Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Blind Item #4

This foreign born celebrity is nearly permanently A- list. She has hosted and done reality and done other things in entertainment which were big too. Anyway, not surprisingly in a recitation of events, she has left out the details that make a family member look bad at all, even though that family member was completely at fault for what has happened. 


Tricia13 said...

Sharon Osbourne

Tricia13 said...

And her sons marriage break up maybe?


I'm still staying chaste for Jack

HeatherBee said...

Sharon Osborne

Brayson87 said...

She's a rockstar's wife, pretty sure leaving out details is part of the job.

Jimbonius said...

I'm sure it's because of his disease. Cut him some slack.

- said...

Things are going to get very ICEy for you and your jihadist family.

MountainMama said...

lol @Brayson87

OKay said...

@Brayson And a rock star's manager, which means she knows how to hide the bodies...


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