Thursday, September 06, 2018

Blind Item #16

Think of the oddest f**king couple you can. Yeah, probably not the way to go about it. I don't really care when people get together all that much if they are both single. This one though is crazy in the ways it could explode. How about the A list comedian who just lost her high profile streaming gig doing the dirty with the disgraced A list comedian who tried to mount a comeback last week. How did this happen? Oh, I can't wait for this to go public.


  1. Chelsea handler/Louis CK

    1. Tricia doesn't understand simple words like just.

  2. She wanted to watch him jerk off and it turned her on so much she wanted more?😣

  3. Maybe Michelle Wolf and CK

    1. +1. Can't believe she's A list though

  4. On no planet, in any galaxy, either past, present or future, would Michelle Wolf be considered A list. Or a comedian.

    1. There is a teeny tiny time frame (a few months this year, maybe even to today) where it might fit. She did break out in massive headlines, and people here still do know who she is.

  5. Sarah Silverman and Louis CK? She was sympathetic towards him when he got caught!

  6. It sounds like a comeback wasn't the only thing he was mounting last week nyuk nyuk

  7. Michelle Wolf just lost her streaming gig and she shot to A-list after hosting the Correspondents Dinner with her anti-trump admin jokes

  8. Chelsea list her gig a year ago. Not her.

  9. Michelle wolf is honestly B+/A- comedian.

  10. 10 episodes of a Netflix show does not make someone A list. In fact getting canceled after only 10 episodes by Netflix, who will greenlight almost anything, proves that she is light years away from being A list.

    1. This. Absolutely agree. I already forgot this chick existed.

    2. What you said.

  11. I hope this is true!

  12. GOD: Please let it be Michelle Wolfe and her look-alike, Carrot Top!

  13. Forget the ratings. If the description fits,it's Michelle. Chelsea has a slutty reputation, and Amy is an actress/ writer,so who else could it be but Michelle?

  14. But who's married, the BI reads 'if they're both single'.. and crazy in the ways it could explode.

  15. What, maybe he started jerking it to her, she liked what she saw, and it was instant kismet.

    noun: kismet

    destiny; fate.
    "what chance did I stand against kismet?"

  16. louis ck and kathy griffin

  17. CK and Maria Bamford?

  18. Guys, I think 'comeback' means something different here :)

    Gotta be Michele Wolfe and Louis CK.

    Not sure why this is a big deal though - was Wolfe a big #metoo voice or something?

  19. Wolfe- #whointheirrightmindwould ?

  20. Wolf and CK like c.f. said

  21. I wonder how big CK's junk is to be able to score a hot piece like Chelsea Lately.

    1. Imagine all the free flowing coke though.

  22. Michelle Wolfe is disgusting, the worst permutation yet of the hateful, masculine woman who says vulgar things in the Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler mode. All should be shuffled off our screens, but only Wolfe "just lost her high profile streaming" show on Netflix.

    Could she be as broken sexually as Chelsea Handler, who by her own admission and video proof likes being pee'd on and flouncing her topless body shamelessly in public?

    I can both Wolfe and Handler are twisted enough to enjoy watching an ugly disgraced troll like LCK masturbating frantically as he denigrates himself as a pathetic loser who's thrown it all away because of his own sick compulsions.

    1. Wow. Bitter much? I guess someone didn't get asked to prom and had to sit at home and have tea with he Raggedy Ann.

      Masturbating is hardly a sick compulsion. EVERYBODY does it. Maybe you should try it, perhaps that stick will fall out of your ass.

    2. Anonymous4:16 AM

      any female comedians you do like?

  23. It's michelle wolfe and louis ck. friends in the comedy community have been talking about it all labor day weekend

  24. @DDonna

    "the worst permutation yet of the hateful, masculine woman "

    WTF does THAT mean? Shoulder pads and a large package?

    "who says vulgar things"

    Oh I see. But Miss DDonna has been known to say, GASP!, vulgar things herself. Does this mean you have a large package?

    "Could she be as broken sexually as Chelsea Handler"

    How broken do you imagine that to be? Handler is a coke fiend, not much different from any coke fiend who imagines everything they say is hi-LAR-ious, when all they are is desperate for attention.

    "I can both Wolfe and Handler are twisted enough to enjoy watching an ugly disgraced troll like LCK masturbating frantically as he denigrates himself as a pathetic loser"

    If that is what you imagine, who is the dirty dirty girl here?

  25. If we were doing the most annoying voice on the planet, Michelle Wolfe is definitely A+++ along with Hilliary Clinton. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

  26. On the contrary, Jon, it's you who sounds bitter.

    There's nothing wrong with masturbating. There is plenty wrong with whipping your cock out and rubbing one out at work in front of your female co-workers who didn't ask you to do that nor wanted to see you do that. The fact you pricks think you've got the right to masturbate in front of non-consenting women speaks volumes about you. It's called "flashing" and it's illegal in civilised countries. You sound like one of those pigs who think it's OK to send unsolicited cock pics to women you've randomly followed on Twitter..

    1. I don't know that he did it at work. The ones I read about were in hotel rooms and the slags came along willingly and he stopped when asked to. In fact, I believe one or two women said they willingly went to his room to help their career. I may have some of that wrong, but it went something like that.

    2. It was at work. Happened with crew members on his show, too. And in work meetings.

    3. You might want to re check your sources Jon

    4. I said I could be wrong. I just read his Wiki page (yes I know it can be Wiki can be manipulated) and it says he asked everyone and it was all in private...not in front of crew. Nothing to see here...he did not rapey rapey anyone.

  27. @Jon, dressing rooms, comedy clubs, etc. They weren't kicking it with him, they were working.

  28. Louis C.K. has given up being a faux-remorseful pansy, he's going to pay and f*ck his way back to the limelight!

    I'd almost respect his new strategy if he hadn't been workplace sexually harassing women. Imagine that was your daughter or sister, you'd be pissed as hell.

  29. I thought Lena Dunham, but don't know what's happening in her career that makes her work for this blind.

  30. Can you even imagine what their babies would look like

  31. Enty's ranking system is out of control.
    You're A list! YOU'RE A list! EVERYBODY'S A LIST!

  32. Wolff and CK. Ratings aside, I don't wanna think about that combo doing it. Have you seen Lucky Louie?
    Ewww. No.

  33. Reading these comments, its occured to me. Why ARE comedians so homely?
    Gah. Michelle wolf is downright hideous. Im not gonna take it all the way over the cliff like DDonna, but Daaaannggg.

  34. Did he wear a raincoat to those work meetings?

  35. You are being too kind to her. She’s revolting especially when she tried to make fun of Sarah Huckabee looks. Ummm you should never ever rag on anyone’s look.

  36. Lol. What a snowflake.
    The joke was never about SHS looks. The joke referenced her looks and was about her lying. Which, she is nearly every time her mouth is moving.

    1. So original!! Snowflake my ass. You and wolf girl can make all the excuses you want but she knows damn well she was making fun of her looks.

  37. Thank you apple for being a complete tool to this site

  38. @Weekittylass said...

    If we were doing the most annoying voice on the planet, Michelle Wolfe is definitely A+++ along with Hilliary Clinton. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

    Thanks for saying that. I was wondering if anyone else agreed with me on that. Wolfe's voice is a huge irritation no matter what words come out of her mouth. It distracts from her comedy.

  39. Viking Song is my hero, you go girl. Check your sources Jon; those "slags" were at work.

  40. At least it sounds consensual.
    Must be something she's into because his behavior alone makes him pretty unattractive.

  41. Michelle Wolf and Louis

  42. Michelle Wolfe is a lesbian. I don't think that makes it a complete improbability that it's her, maybe it adds another layer to the odd couple thing described? I am doubtful of this guess.

  43. They weren't "slags," Jon, nor did anyone say they were raped. You clearly are ill informed regarding CK's habit of flashing and masturbating in front of non-consenting women. Pigs like you should have been aborted by the women you predominately owe your existence to...

    1. Point me to where it says they were non-consenting.

  44. I read the first line, at first, as "oldest f**king couple" and I thought, great, another kindness blind!

    Foiled again.

  45. Michelle Wolf has some nice legs, they looked really good when she did that song about killing babies

  46. Michelle Wolfe became A list overnight after the White House Press speech. It was a massive topic all around the world for a good week or two. Then she's continued courting controversy with her Netflix show.

    Sarah Silverman dated Louis for a while in the 90s. I hope it's not her, or Maria Bamford as someone else suggested. Love them.

  47. @MD

    " She’s revolting especially when she tried to make fun of Sarah Huckabee looks. "

    Except crying Huckabee sure does look a lot like Auntie Lydia. It's uncanny.

  48. I find it hilarious that there are people here who are outraged that Michelle made fun of Sarah's looks (which isn't true - she made fun of her behavior) but are saying the most nasty things about other people's looks. When that's where you are in your life, it's pretty sad.

  49. I find it hilarious that the left pushes body positivity and "all women are beautiful", you shouldn't judge people on the way they look, you shouldn't make fun of their heritage, etc, etc, yet the first thing they do when they disagree with someone is go straight at those same things.
    "Drumpf is a fat orange pig!" is totally acceptable, him calling Rosie Odonell a fat pig is misogynistic. And if some white guy found out Obamas ancestral african name and made fun of it he's be the biggest racist nazi scum ever. But it was totally OK for Hillary to call him Obongo.

  50. You have absolutely no idea about my politics or beliefs. I don't make fun of how someone looks and I've never said that all women are beautiful. I simply pointed out an obvious double-standard in these comments that I find both funny and sad.

  51. I was making a general statement as well, also pointing out a double standard. If I ever address you directly you'll know because the sentence will start with "Dear snowflake". But please snowflake (see now I'm actually talking about you!), keep on being overly defensive and easily riled, the salt mines have been running low lately!

  52. Sickos like these SHOULD get together. That way neither of them is bothering normal people.

  53. @Akbar - well you started your comment mimicking mine and then addressed, or at least tried to address, the content. So nice try. But again the negativity and attack mode is just surprising. I said absolutely nothing offensive nor did I attack you at all. Your response to me is both presumptuous - "snowflake" really? - and lacking sense "salt mines"?

    I know I'm on a gossip site, but the lack of decency and common manners is always surprising to me.

  54. @Akbar

    "him calling Rosie Odonell a fat pig is misogynistic. "

    Well it is. It's also very 7th grade and not exactly presidential.

  55. Personally, I think Drumpf has the hots for old Rosie. He sure can't quit thinking about her. Maybe the kompromat Vlad has on Donny is that he likes his women chubby and bitchy?

  56. Akbar +1

    Ironically some of the most hateful and judgmental people I have ever met are power lesbians. Very aggressive and offensive. They hate men with a passion, yet behave like the worst men I've ever known.

  57. @Akbar

    "If I ever address you directly"

    Not really up on how public, anonymous message boards work, it appears.

    For your personal direct comments, consider email or SMS...but the girls don't exactly share those with you do they? Caught a lot of fake emails and phone numbers, I betcha.



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