Sunday, August 11, 2019

Your Turn On A Sunday

The death of Jeffrey Epstein. Discuss.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    What's the point? We're never going to know what happened.

  2. Not sure if we will ever know the truth. It would not surprise me if he was murdered. If he was smart, he would have left a list of names in a safety deposit box. Insurance.

  3. Suicide? No, not at all. It just proves that the oligarchs of Odessa have long tentacles. Our government should have done more to protect him, but that's something they would never do when some in the upper echelon of our government would (will?) eventually be named in the case.

  4. @spill...
    A list of names? In a safety deposit box?
    I’m guessing you don’t know much about this story.
    There is a list of names a mile public. Many people have spent years trying to talk about this...but we were all “conspiracy theory nutjobs” wearing “tin foil hats”
    Pizzagate is real y’all.

  5. They don't let people off suicide watch a week later. He was killed.
    I think his body being wheeled out w the gruesome death pic was to disrespect him.
    I'm sure the majority here think it's because they're going overboard to "prove" he's dead, just to allow him free passage to a deserted island of underage nymphs... But as I've recently come to the shocking realization, this crowd goes from zero to assinine in two seconds.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      So staged. He’s out of the of the country with a new face and internet. Be better people.

  6. Village Guru, Bravo, you got the memo from Shareblue...

    anybody happen to see that ?

    If it's panic.

  7. Looking forward to hear your take on it Enty - future podcast?

  8. Murder. I rest my case.

  9. the fbi looked the other way

  10. Google Laura Silsby January 29, 2010

    now Look at all the euphemisms in John Podesta E mails

    Then look at the photos James Alefantis posted on instagram

  11. How is Ghislaine Maxwell free and not under arrest?

  12. ITA @ Meliticus Bee -Many people have spent years trying to talk about this...but we were all “conspiracy theory nutjobs” wearing “tin foil hats”

    I believe Epstein is still alive.

  13. I believe he killed himself. I also believe that money or threats were used against prison staff to ensure he was no longer on suicide watch. Could have been Epstein himself that arranged things because he knew either he took himself out or someone would eventually do it to him. His death so quickly after his arrest was inevitable.

    I don't think that the women/girls or employees will fully cooperate with LE as I guarantee that they are also under threat or getting payoffs. This whole case is a stellar example of how money and power can do anything it wants, and make any problem go away.

    The world will never know the whole story.

  14. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Hollywood has received their talking points to blame Trump and Russia so that's all we are going to hear.
    Get real. We all know whose prints are all over this. They have a list a mile long. So many people are killed who have been associated with them that it barely gets a mention or a shrug any more.

    1. Trump is ecstatic that this guy has been removed. he has more NYC pull then anyone.

  15. that big ol smile on Prince Andrew is one of relief. Big Daddy wanna be assassin is spot on. looking out for the preservation of mooching off of taxpayers.

    1. Correct s a . scotland yard was sniffing around way too close according to entys sources

  16. All I'll say is that as further revelations trickle out, I'll prefer the G-rated, aggregated versions of stories, in which Alan Dershowitz's underpants, and Jeffrey Epstein's frozen or pickled pecker do not appear. I'd have to fall off the wagon again to hear about those.

  17. The only regretful thing is that he can't be put on the stand and interrogated. So much lost information.

  18. @s.s. -- I had to Google Shareblue, and find that the site and their Twitter account doesn't mention Epstein.

    "anybody happen to see that?
    If it's panic."

    So let all of us in on what you are referring to.

  19. Predictable. The elite ruling class will never be held to account, because they're the ones who do the accounting. It's always been this way and it will always be this way. You can try to cling to this as long as you want, you can scream about Pizzagate and flight logs and in the end, it won't matter one bit. They win, we lose. That's the reality. Nothing will change. All we ever get is a symbolic fall guy like Epstein.

  20. "Can't we just drone this guy?"

  21. Would be fun if it was all staged......plenty reasons to do this imo.

  22. Are we sure he's dead? He could be in protective custody, but I'm betting he is safely in the hands of Mossad at an undisclosed location for a bit of a makeover.

  23. Prince Andrew's website,, is still down. It's been more than 24 hours.

    I was really expecting more dirt about Randy Andy again. We got Virginia Roberts again, who is old news, plus some 21-year-old who had her boob grabbed when she sat on Andrew's lap.

    There must be something more, right?

    Anyway, Andy was safely with the Queen at Balmoral when Epstein expired.

  24. Excuse me - the correct web address is Still down.

  25. I believe the picture of Epstein on the gurney going into the hospital was proof that the deed was carried out, and that there was no double. Too many conspiracy theorists out there to argue the point. Too many people wanted him dead, and that pix was the proof.

  26. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Government officials in New York are easily bought. Nothing new there.

  27. Also, for those interested in the ShareBlue Tweet, it's here:

    The web address named in the Tweet is now a 404.

  28. Pretty obvious that it's all going to come spilling out, there's no stopping it now. Epstein wasnt the only guy who kmew. Ghislaine knew, she spills some names. Prince Andrew knew, he spills some names. Les Wexner kmew, he will spill some names. The names spilled by him will spill names. It's a house of cards this is built on, and that house is about to come crumbling down.

    You think Epstein did this all on his own? He was funded by some of the most powerful people in the world, and Trump would not miss this opportunity to do exactly what he said he would do. Put Hillary and Bill in jail, which is what I honestly believe was the plan all along, as it's quite obvious the cause and effect of this was put into action by Trump. This would've never come this far under Hillary, Epstein would've been let off with a slap on the wrist. It's almost like we're seeing the events of a plan years in the making..

    1. Notice how all of Geffens Puppets are absolutely silent right now on social media. Jeff Bozo hasn't tweeted once since the exact day Epstein was arrested. Strange! What's up with all the pets being silent on social media about it? No love for old friend Epstein? The pets are all dems btw, including Kushner oddly. Its an interesting series of facts to note. If Geffen and Bozo are tied in to this, are they a part of the Epstein business, or were they simply blackmailed clients? No telling, but another interesting fact related to a previous blind item, is that Lynn forested De Rothschild owned the home Ghislaine Maxwell was living in. So we can officially tie her and the Rothschild family into the trafficking. If we bring them down, perhaps the Onassis trafficking will cease as well! Let's hope for big revelations with the AG investigation into Epsteins death, I'm hoping for a slam dunk.

  29. Queen Liz seemed to make a point of riding to church with Andrew this morning. It's pathetic that nothing will ever happen to him, Clinton and countless others who should be sitting in a cell right now.

    1. right!!! They both look like they had some Champagne and biscuits before hitting the service to celebrate. I'm sorry but they ordered that hit. not cankles Clinton and hillbilly Bill

    2. The toons have more contacts in nyc...

    3. Photos with big smiles on their faces. Disgusting.

  30. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Billionaire looking at life in prison no matter how much he cooperates and has lived by the no talk code his whole life decides to end it. More likely than any conspiracy theory out there.

  31. Agreeing with SDJ. The guy was far too careless to be trusted to remain in hiding somewhere, and keeping him alive undercover benefitted no one.

  32. "He was funded by some of the most powerful people in the world"

    But it's about knowing who they are and tracking them down/extraditing them. He was the main guy and who the Feds really wanted to speak to. Who knows how much they managed to get out of him.

  33. @TexasRose

    Epstein wiggled out of a prison sentence before - why not this time too? He had a lot of stuff to trade to get his freedom back.

    Also, your "cigar is just a cigar" doesn't account for the curious negligence of the prison staff, of the fact that Epstein was suddenly removed from suicide watch.

  34. He's NOT still alive. It's common sense and simple, considering the number of highly influential men involved, up to and including Trump.

    After Epstein's failed attempt 2 weeks ago signaled a willingness to off himself, the powers that be arranged to provide him with a fail safe opportunity to succeed the second time.

  35. As soon as he was arrested I said he would be dead soon by apparent suicide so I win. LMAO

  36. I think he is dead. But, whether it was murder or suicide I doubt we will know for sure. I would not be surprised if he did off himself because his family or something else was being threatened if he did not off himself.

  37. I'm discouraged re the fact that it seems that, once again, the elite wealthy will escape without punishment. The web can talk about this all they/we want, but the behavior will still continue.

    A few scapegoats may fall to justice, but for something this incendiary, perpetrators will do anything to avoid being caught. Hence the Epstein. "suicide"

  38. Between powerful American politicians, billionaires and the British Royal Family, lots of suspects here. We'll never know the truth, of course.

  39. Anyone who believes that the following happened and just so happened to be perfect in timing is naïve.

    · Three-hour maintenance cleaning.
    · Removed from solitary (if he did in fact attempt suicide, doesn’t make sense – if he claimed someone attempted to kill him – makes even less sense).
    · Not checked on.
    · Camera “malfunction”.

    This is all insulting and ridiculous.

    The Epstein death was completely unsurprising.

    Just disappointing to the world – this guy and the awful associates – including the powerful, corrupt and women who assisted with this should all be hung.

    There should be no immunity for corruption, and it needs changed IMMEDIATELY.

    These people now gloat in our face. Prince Andrew rode to church today in luxury smiling. Bill Clinton appeared happy at his event after the news in Illinois and countless others all believe they are free.

    My gut tells me the SDNY had their arrest for show. They could have done it before. They chose to wait until there was enough pressure with Acosta/Trump with the right spin. They could have hit him with more severe charges – including adding others, accessing ALL of his properties (read the history of his security/safe on the island) and got authority to be aggressive with co-conspirators. It was a dog and pony show.

    His brother built a huge real estate portfolio yet appears to be free as well.

    Dershowitz, Bill Richardson, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker (why isn’t anyone asking about him and tracking him down), Woody Allen, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Larry Summers, George Mitchell and countless others all are so arrogant to put salt in the wound of these poor victims. Calling them names, digging up any dirt possible and attempting to make them endure another hell on earth. These brave victims should get representation from a shark – not Lisa Bloom (simply wants money – she wins). The true and only victory can come when the masks are off, all implicated parties are nailed.

    A smart, strategic and experienced DNC would have pulled out all the tricks. The RNC is too far behind. They should have and perhaps still can wiretap the implicated people, gather evidence, perform raids, void the previous unheard of/criminal immunity deals and get to the truth of the matter.

    For enty’s hate of Megan Markle – this could be her change to do something for the world and get the credit she would love co much - to exploit the royal fam – this would be epic and she would go down as not only a hero, but an all-time written about hero in the history books. She really does have a chance, if anyone does.

    These people insult us and take advantage of us throughout life. The criminality doesn’t apply to them. The govt money goes to them. After living a privileged life, they have the audacity to laugh in our faces, again escaping justice. The time is now for change.

  40. Eh, Epstein's "suicide" was not exactly a surprise, considering how much trouble he was in. It wasn't something that gives anyone bragging rights for predicting.

  41. "After Epstein's failed attempt 2 weeks ago signaled a willingness to off himself, the powers that be arranged to provide him with a fail safe opportunity to succeed the second time."

    Suicide attempts, like murder attempts, are never fail-safe.

    Lots of people in care homes who tried to kill themselves but only blew off half their heads, broke their backs or necks in a jump but survived, etc.

  42. Wexner wife was clearly exposed - as were executives at Limited, Express, Abercrombie (hello mike Jeffries), Bath and Body works and Victoria’s Secret. People hear and see but are scared or not willing to risk what they have going for them.

    The political bs needs to stop. Talking points have been issued on how to spin for crying out loud.

    Have decency and hold these people accountable. The country has always held the higher ground and we are seeing corruption at all levels.

    Money won’t fix this. However, taking from Epstein, his associates, his brother, Wexner and all parties involved is a start. This is the appetizer before the entree is served with making their lives hell.

    If it took two years to clear the Russian story, it should take years of inconvenience, aggravation and documents to nail each one of these awful human beings.

  43. Enough with the suicide talk!

    Too many “things” fell in place.

    These guys don’t kill themselves.

    They have money and connections - he would have fought it and got another favorable deal.

    He had the best legal team $ could buy. They likely would have utilized his first deal.

    No one ever wants to die.

  44. @Bonby Haud said
    It's almost like we're seeing the events of a plan years in the making..

    panic in d.c.

  45. If we have to depend on the pictures, Epstein is not dead. There is anomaly on the ear of the man on the stretcher that does not match Epstein's. Plus the profile is different. Then, the ambulance pulled into the bay rather than backing in.

  46. He has been gifted to the Royals to play the hide and seek hunt game...

  47. Nutty_Flavor, there's always an off chance anything will fail. Most assume that much without having to pause and evaluate the probability.

  48. normies have been force fed a giant redpill. enjoy the show.

  49. He had major governments around the world sweating over what he might reveal and how he would spin it. Therefore he was under surveillance from multiple, upon multiple sectors. The video feed getting interrupted sounds like too many people were trying to access it and crashed it. When I try and mentally list all the “interested” parties trying to keep their eyes and ears on him and maintain their discretion (because they are operating on foreign soil, or outside of their organizational mandate), the whole thing turns into a full out comedic farce.

    What lengths did the surveillance teams go to stay hidden? How many operatives were inserted into the correction system? How many of them spotted each other? How many of them worked against or with each other? This would make a hilarious movie. (Sorry for being ghoulish.)

    My question would be: what would it take to believe that the man actually died? I’m serious. I actually can’t think of a scenario that I would believe. The man could be fully dead and decomposing, but belief is something different. With the amount of money, and blackmail he had to wield, there are just too many possibilities for him.

  50. @Kenny Schroder - IKR....egg-shaped penis, frozen head and genitals....uck.

    The ONLY questions here are 1st whether he is actually dead or not. I tend to think yes...or probably... Only because I don't see what the purpose in keeping him alive is.

    I think "we have it all" - 2nd question is will it be used and will people see justice. Only time will tell for that - I hope some of the worst spergers are forced to face the truth about their heroes.

    As for Epstein himself...good riddance. As long as we have the goods - he should be put down like a dog, lest he continue to contaminate the earth.

  51. have to say also...kinda missing infinity for all this discussion. Halfchan just isn't nearly the same.

  52. The paranoia is so thick you can cut it with a spoon.

  53. @Do Tell
    just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
    we were right.



  55. Hopefully with Epstein's death we will never ever again have to see a photo of a certain poster's small children in a speed boat without life jackets on. Shameful.

  56. If he is really dead, then I hope it is proven and confirmed. If he is dead, there is no one who believes it was suicide.

  57. Correction, a nitwit.

  58. Supposedly a preliminary Autopsy report will be coming out today....
    Truthful I am sure...

  59. It's really a shame that people would rather let this stuff continue for years,rather than expose the people you admire/voted for, make your favorite movies,etc. I said it quite a while back,the worse thing that can happen for some is for Trump to be responsible for what is happening. Liberals had at one time been the champions against human trafficking. It seems that stopped when certain people were in deep with the "bad guys". Like the UN. Like a lot of so federalist charities. Go a head new names. Go ahead,on blogger since August 2019. And Rest in Peace, Monica Peterson, and your work not be in vain.

  60. AbbyRock is right, the arched nose and especially the ears of the man on the gurney are not Epstein's.

    Epstein might be dead, but then what would be the purpose of displaying the man on the gurney? Masking the real date of his death?

  61. We all knew this was coming. He had the dirt on some of the most powerful people in the world. If those same people want you dead, you are going to die no matter what prison or jail you are in. Or, if he was truly Mossad with CIA ties, he was shipped out and is probably recovering from some very radical plastic surgery. What has happened either way is that he will never testify. As a result, any top or medium level kiddie fiddlers are scott free. Some low level figures will be brought to the public alter of sacrifice, while we in the know will grind away our teeth.

  62. Federalist? "So called refugee charities". The writing in the comment section cover my words,I didn't see it change.

  63. The goal is complexity. Simplify it - follow the money, addresses = will shed a lot of light to start asking more questions to get more answers.

  64. the nose doesnt match no matter how anyone tries to spin it. it look different because it is different.

  65. Anonymous12:58 PM

    He was a P.O.S. And deserves his fate.

  66. Chris Tucker? Really?

  67. Don't forget the REAL question:

    Where is Ghislaine Maxwell?

  68. Who is this "we" you speak of, MB and what is it you say you were right about?

  69. Reportedly Epstein's lawyers are lawyering up.....
    It ain't over.

  70. @Do Tell
    You said "the paranoia is thick...."
    All of us paranoid conspiracy theorists were right to be paranoid. There was a conspiracy.

  71. they lawyered up with *criminal* defense attorneys.

  72. Suicide or Murder.
    I don't care.
    He was scum.

    I hope the prosecutors have evidence on ALL of the perpetrators!
    Left or Right, ALL need to be exposed and brought to justice.

    If there is evidence of Bill Clinton being involved; I hope there is also evidence of Donny Trump being involved, too!

    Money may be how you become powerful.
    But, being powerful doesn't mean you are above the law!

    Now, I also hope that Bill Barr's term as AG is limited and he won't be able to help Donny like he helped George HW Bush post Iran Weapons for Hostages.

  73. I don’t believe that he’s dead, but I do believe that he’s undergoing surgery somewhere. The whole story is ridiculous and unbelievable. First off, he didn’t try to commit suicide 3 weeks ago. He said that he was attacked. But in any case, he gets taken off suicide watch, the guards don’t check on him, and the cameras go out? How convenient.

    The case is not over. I expect Ghislaine to be arrested next as well as some of his other colleagues. I feel horrible for his victims; they’ll never get the opportunity to see him face-to-face in court, and will probably never truly recover.

    Re: the NY Post photo of him on the gurney, that’s not from’s from 3 weeks ago after the attack.

  74. You think if any person would have a reason for a deadmans switch it would be Epstein. If he did and im nearly positive he did, it won't be long before everything he knew gets dumped to every major news outlet.

  75. Since the murderous, sadistic Clintons could have struck *at any time* and Bill Barr knew they were on the loose and ready to pounce- WHY wasn’t Epstein on 24 hour surveillance?? Why didn’t Trump and Barr protect Jeffery better, knowing that the two person Clinton crime syndicate had him in their crosshairs?

    It’s kinda piss poor to take your prisoner off suicide watch, let the guards leave and disable the cameras... then say “The Clintons did it!!!! OMG the Clinton’s did it and I’m appalled!!!”

  76. He's been silenced. It wasn't a suicide but one of his wealthy and powerful associates had him killed so they wouldn't be exposed publically.It was murder made to look like a suicide.

  77. I have surgery tomorrow and want to bide my time going down rabbit holes. I need some websites and none where I will get a virus, please. Thank you.

  78. Well, if the government doesn't think he's dead, then all of his assets should have been immediately frozen, nicht wahr?

  79. Verrrrrrry bad energy around this entire thing. (And it's not dissipating at. all.)

    Literally makes me feel ill.

    That's all I want to or will say.

  80. He's dead. Did everyone expect him to be on suicide watch forever?

    Re: Prince Andrew. UK age of consent is 16. Virginia Roberts (Giuffre) was 17 in that pic with P Andrew & Maxwell. As scandalous as having sex with young girls may be, what he did would not be considered illegal under UK law. Participating in sex trafficking is illegal whether or not they were minors.

    Epstein wasn't part of come "CIA conspiracy" or any crap like that. As hard as it may be to believe, Epstein cultivated an image of unlimited power & money. It worked. He didn't actually 'know' all those people, he donated money and threw parties for the 'rich and powerful' to make himself look rich and powerful. It worked. It worked on all those young girls and it's working on you.

    There were many who did have sex with minors and even raped girls at his properties but, please, let's not accuse Steven Hawking of raping a 14 yr olds and let's focus on those who did, and especially the women surrounding him who help procure those girls and coerced them into participating.

    Epstein got a slap on the wrist because a) he had very expensive lawyers and b) he turned evidence on those Bear Stearns guys. That's it. He was an "intelligence asset" because of Bear Stearns.

    I really wish there was some CIA-Mossad conspiracy because that would be fun! But I think we have enough to deal with already without nutty conspiracy theories.

  81. Why he wasn't killed

  82. Barr at the request of Trump got the prison to remove Epstein from suicide watch to make it easy for him to kill himself.

  83. 80% sure he is dead. Prison is negligent. Epstein claimed he was attacked when he was found hanging. He should have been kept under suicide watch or protective custody in jail. He wasn't. The camera malfunctioned at the same time? Clearly something fishy.

    20% chance he was switched to protective custody giving testimony.

    One report said Ms. Maxwell is in Qatar. According to wiki, no extradition to US.

  84. tatty, try reddit, or twitter?

    Or watch you tube videos, and read the comments?

  85. I think he was dead for hours, but they had instructions to make it look as though they're doing all they can to recuscitate him, hence the weird disconnected photos.

    But was he murdered? He could have been shanked by anyone & we'd have an easier time believing it than oh he had a heart attack or suicided.

  86. I think Anthony Bourdain's body was taken out of the chiller and used for the staging pics (supposedly of Epstein on the gurney) ... and the photos were released as some sort of signal to those who are running this whole thing.

    In the meantime, Epstein is winging his way to a new life in Te Aviv. He'll continue to do his 'work' through his brother.

    I found it funny how the British Royal Family wheeled out old Fergie and tried to make the 'they're reuniting' (meaning her and Andrew) story fly ... most people could see through it. And now she's gone back to the UK with her tail between her legs because Philip turned up to Balmoral early and likely gave her the boot.

    I do hope justice is served in the Epstein case but I'm not holding out hope. Most of the perpetrators are in high positions of power and they all look out for each other.

  87. The Chris Tucker mentioned on the flight manifesto is not the actor.

    I'm going to change my post above to say he'll be en route to Antarctica, as that's the last place anyone will think to look.

    The Royals don't control much - Queenie has a fair amount of say, yes, but there are higher-ups pulling the strings. Andrew thinks he is untouchable but he might just get a nasty surprise one day when the higher-ups decide to stop protecting him - especially if by doing so it takes the focus off them.

  88. I don't think anyone should place too much faith in the results of the autopsy ... one of those people on the Clinton Body Count list died of decapitation and the autopsy findings were 'not suspicious'.

  89. It will be interesting to see what the funeral arrangements are. No one will show up as they don't want to be associated with him.

  90. Medical Examiner Says ‘Determination of Epstein’s Death is Pending Further Information at This Time’

  91. This would be an awesome case for Richard Castle and Kate Beckett. I bet they could crack it in 40 minutes, without commercials.

  92. New Hmmmm blind up on Twitter.

  93. link to blind:

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. By the way, the blind is about Epstein, who Hmmmm says is really most sincerely dead.

  96. SInc this is kind of an open post/your turn -

    Mr. Ent Lawyer can we please talk about Shep (from SC), and the video where he is taunting a woman who collected empty cans?

    Because homeless people get bullied all the time.

    This isn't 'the' video - it's a dramatization of what goes on.

  97. Right. He was the new Gatsby

  98. They would have had to pay the guards, mental health professionals, other staff, a lot of money in order to make up for them being fired, prosecuted, losing their licenses for ethics violations, etc. It would have to be enough to allow them to go off and live their lives without having to work at anything. If Epstein did kill himself, there had to be somewhere he could tie a ligature. It doesn't have to be high up off the floor, it can be fairly low. Of course, if someone put him in a choke hold, and then applied a ligature, that would do it. I haven't seen a diagram of the cell, but they are designed to prevent suicide attempts as much as possible. Still, people manage to do it. It doesn't surprise me at all that he is gone.

  99. Not suicide. Epstein believed in his own supreme power to get out of anything. He'd done it all his life.
    No. Someone hanged Epstein, and paid off the guards to stay away from a certain floor. Orange Cheeto and Bill and Andrew had a three-way conference call, done by their assistants, from untraceable phones.

  100. He's in hiding so he'll be able to testify. Officials don't want him to be kill before he takes the stand.

  101. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Don't fuck with Liz 2's kids... have we learned nothing?

  102. I don't believe he committed suicide. Either
    1)He was murdered or
    2) He is in witness protection, the court case will proceed and he will give his testimony in 2020

  103. I’m thinking enabled, encouraged suicide.

  104. Don’t think the guy on the gurney is Epstein. The ears always tell the truth because ears are unique. And don’t bother looking at the dumb side-by-side that was uploaded to the Internet because you can’t see the living Epstein’s ears in it. But the ears don’t match.

  105. Someone please name *one* person who has come back from an AUTOPSY to testify for the government, or anyone else, outside of a soap opera or a graphic novel.

  106. The fix is in. Maybe someday a future historian will be able to piece it all together, but none of us will be around to see it.

  107. So has anyone heard about William Barr's mysterious visit to MCC a few weeks ago after the first "suicide attempt". Interesting how Trumps friend jumped in and claimed he's the one who introduced Trump to Melania after Epstein mentioned he was the one who introduced them. Knowing about his "modeling" agency and how they got girls from Eastern Europe jobs in the US and hooked them up with visas, I have a feeling things were getting pretty close to coming out about Epsteins involvement with Melania and what she was sent here to do.

    Also was it the governor of the Virgin Islands whose wife worked for Epstein's foundation which just so happened to be responsible for training young boys and girls in the art of massage for eventual jobs in Epstein properties? I think this is the same governor he donated a million dollars to.

    And I think it's a shame how they tried to make Maximilia Cordero out to be a grifter just because she was alleged to be transsexual. I don't know if she was trying to live stealth but the media had no problem dragging her through the mud and misgendering the hell out of her.

    And I'm not sure what skills mega millionaires and billionaires do have, but I can't imagine tying a noose would be high on the list of things they can do well. And Epstein did have the best legal team money could buy so I doubt he thought he wouldn't manage to get out of this somehow. I don't know if he's really dead or alive, but if he is dead, it wasn't by his own hand.

  108. The New York City medical examiner said that the "determination is pending further information at this time" regarding Jeffrey Epstein's death.

    It's pretty easy to tell if someone hung him/her self. So, either marks were found on the body that indicate foul play or Epstein is not dead and the suicide is as fake as everyone is saying.

  109. It is hardly suspicious that the U.S. Attorney General would visit the prison that is incarcerating a man accused of many, many serious federal charges (human trafficking among others) after said prisoner's suicide attempt, to speak to prison officials, inspect the facilities and make an effort to see that the prisoner is protected up to and through the trial.

  110. @Do Tell

    Israel's got over 200 nukes. I don't think you can subpoena top government officials with nukes.

  111. WTH are you referring to?

  112. I don't believe he is dead, I think he was moved by the US Military. There's no way the DOJ is letting him be suicided.

    I do think he was a Mossad agent who was used to obtain damaging material on any powerful people he could, and I do believe the satanic pedofilia problem is being addressed....finally.

  113. Ok.remember the blinds about the suspicious plane crash? How about this one:

  114. What about this: he was a pussy. Couldn't do time. It was the end for him. He didn't have the balls to be incarcerated. Pussy. He was not man enough to deal with adult women (other than his procurer).

  115. I haven't had time to read all the comments so someone else may have thought of this.

    My sister just said she thought he was still alive, because it was becoming a conspiracy investigation and officially not just about him anymore. Given the likelyhood someone would kill him before he could spill all the beans, that the CIA/FBI who ever, had staged it and have him squirreled away somewhere to squeeze all the info out of him. He will either miraculously appear or be disposed of, which ever way the political wind is blowing at the time.

    So many theories and half of them are probably planted red herrings, unless he left a dead man's switch we will probably never know.

    I definitley don't think it was a suicide though.

  116. I think Trump had him removed, not exactly sure for what purpose. He is the President & has access to ways of getting him out of the prison & brought somewhere to hide. It could be so he can extract info to implicate the Clintons, hence his tweet about the Clintons surrounding Epstein. Plus Epstein was/is his good friend. My thinking is the President is the only one with the resources & capability of pulling it off.

  117. Have anyone of you thought of this theory: Maybe, enty had it done, IMHO.

  118. Meant to add, if he truly is dead, I do not believe it was a suicide. People like him would never kill themselves. He had massive wealth & ways to wriggle out of it. Too many things like the cameras not operating, guards not checking on him, etc. point to him being murdered, if he is indeed dead.

  119. Meghan Markle has ties to Epstein via Markus Anderson who was photographed partying with naked women on a yacht with Epstein back in the 2000's. Jessica Mulroney, her BFF, is also buddies with Ghislaine Maxwell. There is even a picture of Mulroney and Markle on a yacht together with a bunch of other young ones in her late teens.

    Was MM planted in the palace ordered to seduce PH? PH has drug and alcohol addiction and is easy to control. Not surprised if they partied and they have pictures of PH..She is the ultimate honey trap..? Not to mention the link between Duke of York (andy) and Epsteinie Weenie

    Why else does the Queen tolerate this woman? Perhaps the Queen is part of all this muck too and not the naive old lady we think she is..? We will never know.

    I prefer to believe the Queen is a good woman and MM is just an American SJW snowflake clutz trying to wing it as a Royal with an obsession for Diana

  120. +1 @ tofu -- we are all just pawns in their game. The elitists will always win and will always throw us a bone to make us feel like we are being heard but the truth is they will always win, no matter what or how heinous the crime.

    Those who believe anything from a politician or media or anyone in the 1%, is a moron.

    The best we can hope for is to just live our own lives and ignore the bullshit (oh and keep your kids away from hollywood, disney and nickelodeon).

  121. +1 Sunkist. The prospect of decades in prison after a life of running around with his dick hanging out on private planes and islands is pretty grim.

  122. a bridge event in great briton meaning someone in the royal family has died or having their death faked

  123. I think he killed himself. He'd led a pervert's dream life: unbelievable luxury and hundreds, probably thousands, of underage girls. old age However, the future was bleak, twenty plus years in a cold cell. Rather like a cancer patient given a terminal diagnosis it was the right time to exit.

    One on one suicide watch, which is what you need for high profile prisoners, is prohibitively expensive. In a heavily unionized environment it can easily run $2-3,000 a day. Would you spend a million dollars of your own money to look at JE for a year? All he had to do is tell the doctor that he was no longer having suicidal thoughts and the jail would rush to drop the suicide watch.

    I would also point out that, by killing himself now, JE preserved most of his fortune for his heirs. Yes there will still be civil suits but he died before he was convicted of a crime, therefore criminal asset forfeiture doesn't apply. Same happened to Ken Lay of Enron.

  124. Two things... First, the Clinton's have few if any fans in the DOJ. Second, this happened in a federal prison under Trump's AG, Bill Barr's watch.

  125. I love how everyone blames the Clintons, and not Trump who lies about EVERYTHING. Trump belongs to the Russian Mafiya and has since the '80s, full stop. Just like Prince Andrew and all the rich people who participated in the rape of children, Trump benefitted from the silencing of Epstein. Yeah, Clinton partied with Epstein, too, but come on, y'all can't see Trump is up to his dead rat hair in this?

  126. Gen-Z y
    you're (YOU.ARE.) (YOU ARE)
    luky that enty moderates half my comments.
    Nobody, and I mean no one, is listening.
    You are a child and will get in line just as the rest of us did when we were teenagers and nobody listened.
    Zero chance anyone of consequence takes you seriously.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Gen-z99 Learn grammar and spell correctly, son. It'll make you appear less stupid. The Russian Mafiya took over La Cosa Nostra (Genovese Family) in the '80s-'90s and inherited Fred and Donald Trump. They've been in bed with the Russians since.


  129. Selah, if you're going to accuse anyone else of appearing stupid, then stop spreading stupid theories.

  130. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I'm leaning that Epstein isn't dead. That the suicide incident was nothing more than the ability to spring Epstein from prison. England and Israel both have the motivation to do it. I downloaded over a thousand pages from Pacer on Epstein's depositions etc. Someone on Twitter with a Pacer account was nice enough to pay and then disseminated the files in two large downloads. I haven't had time to read them yet.

  131. I just saw the DM pics of the alleged sex temple. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why it’s so hideous and dumb looking?

  132. Anonymous2:14 PM

    He was never in a NYC prison.
    This is way too big.
    Do people grasp how serious this is and what he was doing and the fact that accomplices were helping him?
    Do you have a daughter? I do. Think about it....
    They will keep his location under wraps, until they have every scrap of information they want.
    I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.
    Hope they all enjoyed that island.... and hope they all go down for it.

  133. Just wondering when Ghislaine's body will wash up on shore ...

  134. I’m wondering when the videos come out. If he offered these girls up, he did it as blackmail, right? Nothing else makes sense.

  135. With all of the money and power he had, no way he would've had a "real" court case here in the U.S. He would've easily paid off the judges, prosecutors, etc OR already had dirt on them from their orgies at his island..I think, because he was a big power player, he was shipped off to GITMO for a military Tribunal and will be hanged accordingly. I think his "suicide" was a foretelling of his hanging future... But, I AM wearing a tin foil hat too, ya know. They are raiding his island today, it's already in the news. I am sure they will find remnants of children's bodies. I think what was going on there with that group of people is beyond most people's comprehension of this world. Satan is definitely alive and well, or should I say Moloch?

  136. @EponymousAnonymoud,Epstein's temple looks just like a bathhouse in Aleppo. Not sure if he copied it but it's very similar.

  137. I don't care who all is involved in this disgusting shit, they all need to be brought down. Which of course, will never happen.



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