Monday, March 10, 2008

That Didn't Take Long

If I had known I was going to write about Jennifer Aniston today, there is no way on this earth I would have written about her on Friday. She is not a twice a week person or a consecutive day person or anything close. So, enjoy the spotlight Jennifer, because I'm not going to talk about you for two weeks, unless of course photos of you naked with Courteney and Alexis come out. Not David and Courteney because that is to be expected. I want the shocker ones.

As I pointed out when this whole Marley and Me thing was announced back in August it was only a matter of time before the "dating" started. You knew it was going to happen. It had to. The thing is, it might actually work. When I talked about it a few months ago, it was more of a prediction that the "true love" stories would start, and they have.

From the Daily Star--- A source said: "They have a real spark together when they’re not learning their lines or shooting scenes together.

"Jennifer has been a real support to Owen and there is a real twinkle in their eyes. They’ve been friends for ages anyway, but it’s almost as though their relationship has developed.

"They have been enjoying candlelit dinners together when not working on set."

Does anyone actually see them sitting over a table somewhere with candlelight, while toasting each other and gazing like puppies at each other? Hell no. The only candlelight these two would stare at together would be if they were both trying to light their his and her bongs. See, that is why this might work. It has been awhile since Jen had a guy who was also 420 friendly and so she and Owen could spend a little time together, say dude a lot, and Owen could contemplate whether he was going to go in after Vince has already been there.

Well, whatever happens you can be sure that the next two months will be filled with their "new love."

11 comments: said...

Whatever, just as long as he's okay. Apparently Kate Hudson is not a good thing in his world.

GammaGirl said...

I think they would make a cute couple. They are both single and huge stoners (not a bad thing -wink-)

Though I love Kate for putting KH in her place in that Elle Interview, it does appear that she causes Owen nothing but stress.
Best look for the man candy elewhere.

GammaGirl said...


PaleBlackSheep said...

I thought Owen was back with Kate Hudson? Did I dream that or something?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Sounds like Owen's publicists are throwing as many girls up there and waiting to see which one "sticks." Then, the "relationship" will be brokered. Jen needs it way more than Kate does, so I predict it will be Jen.

File this under "image rehab."

SisterMaryHotPantz said...


jax said...

she has a better shot with the dog.

Anonymous said...

I read last week on one of the blogs that Kate and Owen were back together.

Mel said...

I read that too. Let's face it nobody held a gun to Ent's head, he obviously has a secret crush on Jen.

Judi said...

Oh, >hurl.<

Anonymous said...

I love how made up sap always throws in the obligatory "candle lit dinner" as if its the most romantic fucking thing in the whole world. Wow, yeah, lets make this dinner EXTRA special by sparking up a few candles. That just tugs my heart strings.


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