Thursday, September 22, 2011

Greatest Wife Swap Ever

I don't know how the producers of Celebrity Wife Swap managed to pull this one off, but it will be a winner. If you have never seen the show Wife Swap, it basically involves two polar opposite households swapping wives for a week. It can be and is usually really good because it is so easy to find couples that are polar opposites and the results in that kind of case tend to be good.

Anyway, for Celebrity Wife Swap, the producers are going to swap Ted Haggard's wife with Gary Busey's live in girlfriend. Do you remember Ted Haggard? He once was a hugely popular pastor who spoke out against gays and drugs and ended up doing guys and doing drugs. So, he quit in shame, started a new church and has probably been keeping his gay thing on the down low. You know his wife has just got to be a bundle of fun.

Can you imagine Ted Haggard's wife having to hang out with Gary Busey for a week. Well at least she will have an honest relationship for a week. On the flip side, anyone who can live with Gary Busey full-time has got to be very easy going and I think it will be fun to see her in Ted Haggard's life.


Patty said...

You'd have to be very easy going to live with Gary. Hopefully he's not the nutcase in private that he exhibits in public.

RenoBlondee said...

That is awesome!

I used to like that show. Haven't seen any celebrity episodes though, I'll have to check it out.

figgy said...

I'm ashamed to say that I would watch it. Sigh.

Maja With a J said...

Oh my goodness! This episode might even trump the "god warrior" one!!!

RocketQueen said...

I would watch this.
I once watched a fascinating documentary called "Friends of God, a road trip" about religion in the southern U.S. Haggard was prominently featured before all the meth and gay prostitute scandals. He has fascinated me ever since.

.robert said...

This is the only reality/daytime TV that I'd every make an attempt to watch.

figgy said...

Me too RocketQueen! I'd watch that guy Haggard walk a dog, I find him THAT fascinating. How does someone put one foot in front of the other when trying to balance such disparate inner lives?

bluebonnetmom said...

Please let me know when this comes on. This is going to be a whole lot of AWESOME!!!!!

libbyBH said...

Wife Swap is some crazy-ass television. Love it. I wonder whatever became of the God Warrior Family?

RocketQueen said...

EXACTLY, figgy. The way he portrays himself and preaches to others vs the way he actually is - diametric opposites. I really don't know how he sleeps at night.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Maja - That one stands out in my mind as one of the craziest, for sure! Didn't that lady die though?

I don't know anything about Ted Haggard, but Busey entertained me on Celeb Apprentice, so I'm sure Wife Swap will be a must see.

Robert said...


Unknown said...

I heard this and thought it was a joke at first. I may have to watch this.

Jasmine said...

Wife Swap is VERY fasinating on a psychological/sociological and even anthropological level.

Watching people from such polar opposite lives having to struggle to adapt to a life so unlike their own is bloody amazing.

My favorite wife swaps have been when the teenage children change. I've seen it a few times with like the hippy family who didnt want their kid to go to normal school or even college and he wanted it and the temporary wife encouraged this in him and he spoke up about it. Or when the traditional family swaps with the nontrad family and the trad wife comes to realize how much better she likes it when the whole family/husband do help out.

It's probably me just being biased and coming from a nontraditonal liberal feminist viewpoint but I just LOVE it when some of the more rigid families loosen up a bit afterwards :))

MadLyb said...

I haven't watched this show in ages, but this I'd watch. I sort of like these long-suffering preacher's and politician's wives. They can be very strong, down-to-earth women. Can you imagine the crap they've put up with? I really liked Tammy Faye Baker for some reason, even though I tend to run away from evangelicals.


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