Friday, November 24, 2023

Blind Items Revealed #14 - Anniversary Month

June 27, 2016

It must be really tough to keep your sobriety when your best friend is your old drug dealer and your roommate is your sober coach. Considering this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor basically lives with these 2 guys 24/7, it is an interesting dynamic. Another thing that must make things interesting is the sober coach definitely has a crush on our actor. The sober coach wants much more than to be just friends with the actor. The sober coach is the one who kept driving a wedge between our actor and the woman he called his girlfriend. The sober coach wanted the actor all for himself.

Meanwhile, the drug dealer uses his place in this entourage to sell a vast quantity of drugs to people trying to get close to the actor. He also has used the connection to sell to other celebrities such as the offspring of A+ listers who wants a career of her own but has not had much luck. He stopped selling drugs to the actress turned escort when she kept wanting drugs for free. She did offer to have sex with him once for drugs but apparently he has sex all the time with women who want to sleep with the actor. He makes them sleep with him first and then kicks them out before they even have a chance to talk to the actor.

Zac Efron/Sami Miro/Ireland Baldwin

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