Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

February 20, 2013

It is always nice when you get along well with your ex. This is especially true if you work in the same industry and might even work together again really soon. No, this is not about Natalie Portman getting back together with her ex, although, you know, filming a movie with the ex while the husband is half a world away. Who knows what might happen. This is actually about an ex couple who is way more famous than Natalie Portman. The thing about them is they are both very discreet. She is an A list, mostly movie actress who can easily hide in the shadows despite her A+ list name recognition. Her ex is a shadow. I'm not exactly sure how he even stays upright at this point with as little as he eats. I'm pretty sure the botox he injects must be keeping him fed somehow. Although she is definitely with someone, he goes in and out of coupledom. About two years ago they started working on a project together because he needed some help getting it made and she can never say no to him. The next thing you know there were calls. Lots of calls. It took about six months before they saw each other again and it was electric. Maybe that is why they scheduled the lunch for a hotel restaurant. They ordered drinks and were in a room before appetizers could be bought to the table. As discreet as our actress is, her ex is a little more talkative and he has been letting it be known that he has an in with her and has been suing her name to get money for projects and she lets him. She also has sex with him about every two months, although there was the three straight says they had sex during the second week of last month. The tabloids are getting close to the scent of the story and it is a jaw dropper.

Angelina Jolie/Billy Bob Thornton


it took forever said...

I so knew this bitch didnt change

it took forever said...

she is such a creep
, they deserve each other

HannahBanana said...

Hmmmm....this I believe. They were all over each other when they were together. Her & Brad seem soooo, idk just not hot, not like those two.

whocaresnow12onamobile said...

This is so not true. I had lunch with BBT and he finished everything on his plate and even had seconds.

Unknown said...

When will this woman's vagina finally wear out?

Barton Fink said...

Oh my god, Jolie is a skankbag??? This is -- the story of the century!

HannahBanana said...

Let me clarify: I don't mean BB is by any definition hot. Just meant they seemed to have major physical chemistry. And not the phoney kind, like Kidman/Urban at the CMA's.

Barton Fink said...

HannahBanana, Meth is one hell of a drug!

Chief2224 said...

Ugh, he's so gross. Why, Angie, why??

HannahBanana said...

Apparently so....& that is exactly what he looks like to me. LOL!

trsalka said...

I think there is another blind which is supposed to be them where she lets him see her new boobs before even Brad gets the chance. Not in person though.

MISCH said...

Everyone thought is was them...she didn't want the break-up, he didn't want anymore kids and she adopted Maddox...
But it's o.k Brad screws around plenty also...

it took forever said...

I dont care if she starts walking around daily with a bible in her hand spitting verses, this bitch will forever be a nymphomaniac

HannahBanana said...

Ahhh... I should've known! Lol!!

HannahBanana said...

I knew there was still some Angelina circa 2002 in there!

Elizabeth312 said...

Hooray for some juice!!

Elizabeth312 said...

Hooray for some juice!!

Honey Bunny said...

Just, wow.

Tyger Lilly said...

Okay, come on Enty. Usually I overlook your little spelling & grammar errors (especially with an Angelina BI because I can't stand her), but this is ridiculous. I can understand one or two mistakes, but there were so many in this one it was distracting. It looks like a blind retarded monkey hammered this one out between handfuls of flinging-poo.

msgirl said...

If Brad is Ok with it, nothing wrong. If he doesn't even know, oh Angie it will be skank city.

KPeony said...

This was a good blind, but wasn't this already revealed?

The BLS said...

I've hated Angelina since she and BBT got married. I always felt bad for Laura Dern in that scenario: Her boyfriend left for the weekend and came back married to Angelina. Literally.

I fail to see why Brad was so happy to leave Aniston for her.

MISCH said...

Lets be honest when Brad went into this with her he believed everything she said, he has since found out the truth in her world is what's convenient for her at any given time...
But at this point Brad Pitt is a shadow of who he was...he made his bed and to save face he lives a great big lie.

Ja'mie King said...

You + Amanda's Wig = Hilarity*

(*no relation to Alec Baldwin's wife)

trainrides said...

Lol @whocaresnow12onamobile You are now officially my new favorite commenter.

nevermindthat said...

Why is only Angie the bitch; it's also rumored that Brad has a blonde side piece that Angie knows about. They were even spotted once leaving Brad's weed spot together and his PR team tried to pass her off as Brad's assistant.

The Real Dragon said...

Stop acting like Brad hasn't done his fair cheating.

For all we know they have an open relationship. if this blind is true.

nevermindthat said...

Ok please Brad has his side piece as well.

Kelly said...

Their chemistry was too high to ever get completely over.

auntliddy said...

I just don't know if I buy this. Or maybe I just don't want to believe it.

Moonmaid said...

yeah, me either. who is going to spill the beans on them having sex, if they were the only two there?

Silly Girl said...

'Retarded monkey'....that's an awesome description!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I suspect that whocaresnowonamobile is the troll f$%ing with us.

nevermindthat said...

Ok please Brad has his side piece as well.

dixie lee said...

Amazing sleuthing skills

dixie lee said...

@kpeony, that's what I was thinking

Gypsy said...

@The BLS. Laure Dern did the same thing to Ben Harpers wife. Just sayin'.

TeeTee said...
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TeeTee said...

Wasn't there also a reveal that these two were drinking and she told him Colin Farrell was the love of her life/best lover and it was HE she really wanted to marry and have the slew of babies with?

nevermindthat said...

Ok please Brad has his side piece as well.

Rose said...

Obviously the tabloids aren't too close to the story. This is 5 months later and they haven't caught on.

nevermindthat said...

Yes tee tee and it's also on the web that Angie said Brad wasn't her first choice. You can google it.

HannahBanana said...

Yes there was! Probably one of my very fave reveals!!!!! Guess the wonderful St Ang doesn't get anyone she wants! Made me like Colin Farrell! Lol!!!

nevermindthat said...

Let's not forget Colin was heavy into drugs and alcohol at that time and sleeping with anything who had a pulse. Not that she couldn't have him because she did he was just not ready to settle down at that time.

bookjacket said...

So this was all happening while she was having multiple mastectomy-related surgeries over the first four months of this year? That's ridiculous.

OKay said...

I agree that Angie and Brad have an open relationship, and if it works for them, well, have at it I guess. But I do lose a lot of respect for Angie for the pull that BBT has over her. As Chief said, Why???

Jenn said...

Hillbilly Bob ew. No.

Halloweenie said...

She finds Billy Bob hot the same way chicks find Norman Reedus hot. They're the opposite of the slick Brad Pitt look. Brad's looks have gone downhill since she sunk her claws into him. Long hair and scraggly beards a long way from smooth Mr. Smith, closer to Billy Bob.

The Real Dragon said...
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Fluffy White Clouds said...

Dirty, dirty. BBT is not sexy. Not at all. Then again St Angie isn't that hot herself. Pretty face but something just wrong about the look in her eyes.

whocaresnow12 said...

he looks like he smells. how anyone could want to have sex with him is beyond me.

PookieTwo said...

Juicy reveal, but is it even close to true? How would Enty (or Enties) get a hold of this bit but not the tabs or other media outlets, who would salivate at getting a scoop like this.

I wonder sometimes if Enty/s has some kind of source at one of the tabs, that feeds him unvettable stories that they won't or can't publish but he will here as a blind. Might account for the sheer volume of items.

But I have little knowledge of how the tabs work so am purely guessing here.

Mala Propism said...

Well, Angie has been known to return repeatedly to exes - JLM, Jenny - BBT isn't a big stretch if you stick with the pattern. Maybe part of the reason she and Brad don't actually marry is the open relationship which they both agree to?

Lisa said...

Seriously Enty what have you been smoking with this one? If you had chose to do your research instead of just being stuck in your hatred of Angelina Jolie you might have checked into the fact that quite often during that time they weren't even in the same state or even country as each other lol. Then there is the issue of during that period of time she had been "sneaking around" to doctors, clinics and hospitals to undergo visits, testing and surgery. So hmm so could that be all those meetings she was having with a "lover" that you were insinuating?

Not everything a person does is a drug, child molesting or cheating on their spouse. Sometimes it is innocent and just not every damn bodies business in the public!

NaughtyNurse said...

Wasn't there also a blind item about an actress who had surgery and her ex was the first to see the finished product, NOT her current squeeze?

Nellie said...

Sex between two consenting adults?!? The HORROR!

Even not knowing the details of her relationship or if this is true, it absolutely negates her decade of work on behalf of the worlds refugees

TeeTee said...

I am so hot for Colin Farrell - even when he was all grungy and matted up! lol Brad does nothing for me, but oh em gosh, CF when he's all cleaned up makes me swoon~~~

PJJ said...


Unknown said...

The admiration for AJ and her ilk is sickening. She is a skank ho bag, an addict that needs to be cleaned up routinely. Worship that image too.

rajahcat said...

This will be huge when finally completely outed. I've always though she has/has a drug problem. And Brad knows about it and either participates or looks the other way. Their life is fake.

rajahcat said...
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