Thursday, April 25, 2019

Blind Item #14

This celebrity offspring of someone he has eclipsed is probably A- list and someone all of you know. Definitely more of a dramatic actor. He has a significant other. He is back drinking again and got aggressive with a waitress at a bar before he was shown the door by bouncers.


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

Keifer Sutherland

Drewholtaus said...

Ready to smack a bitch up just like with julia Roberts allegedly. ..cant teach an old dog new tricks

Rosemary Young said...

Has-been Keifer has "eclipsed" his acting legend father? Even the younguns know who Donald is thanks to "The Hunger Games"!

sandybrook said...

It's Enty and his rating system these days Donald should be permanent A list maybe Kiefer is too.

Tricia13 said...

Aw Keifer... have a soft spot for him ever since he drunk danced with that Xmas tree 🌲 LOVE Donald❤️classy dude.Ordinary People-amazing

Brayson87 said...

@Rosemary, I think 24 put him over his father.

bekH said...

Josh Brolin?

kiki71 said...

Don't think Keifer eclipsed his dad. Consider them about the same level although I guess there is more POP and paparazzi press about Keifer in recent years. Brolin may fit this better.

Jon said...

I'm with the Brolin guess. No way Keifer is higher than his father.

Troy Dyer said...

Oooh I like the Brolin guess!

yepthatsme said...

Kiefer is Jack Bauer, nuff said!

J said...

Brolin for sure.

Donald Sutherland is far more important than his name-enabled son.

Vita said...

I think this might be Brolins, too...though would everyone know James?

Talented guy, but doesn't have rep for being a mellow drunk.

Parade said...

I believe the promotion to a higher Q Score for most celebs discussed here is payment from Enty for the tip. This is Typical.

The Woodman said...

Folks ... it's "Kiefer" ...

Henriette said...

Michael Douglas is the only one I can think of who has eclipsed his dad.

vibhav singh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Smits said...

That was my first thought as well.

Honey Bunny said...

I'll say Brolin too. He has always been an ass.

Rosie riveter said...

Lol this is so true

Cat said...

Copy that

Amartel said...

Kiefer and Donald are about the same. They were both very, very famous in their time in iconic roles.

rEmiya said...

Give us something on Avengers : Endgame cast

Drewholtaus said...

Kiefer beats the crap out of women and cant stop doing it. Alledegly

CityGirl said...

Drewholtaus - Same with Brolin

texasrose said...

Donald Sutherland permanent A for iconic movie roles(Klute, Mash) and honorary Academy Governors lifetime award. Kiefer mostly a tv star from one great series 24.

Anonymous said...

My 18 year old know Keifer- “oh that’s Jack Bauer”. She doesn’know who Donald is. So I said, “ the bad guy on Hunger Games.” She says, “Oh the creepy guy Obsessed with Katniss.” I hate to say it, but I think Donald has been eclipsed.

Boots said...

Anyone that could beat Diane Lane...

JL said...

Yep. Brolin.

BRAD PITT said...

kiefer was brilliant in 'Melancholia'

momo said...

God Melancholia was depressing but really good. I can't watch most of von Trier's movies. Antichrist? Forgetaboutit. Couldn't get through it.

HouellebecqGurl said...

Josh Brolin.


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