Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Your Turn

In case, you haven't read about it yet, I did start a podcast. The first episode launched today with John Doe. The plan is to have 3-4 episodes per week, each of which will be about an hour long. You can sign up and listen here. I would love to hear some suggestions about topics you would like to hear or guests you would like on the podcast. 


  1. I’d love to hear plot and Geel on the podcast, that would be some quality entertainment

    1. Do you really want to listen to geeljire talk for an hour about how much he celebrated the Bataclan massacre or how he likes nothing more than sitting down and replaying the extermination scenes in Schindler's List for him and his family to laugh at?

    2. CDAN is all about immanentizing that eschaton!

  2. Dancing Boy, obviously.
    I honestly just want to know what his voice sounds like.

    1. It's got a lisp, obviously. And uptalk.

  3. Leonardo DiCaprio. All day every day.

  4. You can't afford my salary demands, so don't even ask.

  5. Deeply concerned with the choice of John "The-Clintons-Are-Part-Of-a-Satanic-Baby-Eating-International-Cult" Doe as first guest to drive membership, Enty. Aside from his wacko conspiracy theories he has nothing original to say and no insider knowledge that he hasn't gotten outside of cdan blinds. He's good at cutting and pasting them into twitter threads, making it easier for new followers to make sense of the ongoing stories, and has surely produced significant new revenue for cdan, which must be nice. But the site has devolved into something that I don't recognize and no longer respect. I would have been one of the first to sign up for a podcast membership if it were Enty speaking about new topics with Hollywood or political insiders. But pay for this? Pass.

  6. Forgive my error in the above double negative. John Doe has no original information gathered outside of cdan blinds.

  7. @just sayin', let me first say no hate, I'm only asking. If you feel that way, why are you still on this site? I'm curious. I never understand when people feel greatly about something, but pose their complaint on the very site that they're saying pass to (I know you meant the podcast, but you should get what I meant). Thank you.

  8. I'm fascinated by the cdan story and thinking about writing a book. As it continues to evolve into this new political forum for the 4chan fringe it's simply another chapter in the story. I'm intensely interested in identifying how many actual independent voices there are commenting. If you're a real person and not one of the avatars of the person who does most of the commenting, I'd love to hear from you and know your opinions on what's going on here.

    1. @just_sayin'

      Totally agree, I'm watching from afar lately.

      Not quite sure what's happening here, but it's definitely becoming hyperreal.

    2. @justsayin'
      I messaged you on Twitter regarding my observations.

    3. Agree @just saying. Glad I did not waste my hard earned money on John Doe crapola. I'm just here for the lying cheatin blinds. Plus I like the funny jokes the commenters say. @bliss boo, I sure as hell do not like 4chan, killary crap and have been here a lot longer than you. MISS OG ENTY. PLEASE COME BACK

    4. I come back now and then, to see if anything of interest is around or if something is reported. What I see going on is someone behind the scenes either having a psychotic break (IE: bourdain blinds) or someone who no longer is really connected and runs with whatever crockpot theory they can piece together from Random internet sites.

  9. Anonymous11:17 AM

    It seems like maybe there were thoughts of making Cdan into a social media network (think Nerdist back when Nerdist was good) by introducing different characters and having some players move to other platforms to create a bigger presence overall. Then there was a definite change in tone and content where it appears that the biggest traffic generating posts are politically charged blinds that "poke the bear" and they just kind of ran with that as the meat and potatoes of it all.

  10. Contact you how?

  11. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I wanna hear about all the women(on-air talent) Matt Lauer got with and more about "The Director's Wife".

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Oh, let's hear about Giada and all the crazy sex she's had. (ie. John Mayer, Tyson Beckford)

  13. Hey if you get Weird Al as a guest then you've got me. You know he must have some crazazy stories.

  14. Whenever Geeljire's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Geeljire?"

  15. You can message me on twitter at @justsayindebbie. All conversations will be confidential.

  16. Still hoping T will fess up and talk to me. Hi there, I see you, by the way.

  17. Anonymous12:14 PM

    If I can't subscribe off iTunes, pass. Sorry, Entdude.

  18. How lonely do you have to be to not like a site "anymore" and yet keep coming back and back and back? Maybe get another cat, or maybe a dog? go for walks? read some books?
    When was the last actual "Clinton Pedo" blind? I haven't seen one, but some of you keep going on and on about them as if everyday that is the blinds instead of all these "This reality Tv actor" or "This closeted singer..."

    I want more revealed about the actual pedos in Hollywood, including Law enforcement's response or non-response to the allegations. Keep the light on these roaches.

  19. BTW here is the podcast summary: "This episode is the first of five, hour long episodes featuring Enty and John Doe talking about everything from the Kardashians and Demi Lovato to Chris Cornell, Seth Rich and cable packages. This is premium content. "

    Nothing about "Clinton Pedo baby eating". If you are going to complain about something at least let it be about something real and valid.

  20. Just saw "Scotty and the secret history of Hollywood". Really enjoyed it-Are there other "old Hollywood" folks that could spill the beans?

  21. Here's what I took away from the podcast...Enty talking with John Doe as if he knows shit, different stuff than he knows, like a peer. And John Doe asking Enty, in all seriousness, if he knows if Leo DiCaprio and Taylor Swift are really gay. Pretty funny stuff.

    Enty, there's hope for the podcast. I think it's a great idea. I just don't think you're aware of some of what's happening on the site - how it's been appropriated and made insufferable to your longtime dedicated readers, as if they're actually TRYING to drive readers away.

    I know you don't usually read the comments because several times I've let you know via private twitter about a mistake that people are freaking out about all day, of which you weren't aware prior to my message, and then fixed.

  22. I thought it was really great. It’s true there is so much more to hear when it’s a conversation. Easier to “hear” between the lines, like Taylor Swift. Come out, already. Isn’t it “cool” to be a Lesbian, now? Enty, lots of success with your Podcasts!!!

  23. Anonymous1:59 PM

    More on Kendall Jenner, please!

  24. No it's not G. Though not for lack of trying on "your" part.

  25. old hollywood, interview kenneth anger before satan calls him home,
    creative accounting in hollywood, who killed black dahlia, interview with danny trejo,

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    What's next? A detective show? Enty's Angels?

  27. Put it up on itunes podcast.

  28. Oh sure, after listening to your infantile complaining I'm really inclined to give you material for your "book," asshole.

  29. I'd like you to do an episode on the commenters of CDAN. Do they deal with Hollywood? Are they just good detectives? How does Tricia know everything?!! People could use anon names.

  30. @geeljire

    Put a sock in it Roy

  31. I am so incredibly confused by this: http://www.tmz.com/2018/09/04/asia-argento-jimmy-bennett-sexually-assault-extortion-metoo/

  32. @justsayin I'm a real person and have been on this site for about 10 years, so I get what you mean. As for my opinion on it, I really just scroll past everything and only look at guesses, or give my two cents. I literally just act like everything else isn't there lol

  33. I've been a reader of the site for over a decade with the same screen name, just never comment much. The site has definitely gone through a lot of changes over the years. Most of the blinds nowadays are about people I don't even follow so it's not interesting to me. I'm sick of the Kardashians and every blind that states "that so and so all of you know." I appreciate the effort put into the site still but after the Himmmms blow up, it's been a rough go for me as it was a surprise I looked forward to. Everyone has their opinions about the Himmmms, but back when it started, it was awesome surprise to get a random comment on a blind to provide additional invite into something or tell us if we were way off base on our guesses.

  34. Honestly, anyone can answer these blinds correctly if you have the time. Here are some tips:
    1. Memorize the answers - A-list reality star with a lucrative side-gig is Kendall or Kylie, future porn star is always Bella Thorne, our favorite closeted actor from a now defunct ensemble show is always Darren Criss, former almost A-list actress turned escort is always LiLo (but sometimes Tara Reid), etc. Most of the blinds are recycled and easy to guess.
    2. Scroll through the Daily Mail - a lot of the blinds are based on stories found here.
    3. Camp out in front of your computer and refresh your browser every 15 minutes for new blinds. They usually start @6:30am PT on weekdays, with the first 6 blinds occurring at exactly 15 minute intervals. Then Reveal #1, followed by blinds 7 & 8, and 3 more reveals. Your Turn is at 10am and the "Big Blind" is at 10:10am. One more reveal at 10:30am and however many more blinds are every 15 minutes thereafter. Some days are off here and there, but this is the general schedule.
    4. Use multiple tabs or devices to queue up the blinds quickly and hit comment on one of them immediately so you can start typing your response while still reading the blind. This will increase your chances of being the first to answer.
    Go for it.

    1. Don't forget "Toothy Tile"

      (For you youngin's that was guessed to be Jake G.)

  35. I feel certain that Geeljire sounds like Aziz Ansari on helium.

  36. I want to know if you have heard anything about Avicii his death just isn't sitting well with many people

  37. Best comment ever on this site, "NOT NOW IRONMAN!". I nearly choked, I laughed so hard.
    I'd like to hear from Himmmm, in all of their incarnations.

  38. +1 (almost) everyone!
    wickedbee - I didn't get your message on twitter.

    1. I think you have to follow me @wickedbee. I just sent them all again to see if it works.
      I followed you last night so maybe try following me back?

  39. I wasn't there for "Not now, Ironman", sad to say, but I've read about it!

  40. Very excited for this!

  41. All Kartrashians ALL day... I dont think the world gets enough of that lovely family.

  42. You know what Geeljire wants?

    The No Holds Barred Beyonce episode.
    How many times she lost her virginity and all that other great stuff with murdering surrogates, is she really 5 years older than listed, etc.
    You'd have all of LSA signed up in a half hour.

  43. Ariana Grande cheating (what month enty) also how long you think it will last

    Also would love to know more about celebrities yatching and how that all works

  44. @Littleaspiegirl

    I'd be more interested in learning how many A and B list actresses yacht to make ends meet. In between filming. Also, has yachting been going on since old Hollywood?



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