Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 14, 2014

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is headed to television and her fairly newlywed husband have been taking a break. They say it is work related but it is because he cheats and she lies. Another failed relationship for her. Hopefully she won't crash and burn like the last time.

Halle Berry (they end up getting back together for a week and then take months off at a time)


sandybrook said...

Its 9 months later and Halle still hasn't cut a bitch. You know she wants to if this blind is for realz.

Lady Heisenberg said...

YESSS!!!! @Freya FTW!!! Nice to see you back Freya
Oh Halle. Even Swifty knows this Golden Rule...

All Lace no Leather said...

I used to like her and thought bad for her failed marriage. But she seems to be the common thread in several failed marriages/relationships. Either she's a whole lot of crazy, she attracts abusers or her picker is off. Probably a combination of the 3.

Seven of Eleven said...

It's interesting that despite this original BI and the other one and the egg thing, and the screaming matches... as of a month ago, Halle and Oliver were still holding hands and not beating each other up.

MISCH said...

she really doesn't want to hear" I told you so"

parissucksliterally said...

He cheated on Kylie Minogue for years. What makes her think she could change him?

Honey Bunny said...

I luv Halle but girl, get yourself together!

keetz4 said...

She's not so good in Extant.

auntliddy said...

Her life is her life to live. As for Extant, I blame the writing. Characters not well defined, dopey ass tangental stories, a kind of dumbo husband and a very unappealing robot kid. Cld hv been much better written, but hey, they tried something different, not run of mill show. Prob wont get renewed.

auntliddy said...

And man, she always looks great. Even thowing out the trash! I think out of thousands of pics of her, i saw ONE lousy one. She is gorgeous and really knows how to dress up or down.

Sherry said...

Funny that after all the bad marriages she decided to stay with the cheater.

skippy said...

He's got the face of a dried prune. Maybe she doesn't want to look at it anymore.
She's incredibly beautiful, but she does have the Cray cray!

Sylvia said...

What does it matter that she has a pretty face when the woman is a bitch.

Just Another HR Lady said...

I actually really enjoyed the first few episodes of Extant. Then they lost me, the storylines got kind of silly. And not sci fi silly, just stupid silly.

As for her personal life, Halle will never have a drama free relationship, she's just one of those people that create and thrive on the drama. C'est la vie!

skippy said...

There's just one common factor in all those relationships.

RowdyRodimus said...

@All Lace- When a person goes in for their first divorce and blames the other person, people can believe it. When that same person goes in for their fourth or fifth divorce, maybe they need to look in the mirror.

My uncle had been married 3 times and each time it was because of his drug use and alcoholism but he blamed the woman. He met his new wife (who I adore and love so so much) and she set him straight by telling him before they get married, he was going to get help for hi problems. He's been a completely different person and for the last 18 years, I've been proud calling him my uncle unlike the previous 20.

Kelly said...

She's A+ my eye anymore.

SugarTitz said...

I just saw Frankie and Alice. . She was completely out of her element/range.. but my Stellan boo was the shit as always! !♡♡♧♧☆☆

Unknown said...

Rowdy: your aunt (by marriage) sounds like an awesome woman! Obvs what your uncle needed. Very sweet story.

cowbulls said...

Halle is a lunatic.

All Lace no Leather said...

@ Rowdy, you are so right. The problem Is when she looks in the mirror, it's not to find out why this keeps happening to her, or what the common factor is in all her failed relationships (as @Skippy said), but to primp and remind herself how beautiful she is.

RowdyRodimus said...

@Bee Haven She is an awesome woman. I wrote her a pretty long message on Facebook a few months back when I was a bit down and wanted to let people know what they meant to me. I told her how my Mom, before she passed away, felt she was a sister to her and not a sister-in-law and how she treated my Mom better than my mom's real sister. How, every year my Dad, brother, nieces and myself all look forward to the birthday cards she sends us. She hasn't missed a single one since she married my uncle and told her our birthday isn't official until we get our card from her.

However, the main point I wanted her to know is that our family wasn't whole until she became a member of it. Not only did she help make my Uncle into the man he could've always been, she makes all of us better by being there for all of us whenever we need someone to talk to, to cry with when we need a shoulder and to be there when we need a laugh.

I was honest with her when I told her that when I was talking with my cousin from my Dad's side we started talking about who our favorite Aunt's and Uncle's were, my cousin said my parents and I said it was a tie to me, his parents and my Aunt and Uncle from my Mom's side.

She wrote me back and said she had been crying all day after reading the message I sent her. She admitted that when she married my uncle, she was convinced she wouldn't be accepted to the family since she had already had a daughter and was his fourth wife but after reading what I told her, she realized that she had been worrying for almost 20 years for nothing. She said she knew we told her we loved her but thought it was just us going through the motions. Now she knows how much we do love her.

And in the unlikely event she's reading this, I'm sorry for putting so much of this out here, I just wanted people to know that one person can make a difference in not just one person's life but an entire family.

Dad, Jon, the girls and I love you, Aunt Denise <3


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