Every time she didn’t get her way it was because everyone was racist. You cooked her toast wrong - racist. I heard rumors about What she did to Duncan long before Trump. So I don’t see how this is an intentional smear campaign. These rumors have existed. Good luck proving them now.
If you hate both parties
Or didn't vote
Or voted 3rd party
You're responsible for DRUMPF'S FOURTH REICH and are a Republican and live in your mom's basement as an incel Alex Jones acolyte
my, that slogan sounds familiar
Wow Melvin. Impactful.
Haha Melvin, we all know you'll be back at the salt mines tomorrow! Stay butthurt fella!
@Melvin, the rumors about Omarosa /Duncan were out as soon as people,including his family,found out she was the main beneficiary of his recently changed will. TMZ reported it, there were blinds about this somewhere. They were not married, no children,so it was looked at with suspicion.
We Want Omarosa
From 2013
It really should be illegal to take out a life insurance policy in someone else's name.
@Melvin I for one will miss your comments calling out the B.S on here.
Whatever she may or may not have done (none of us here really know) Omarosa is right about Trump, but she's not credible because of her self serving nature.
It doesn't say much for Trump that he hired her when she's been like this since day one. So much for only hiring the best.
She may be a murderer but she's our murderer!
-a ruled subject of mass murderer Queen Elizabeth
Melvin, see if you can take Angela with you on the way out, hmmm? I don't read him, but his incredibly long blocks of words really gum up the comment section.
Enjoy your necrophilia, dude! Say "hi" to the clowns!
LaToya called out Omarosa on Celebrity Apprentice and said she probably killed Michael Duncan Clarke.
1. Believes that what one sees on "reality TV" is real and not scripted.
2. Believes that this fuss over somebody said they know someone that has a sister that heard Trump say "nigger" 15 years ago is important in the political and economic planning for America's future.
There's no such thing as bad publicity (especially if you'd have to pay billions to get that much).
Free publicity is best publicity as long as you observe one rule; never apologize. If you apologize you're finished.
Oh, this is sooo supposed to be Omarosa. Maybe jack posobiec will put this blind on his twitter
Hey, I get it. I’ve felt like leaving this site a thousand times because I do not agree with conversation in the comments. It’s the the same old stuff over and over again! Never mind- I was thinking of pornhub.
People wondering why Trump employed her are forgetting sociopaths make the best leaders in a business. When you want to be ruthless but are not so yourself then hire people willing to cut their mother's throat for the slot 2 positions down from yours. You always want a buffer between you and them.
"I am SO TIRED of seeing the guy's dick!!!!"
Remember,Detective La Toya was right about her brother.
Melvin has a lot of knowledge about celebrities and/or is a great guesser.
I'll miss his input.
Omarosa was a creep when she worked for Trump and she's a creep when she works against him. How's that for a non-partisan opinion? She's always been a brazen but bumbling and obvious self-promoter. There is nothing subtle or graceful or substantive about her whatsoever. I don't know about this blind, whether she is a murderer, but I would not be surprised if she hurried poor Michael Duncan Clarke on his way. Ew.
Bill Clinton hired Omarosa too. She was DESPISED in the Clinton WH. Clinton's ppl wanted to punch her. She was moved around, finally fired. So, Bill Clinton fired Omarosa 1st! Was she the 1st person to ever be fired by a Dem & R POTUS?
Ok, See you tomorrow melvin
Hahaha +1000000 Rosie
Thank you, Roxanne. I would never have known that.
From an article at Daily Beast: "At age 23, before she became a reality TV star, the Howard University grad worked under Vice President Al Gore with the title of “special assistant of logistics.” Then she bounced around a bit, working for President Bill Clinton in the personnel office, and finally at the Commerce Department. Writing in her 2008 book, The Bitch Switch—her “step-by-step guide for locating your inner BITCH, personalizing your switch, and knowing when to turn it on and when to turn it off”—she called her unnamed boss in personnel “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” someone who “constantly sabotaged her efforts.” There was no love lost. By the time she landed at Commerce, Cheryl Shavers, Clinton’s undersecretary for technology, told People magazine that Omarosa “was asked to leave as quickly as possible… One woman wanted to slug her.”
That last line ... NO DOUBT!
She's one of those people for whom everything is always someone else's fault?
"Additionally, Omarosa reportedly embellished her job titles, tasks, and work performance on her resume in different posts and sources repeatedly disputed to The Times her claims, including a Howard University spokesman who said she was, in fact, a “facilitator and presenter” and never a professor at the school."
But of course.
If everyone stopped hiring her this problem would just fix itself.
*We'll keep plot, for entertainment purposes.
Convenient timing of this blind!
Necromancer, shit didn’t get political until Maryscott lost the plot showed up. I have been reading this site for, at least, the past 8 years. Her religion of virtue signaling, SJW, DNC shilling is offensive to me. Particularly her being a white woman trying to speak to colored people’s problems and I am not easily offended. She needs to stick to posting on her Gofundme page or get a job.
Trump is indeed a terrible human being, but honestly, so is Omarosa. I'm surprised those two kids couldn't make it work.
Here's how the media works, I hope you like word problems:
Richard Spencer is attempting to explain to a young black woman at a crosswalk what the media package known as "alt-right" is in the hopes of increasing her awareness of the brand. As Mr. Spencer explains, a stranger appears out of nowhere and punches Mr. Spencer, vanishing into the ether as suddenly as he appeared, in full view of CCTV.
Which individuals are ultimately owned by a branch of corporate Rothschild media?
A. Richard Spencer
B. The Young Black Woman
C. The Camerapeople
D. The Phantom Puncher
E. The Plainsclothes DC Police in the background
F. The Protesters
G. The Counter-Protesters
H. All of the above
OK, I am annoyed. Geel made another funny joke. All lists that end with THE ARISTOCRATS make me laugh. (I always choose it for my trivia team name and no one gets it.)
Flexing on bitches as hard as I can
Eating halal, driving the Lam'
Told that bitch I'm sorry though
'Bout my coins like Mario
Yeah they call me GEELJIRE, I run this shit like cardio
Oh, facts
😢always in agreement with you girl but take that back please! Havent we all suffered enough?
Omg dude get over it, hating one does not mean you love the other. They are both terrible human beings. Go hairflip out of some other comment section, because none of us give a shit if your here or not
ugh, you're*
Omarosa. I'm guessing this was the same deadly con Amber Heard and her pack of grifters was running on Johnny Depp, who was looking poisoned and bloated until he woke up and told her it was over. Even Enty ran that blind that Amber was charging up to $50,000 to meet people to discuss scripts for Johnny and promising access to Depp, but he didn't know about any of it.
Do I have permission to use “hairflip out of the comment section”. I 😍 it
Absolutely love it🙌
@GEELJIRE I can't believe you quoted Cardi.
You know what's funny? Melvin's hero James Gunn was an extra in a movie called "Melvin Goes to Dinner." Perhaps we've been visited by a real live celebrity!
I have no idea whether Omarosa is a poisoner. Sounds like a pretty wild theory to me. But the funny thing about her crying racism is that her first insane act on "The Apprentice" was calling a woman a racist for using the phrase "pot calling the kettle black." So she's not just a proven liar; she's already a proven liar about racism. Doesn't get much more perfect than that.
The globalists can't stop projecting, so they keep accusing President Trump of things that just don't fit. They should have stuck with financial scandals like Trump University, that at least fit the profile developed over 30+ years of public life.
Funny. Wasn't Alex Jones running around hair-on-fire saying Trump was being poisoned??? Didn't he say something, something Trump appeared forgetful? Kinda like the same words the "lowlife dog" used in her White House "tell-all" book? Does anyone know why FLOTUS had her kidneys irrigated in June??? Maybe the "lowlife dog" is VERY handy with poisons. Slipped them into WH water bottles???
Hard to know what's REAL vs. ILLUSION these days. Those of us who got red-pilled years ago are enjoying the reaction from OTHER normies who are beginning to feel the gaslighting the rest of us have endured.
Hope the she-dog hangs from the nearest doorknob.
"Hiring her in the White House was pure trolling."
Then the joke is on Trump.
Like your president hiring people like Mike Flynn and Omarosa?
"Leaving a gossip site and announcing it like you're going to be missed is hilarious."
Cannot disagree with this statement. Back in the day we called it "flouncing".
"The globalists "
Excuse me, but WTH does that mean anyway?
Is it code for Da Jooooos?
Cannot disagree with this statement. Back in the day we called it "flouncing”
As in your back in the days of yore=The Daily Kos?/Left Wing?
Did all your readership asl for a refund... can’t blame them
And I know blogs are free...
They overpaid.
Red pill? Is that what they're calling clozapine these days?
"As in your back in the days of yore=The Daily Kos?/Left Wing?
Did all your readership asl for a refund... can’t blame them"
@Tricia13, FLOUNCE BINGO in effect.
Ha! I know.
Let’s try and decipher what meaning of “pardon “ ol plot meant 1) the one that asks for forgiveness based on misunderstanding people / basic ingnorance2) The one based on being highly misinformed (quite likely); or 3)The one that asks people to repeat what they have just said and in so doing,repeat an obvious truth?
ps spoiler alert:#1 is definitely not the answer to this multiple choice. That would require character,self awareness and overall-decency.
Though merely a “modicum” of decency /non pedo
Defending , distorted delinquency and actual transparency to what you are, might have sufficed.
This whole gas-lighting gold-diggers thing is so common apparently. 😱😱😱😱
They suck the life out of the mark so bad, people start conspiracy theories/rumours about the target being on drugs and people look so misérables/sick that the drug-use rumours were believable...
Sometimes simple truths are more shocking than elaborate, out-there conspiracy theories. I was stunned when I learned this about someone... 😨
But that’s noooone of my business. 🤷🏻♀️
RE: Omorosa...Several other people in her life have died unexpectedly.
I just want to say this is a beautiful thread. I started with sadness in my heart over Michael Duncan Clarke (once again - TRICIA!!! Also love the new picture, but miss the old one...)
But soon I was laughing, guffawing and nearly falling out of my chair. Well done all, and even you Melvin - oh the drama!!! Don't go, don't go!!! Who will defend the pedos without you? Just plot and the pill popping wino cat lady? LOLOLOLOL!
Hiya Neal. Nice to meet ya here officially...yeah, here for almost 7 years and been through quite a lot on these boards., that said -I tend to not comment much on political issues (if at all), but this topic so eclipses anyting as trite as the myriad we see here or the news. And I may not voice my opinion about it often, but when I do/ I’m behind it 💯.
For many reasons.
Humanity will
Always Win.
+1000! Tricia.
Nice to meet you too, or whatever you all it over the internet.
Omarosa a few hours after his death...
And here is her 'Crying' without any tears on the day if his service. As just about every comment on this video says, that don't look right at all...
I’m Tricia. Always been ....
Always will be.; and “They Can’t Take That Away From Me”🤟though they tried.
No, I meant whatever they call meeting over the internet, since it isn't actually meeting someone. :)
Sorry, poor wording. It just felt awkward saying nice to meet you.
Pleasure to officially know you , Neal.🤟
See ya here tomorrow I hope...
Definitely, got to see you nail the blinds, and then provide some sparkling wit and humor!
very interesting.....
8chan discovered a bunch of photos where omarosa is wearing a little girl lover necklace
(fbi symbols plus omarosa necklace side by side)
"You know a death we don't talk about much is the death of this Academy Award winning/nominated B list actor who was killed by his celebrity girlfriend."
And why exactly weren't you talking about it much? All too happy to hide it until now. Gosh, I wonder what changed...
politicians/elites/wealthy are coopted by extensive multigenerational pedophilic cults of sexual abusers.
torture/molestation, a complete violation of personal autonomy, is a fundamental step in breaking down a person's spirit/psyche.
a broken person can be remolded.
I am beginning to think Enty is Rush Limbaugh in disguise. I seem to remember Michael Clarke Duncan was in the hospital for several weeks when he died--as in under supervised medical care. I am not an Omarosa fan - like one political pundit said she and Trump deserve each other.
was michael clarke duncan doughnuts even worth that much ?
The irony is that this blind item, opportunistically published to defend Trump from some recent accusations, also makes him look particularly stupid and clueless, and clearly unfit for being president.
Let me rephrase that:
"Today's Blind Items - He Hired A Murderess
"This A++ celebrity brags about surrounding himself only with the best and most serious people, as he says. He may have slightly misunderstood what a 'killer team' is.
"For instance he hired as a consultant for his current job a celebrity who had notoriously poisoned her B list actor boyfriend six years ago. Nobody ever vetted that very public background before he hired her in early 2017 at the start of his current gig, they even let her record private conversations with him without any authorization. They only made the connection with the murder long after she was fired in early 2018, when she was about to release the tapes and publish her book.
"That said, it's a sure thing that nobody else in his team could ever have colluded with Russia, beaten their wife, taken bribes from companies or foreign countries, acted on racist motivations, or be in a capacity to be blackmailed. Look here, we have another story about a liberal celebrity who's definitely a pedo!"
And I fully agree with nikkistardust. Clarke Duncan was in the hospital for weeks, under supervision. He could afford good doctors, and in that particular situation, Enty can't even blame here a sloppy French autopsy for failing to establish how he died.
Omarosa is most likely a gold digger, a liar and an awful person, who took advantage of his death for her own self-promotion. Which makes her clearly unfit for any job at the White House. No other administration would have even granted her a temporary security pass. Yet she was able to stay there for an entire year, personally picked by Trump, who knew her from The Celebrity Apprentice four years before and who had failed to see what even the audiences had realized from the very first day. What does that say about him?
Well said Angela.
"The one that asks people to repeat what they have just said and in so doing,repeat an obvious truth?"
Again, pardon? What on earth are you talking about, as in.
Perhaps one should be grateful it ain't in emoji.
Another excellent BI!
"Though merely a “modicum” of decency /non pedo
Defending , distorted delinquency and actual transparency to what you are, might have sufficed."
You can dislike me all you like. I don't really care. What is truly sad is that you would extend your dislike into labeling me a pedo or a defender of pedos (which so far no one has proven with anything like a quote) in the same way as any manboy on 4chan.
Are you doing it to effect me? It doesn't. If you say it often enough does that make it true? Nope, only to Goebbels.
So I wonder why you descend to that level.
Omarosa is playing a real life game of Fuck Marry Kill. John Coffee got the raw end of the stick... Was it Bill or Don she was expecting a ring from?
That must be "pardon" as in "Let's give sherif Joe Arpaio a full pardon".
Angela, picking and choosing which "always fabricated blinds" are true, like "TRUMP HIRED A MURDERER AND DIDN'T VET!"
(Plenty of people in politics hire murderers, you do get this, right?)
After a novella worth of claims that every blind here is fake and enty fabricates them for ad revenue. I just don't even know what to believe anymore. So persuasive.
I don't know one way or the other, but it does seem odd that he didn't provide for his beloved 93 year old mother's care.
@plot (maryscott oconnor) - The "pardon?" is you preparing us for the pending eventuality when you will spread your ass cheeks and shit all over the comments with your unique insightful totally not plagiarized or copied from a spread sheet content.
Sounds like someone was triggered and needs to retreat to their safe space....
Who is Bloodmane?
I've never heard of this Bloodmane you've accused me of being
Whoever they are they must be profoundly talented and smart
Due to a request by the resident nazi here, I'll have to spell it out, even if I actually wrote it a previous message.
I don't believe for a second that Omarosa had Michael Clarke Duncan murdered. As other people mentioned, he was for weeks in a hospital under care from real doctors, who would have detected poisoning.
And if Trump had knowingly hired someone he hard dirt on, how come Omarosa was able to record private conversations without any issue and to publish a tell-all book about her experience at the White House? If anything, she has dirt on him now. Not a smart move.
The thing I did was just to rephrase the original blind (which, once again, I consider to be totally fake), because it was quite obvious to me that the person who wrote this was so eager to badmouth Omarosa that they didn't realize that it also pictured the President as a complete moron.
If Omarosa had actually killed Duncan and everybody knew that, why give her an official position and some clearances?
How dumb somebody must be to trust a murderer and be surprised that they can also commit some light treason?
Idk ask someone at the DGSE about it
Whys this blind only now coming out when she's in the news with Trump?
Awesome question Cree!
Why indeed. Seems like blinds of new enemies of Trump pop up here pretty often. What's funny is how Enty avoids the glaring BIs he could use when the situation is a little too complicated for him to understand.
Melvin, thank you for demonstrating exactly why Trump will win 2020 as well: a self important nobody, declaring dramatically, after his little hissy fit, that he is leaving some gossip site. As if anybody gives a shit about your little opinions. You and plot must be related: pompous, self absorbed and so out of touch. You're the ind of people who probably thought that Beyonce' and Katy Perry endorsing Hillary, was going to mean something.
Dang Depeche! It's 2018 doll, not 2016. Demand a new script.
Oh no, we've lost poor Melvin. At least until he comes back in a blind or two under a different account name.
Such a tragic loss.
You'd think Trump Derangement Syndrome was a made up thing but it's alive and well in this comment section. So bizarre. LMAO
michele lea and cory monteith
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