Friday, November 24, 2023

Blind Items Revealed #20 - Anniversary Month

January 26, 2017

As soon as I typed Dangerous Game I was back in high school reading The Most Dangerous Game. Did you have to read that? Do people still have to read it? Has anyone seen the movie from back in the 30's? Anyway, this is not about some guy who fell off a boat and is hunted. That being said though, people who have crossed paths with this guy have been killed. Multiple people. So, you have this former A+ list rapper who owes his soul basically at this point to our enforcer who is an A+ lister himself. Barring a miracle, there is no way at this point our former A+ list rapper is ever going to pay off his debt to the enforcer. No chance. I don't care if he sells 20 million records and goes on tour for the next three years straight, it just won't happen. Until the day he dies, a large percentage of his income will go to the enforcer. So, much like a prisoner serving life without possibility of parole our former A+ lister has nothing to lose with his game. He is blackmailing the enforcer. Every little secret that could crush his empire, the former A+ lister is threatening to do. He already threw an opening salvo by leaking the real reason the enforcer's significant other received multiple nominations outside the usual process. The thing is, our former A+ lister also knows who was bumped to make room for the enforcer's significant other and is also threatening to tell that person. That would be a huge blowup. If done correctly, all of this could be front page stuff. Our former A+ lister wants to renegotiate his deal. If it doesn't come, you are going to see some jaw dropping things come out. Oh, and our former A+ lister has never shown a tendency to play by the rules. The thing is though, maybe the enforcer arranges a little accident for the former A+ lister. Make it look like a suicide. Would anyone not believe the scenario.

Kanye West/Jay Z/Beyonce

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