Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Jenny McCarthy Officially Joins The View

It was expected, but it does not mean people love the result. Jenny McCarthy is one of the new hosts on The View. I think Jenny will probably try and take over the show and make it her own. She is not the sit back and let other people ask a question. She is the one who wants to go first and then go again and then go one more time and then apologize after. If the show does ever discuss vaccines, you know it will be a landmine that they will probably only do once. I think that you will find that Jenny has many other views that are contrary to what a lot of people have and that the vaccine issue is not her only hot button issue that might rub people the wrong way. If you were looking for someone the complete opposite of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, then I think they have done their job.


Barton Fink said...

I love her. I believe in vaccination, and I love Jenny McCarthy. I think people take her too seriously, esp. calling her a MURDERER!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I just found this years Halloween costume!

sandybrook said...

She will be exposed pretty quickly as just a pretty face.

MISCH said...

Big mistake giving her a platform for her craziness

MichaelaK said...

The complete opposite of Hasselcrack?

Blonde - check.
Shrill - check.
Talks over people - check.
Always right - check.
Questionable fashion choices - check.
Kisses the right a* - check.
My opinion is The Word - check.

Seems to me they just got an older Liz.

ThisIKnow said...

I believe she is Joy's replacement and NOT Elizabeths for whatever that's worth. Jenny is the raunchy comedienne not the straight laced republican type.

Kels said...

As an Aspie, I cannot stand this woman. The last place she needs to be is in front of America giving dumbass and down right dangerous advice.

And we have yet to get an apology.

Fuck her and her nice boobies. Rot in hell.

Redd said...

Kels has this summed up bout right.

Cathy said...

I think it's better for her to be on a show like this than for her to have her own show. At least in this format, someone can (and will) call out her misinformation.

Kels said...

But she is a murderer. She is. Just cause she didn't do it directly doesn't mean her words weren't extremely harmful. She caused outbreaks of old diseases that were controlled bu vaccines. Millions listened to her because they don't understand why their child has autism, and they thught she had answers cause her son is also autistic.

If she's not a murderer, then neither is Hitler.

Kels said...


MBK said...

Right on, Kels.

ljsmed said...

@Kels. Spot on!

Cathy said...

I don't agree with Jenny's views on vaccines or the damage she has done by making those claims, but you did not just compare her to Hitler, did you!?!?

She may have given out bad information, but every parent has the responsibility to DO THEIR OWN RESEARCH and make their OWN DECISION. She didn't hold a gun to anyone's head and force them not to vaccinate. As someone who has relatives die in the Holocaust, I found your comment INCREDIBLY misguided.

H said...

That's quite the reach.

Unknown said...

ill never get another vaccine again. i never get sick, either.

but idk the link to autism and vaccines. i thought it was more due to all the artificial chemicals we consume 24/7?

car54 said...

She's not replacing Hassleback, she's replacing Joy Behar.
Joy is leaving as of August, and when Hassleback left Barbara said they were planning to audition more for a replacement for her.

Not a Jenny fan--I will miss Joy.

Barton Fink said...

Well, I hardly think that we have to execute McCarthy or admit that Hitler was great. These seem like unfairly restricted options.

J Ruth said...

If you are taking medical advice related to your children from Jenny McCarthy without talking to your doctor or doing more research you are a total freakin idiot. Come on....That said, I can't hate her. I don't love her, but somehow I can't dislike her either.

Sweetiebird said...

I'm not afraid to say that I hate this talentless skank. Ugh, she's just awful inside and out.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

If ABC doesn't make a flat-out statement that she will be fired on the spot if she in any way mentions, or even alludes to, her insane, ignorant, repellent and frankly lethal views on vaccination, they're even more irresponsible than any of us imagined.

That said, it would be must-see TV if they did bring in a security guy to escort her off the premises in mid-show for spouting off with her insane inanities.

figgy said...

I loathe and despise this ignorant, classless bitch McCarthy. Boo View.

That said, I prefer leaving Nazi/Hitler comparisons to actual cases of truly extreme sociopathology, and it just sounds kinda silly here.

NapAssasin said...

Ridiculous. People have choices, some people are more impressionable than others. She talked, they CHOSE not to give their kids the vaccines. Thats not McCarthy's fault. It's the parents fault for being idiots and failing to protect their kids. To each their own, but she didn't kill anyone.

skimpymist said...

@kels did you read what you just read? You tried so hard to make a point that you completely missed your target and landed in the woods somewhere.

Unknown said...

@Kels...you're a champ :)
To everyone saying they won't get vaccines, etc. I'll tell my story. P.s. guys or anyone who is squeemish-I'm talking about my ladybiz, so read at your own discretion. I'm a 24 year old Canadian who has struggled with many health issues my whole life(it's relevant to my story). Three years ago I went to the doctor for my annual pap smear (when I was 21, it was still recommended to happen every year or two once you're sexually active-now it's not until you're 21.) I had an abnormal result, the cause of which were LSIL grade cells on my cervix. Now, normally after 6 months to 2 years, those cells either get worse or clear up on their own. What that meant was that I have HPV. I went for my checkup for the third time a couple weeks ago. I'm waiting on the results, but I'm guessing I'm still infected because they took a biopsy. Now, you may or may not know about the Gardasil vaccine. It came out when I was in high school, and it had only been researched for 5 years (which I now know is quite a long time for vaccines). At that time I was still a virgin. I should have taken the vaccine, but my parents told me it wasn't safe. I shouldn't have listened to them. Now, since I've (most likely) had 3 abnormal results I will probably need treatment that carries a strong chance of rendering me infertile. They gave me the prescription for the Gardasil vaccine because they recommend it for anyone I think 16(maybe 18?) up until age 45. Please please please consider this vaccine for your girls AND boys. I've had 3 years of horrible anxiety, and I've been scared that at best I could be infertile and at worst I could die from cervical cancer. The reason I stated I'm Canadian is because there is a lot of incentive for American hospitals to over-treat this illness because it's quite expensive. I'd have to have paid thousands for my biopsies, specialists, etc. if I were American. The Gardasil vaccine could have prevented this, and hopefully will prevent any other strains of HPV. Over 2/3 of the sexually active population will get HPV in their lifetime. Sometimes it progresses, usually it goes away on it's own. But please, read up about the Gardasil vaccine because the last three years have been totally scary for a 21-24 year old who should have been out living life more, rather than worrying about death/infertility.

Jennifer H. said...

Exactly. I was about to say the same thing.

skimpymist said...

@kels did you read what you just read? You tried so hard to make a point that you completely missed your target and landed in the woods somewhere.

Kloie said...

I worry about the mercury in vaccines, but not enough to not vaccinate my future kids - it seems that the chances of spreading/catching diseases are more likely than the chances of getting something like autism, which hasn't definitively been proving to result from vaccines. I also throw side-eye at Jenny, since her son's autism miraculously "went away" a few years later, if I recall.

Cathy said...

@Svetlana - I agree with what you said, but as someone who has been in that boat as well, LSIL grade cells are not as bad as you are making them out to be in your mind. As someone who has had a total of three colposcopies and has laser ablation done to remove abormal cells, all my lady parts are doing just fine. So live your life.

lisa said...

What Kels said

Kels said...

Idiots? No. Scared and misinformed? Yes. Many parents of children with autism do not understand WHY their child is special, and Jenny McCarthy was offering answers. Call them idiots all you want but when your child doesn't speak or do anything like other kids, all you are looking for is answers. You can say I'm reaching all you like but to the autism community, this woman is pure evil. Autism is so new and we don't understand it so Jenny's misinformation was music to an autistic patents ears. Finally, an answer! It's the vaccines!

Jenny was horribly wrong and she hasn't even apologized.

Unknown said...

@Kloie google "Jenny McCarthy body count"

I'm all for doing your own research, questioning authority, getting second opinions, etc. but like it or not, celebs like Jenny McCarthy hold a lot of sway in public opinion. She herself should have had a second opinion-her son never had autism; he was misdiagnosed. You can't cure something that never existed.

Yes I think parents should be proactive, BUT sometimes they aren't, and for our children's safety, we need to ensure that the truth is public knowledge. Take my parents for example-they thought by not vaccinating me for HPV they were protecting me. Turns out they gave me the disease anyway. Oops. (no I'm not blaming them, I should have known better than to listen to them-now I know)

Unknown said...

@Cathy, thanks for the kind and comforting words :) my colposcopist (is that the right word?) said that I have an unusually high amount of LSIL grade cells (normally it covers less than a quarter of your cervix, but for me it's nearly the whole thing), but that they weren't HSIL, so that's good. So far apparently I'm kind of an odd case.
The thing that worries me about the infertility is that my whole mother's side of the family has had a ton of issues with 'keeping' babies, as in they're really fertile and become pregnant easily, but have a huge number of miscarriages. If I laser off/freeze/etc. part of my cervix, I'd be scared I'd be putting my unborn children at a ridiculously high risk of being miscarried.
The other reason why I'm so worried is because I had an eating disorder for nearly 10 years, and I have a really weak immune system because of it. I'm scared that between my ongoing issues with MI, and a weak immune system, I'm more likely to become sick? If that makes sense. The first time I went to the specialist though, he really hammered down on me that it was a lot worse than I thought. My 'second opinion' specialist was a lot more realistic, which I appreciated. But thanks for the comment :)

Kels said...

I know exactly what I said when I compared her to Hitler. I do have a degree in Jewish Secular Studies- Hitler is my bread and butter. And with that said, I'm still comparng her to Hitler. To our community, that's what this bitch is. She symbolizes something- using your platform to spread lies and hate and when people are effected, you can say you didn't do it directly, you were just giving advice. Bullshit. Hitler used a poor and battered post Treaty of Versailles Germany to fuel his anti-Semitic hate and it led to the Funal Solution. Jenny used the fear and uncertainity of autism to spread her message about how bad vaccines are and it led to whole towns being effected with diseases we had erased. Hello, whooping cough? Because of Jenny's words, it's now a problem again. There are parallels, whether you like or not.

Kels said...

Sorry for typos on my phone.

Anonymous said...

Not overly excited about her joinig, but cant wait to see what she brings to the table

auntliddy said...

I believe this is one of the 7 signs.

Cathy said...

Wow, kels - your ignorance and ego has officially left me speechless.

Della said...

She isn't a murderer. That is so lame. She wrote a book and she is a entertainer. The lame ass parents who decided against the vaccinations are the murderers. Why would anyone take credit with what she says or Brad Pitt, Angelina or Jennifer. I couldn't imagine being a well educated physician and having parents decide their child's healthcare by a celebrity. THE PARENTS ARE TO BLAME!

Unknown said...

@auntliddy hahhahaha excellent.

@Kels, I'm not big on confrontation, but I appreciate what you're saying. It's tough not to be passionate about something so near and dear to your heart. MI is rampant among my friends and family, and when I hear someone say 'why don't you just get over depression?' it makes my blood boil. The bright side to all of this, is that at least we're talking about it again. Hopefully more truth gets spread this time instead of supposedly eradicated diseases.

Kels said...

Please excuse me for defending my community.

Della said...

She is only guilty of trying to earn a buck.

Kels said...

It is very tough to talk about this. I am being called ignorant and arrogant for just trying to give my community a voice. When people say things like, "the parents are to blame" or "just get over it" don't understand how complex MI and other illnesses are. There is so much at work..

And just to be fair, autism is not a mental illness. It is simply having a different brain.

Della said...

Oh I forgot this is America where people sue Mcdonalds for the coffee being too hot and for not having a nutritious menu.

Kels-get a life.

Unknown said...

@Kels I'm not saying autism is MI. I'm saying I know it feels because I can relate to MI but not autism. I wasn't saying autism was MI. I was just trying to help you... :/

Not every parent is a good parent. That is just a fact. There should be a health safety net for when they're not good parents. A back-up option for kids to go to, for anything, in case parents aren't doing their job properly. It's why kindergartens (when I was young anyway) would check kid's head for lice. Not ever parent does that. It can affect the whole class, so they check their hair. It's a good thing to have checks and balances in place because (for emphasis now) not all parents are good parents and children shouldn't suffer major medical consequences because of it. If you're an adult and you neglect your health-fine. But when you're a kid you have no choice.

Kels said...

That came out as mean but I didn't mean it that way at all! I was just clarfying fot anyone else that might read our comments. That's aspergers for you lol

NapAssasin said...

Hitler never apologized and he actually killed people, with like guns, and acid and mustard gas and bombs, knives & stuff. Starvation, torture...

Lets call a spade a spade- she's a publicity whore who got on a soap box & took it too far. It was what she believed, for her kids sake, she was wrong (?) and some people chose to believe her. But she's not a murderer. Or real smart. But she can talk.

Pip said...

TE Cruz is a member of mensa it seems.

Kels said...

And my mother won't even acknowledge my asperger's. I refuse to blame her though- she thought I was just being me, and I can't fault her for that. I missed a lot of oppotunities and developed PTSD cause she didn't know but it's ok. My school didn't catch it either. All I can do is inform to make sure this doesn't happen to someone else!

Unknown said...

@Kels okay, that's good. I may not know everything about autism, but I definitely know it's not MI. :)

I would be so happy if the world were a place where those with the loudest voices (like celebrities, media, etc.) would be really careful about what they say. People are impressionable. It`s impossible to know everything about everything, so we look for people to understand things for us. Some harmless examples of misinformation-I know lots of people that think Sydney is the capital of Australia. That sort of thinking regarding health, etc. can have a snowball effect and really harm people. Instead of arguing about who`s dick is bigger or who has an ego problem or who should shut up, we should be debating the real, concrete facts about what Ms. McCarthy says and how we can turn this situation (being a host on the View) into a positive one.

Unknown said...

@Kels I'm sorry. Have you ever watched Community? If so, what do you think about it and how they portray Abed?

Kels said...

Fair enough. That is all true.

Kels said...

You said it!!!! You are so right. we like to act as if people aren't easily impressed but they are. It's like, it's awesome that YOU see through the bullshit but a lot of people don't! and those people that don't see are usually the ones that need to hear it the most!

And as for Abed...I like him. But more importantly, it seems like a lot of people loke his character. And Sheldon from the Big Bang. Imo, can't speak for us all, but I'm just glad to see people like someone with Aspergers. People respect us, but they don't like us. The media has portrayed us as weird but likeable. Small steps.

Unknown said...

@Kels yes yes yes to everything you said!

I haven't seen BBT, but I like Community. It is a small-steps sort of thing. Eventually, it will be so mainstream people will be like 'that used to be an issue??' like Star Trek being the first tv show to feature an interracial kiss. Now it seems so absurd it used to be an issue. I hope Aspies don't get pigeon-holed, but at the very least this makes people more aware of what Aspergers is and how they're not any different than non-Aspies.

Momster said...

@Della, have you ever researched the story about the woman who sued McDonalds? I don't think it was frivous--she spent over a week in the hospital with third degree burns and had to have skin grafts. Just sayin'.

Good luck to you Kels. What led you to a major in Jewish Secular Studies?

And Auntliddy, I love ya.

Momster said...


Della said...

Get over it already!

Tyger Lilly said...

Whatever social, political, or medical opinions she has don't matter. She is an entertainer. The blame falls solely on the shoulders of the people who base their decisions on what she has to say. How many people stopped using psychotropic drugs to treat depression when Tom Cruise told Matt Lauer he was being "glib"? How many people voted for Mitt Romney when Clint Eastwood had a conversation with a chair? It has been stated over and over that being an actor/celebrity doesn't make a person an expert on anything other than their craft, yet people still give these idiots a forum.

I just feel sorry for her kid because for the rest of his life no matter how he turns out or what he tries to do, he will always be known as having Autism and that will suck for him.

juicy said...

Ditto. I'm appalled by the comparison.

figgy said...

@kels, the problem with hyperbolizing and comparing this little twit to Hitler is that your audience ceases to listen to you. And you make other good points, so it's a shame if they aren't heard.

But whenever, whenEVER someone compares anyone to Nazis/Hitler, people then easily write that speaker off as someone who is intellectually lazy enough to reach for the lowest hanging fruit on the Horrible People tree, and disregard them.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

So J.M. is a murderer because she said a stupid thing.
Damn, actors say stupid things everyday, maybe in politics/economy (the just can earn money faking their lives, but not tell apart Keynes from Ronald Coase), health (M.Douglas the oncologist), law (last example is Zimmerman)... While they only know about STD, cheating and living in their ivory tower.

Kels said...

I am fascinated by Jews, man, idk why. Special people right there. The way they identify themselves feels very similar to the struggle blacks have with identity, you know, the "where do I fit into this" mentality. I find them to be exceptionally strong, intellectual, and accepting. I love how they look out for one another in the face of adversity. It's something I hope black people can learn from- how to really, truly overcome. Because Jewish people definitely have overcome A LOT. Nothing but admiration for them.

But Israel is a different story. No idea how the people I admire so much can do the things they do to Palestinians. Makes it hurt more honestly.

Kels said...

Noted. Thank you, I will remember that. It might seem lazy but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment to express how evil I think she is. But I understand, thanks for being nice about it. :)

Kels said...

I think the fact that autism awareness is beginning in a more open period of history is great. It's not shocking to see us, thank god.

They say Aspergers is the next step in evolution! It's just a theory lol but it's something to think about.

MichaelaK said...

@figgy, exactly. Once you invoke Godwin's Law, your opinion becomes that of a gnat. Better to make a salient point. No wants a child to die for any reason, but bring Hitler in as reference point?

The Jenny McCarthy Body Count site lists the number of preventable illnesses due to anti-vaccines at 118,010 and the number of preventable deaths at 1,170. (And even they say JM wasn't directly responsible for the illnesses/deaths.)

Estimated number of Jews killed in the Holocaust: 6,000,000. Six million people, and that number only represents the Jewish population that perished under Hitler's regime.

That's why invoking Godwin gets you an automatic "whatever."

Anothergrayhare said...

Some posters take a gossip blog waaaay too seriously. JM is a comedienne, I listened to her when my kids were born and vacinnated them anyway. They are both healthy teens. I have a niece who is picks herself so badly that she's covered in scars and has to sleep in bandages, will only eat certain foods and will only drink chocolate milk. She has no social skills to speak of and sits off by herself for hours doing repetitive stuff. To me: classic Aspergers. To her idiot parents: she's just different and has Anxiety and OCD. She's getting worse by the day and it drives me insane to stand by and watch. But do I want to discuss it on here for hours and bore everyone else? No. I will head to a forum designed to discuss the issue.

SophiaB said...

I had cervical cancer. it is NOT, repeat NOT a killer. It is very easily treated as long as it is caught early, which yours was. the best treatment (which I STUPIDLY DECLINED, when I got diagnosed in 1984/85) is the cryogenesis - freezing the cells outside the cervix. I had, instead, laser treatment, which failed UTTERLY. My pre-cancerous lesion mutated into cancer, and instead, I had a cervical conization, which did not render me unable to get pregnant, but unable to sustain a pregnancy. therefore, I never was able to have a child. That was painful. I have kept up with my PAP smears. I am 56 years old, and have never had a positive result. A couple snafus (won't go into the details-doctors SUCK). Anyway, I know enough about vaccinations to stay the HELL away from them. And frankly, I believe the Gardasil vaccine and the fear mongering about the HPV is a bunch of hooey, and it is so so sad to me. This is one wide spread virus, and if it is closely monitored, it is EASILY tracked and the range of treatments are broad. I am so sorry, Svetlana, that you have been going through this. In MY OPINION AND EXPERIENCE, the ignorance and the fear about our lady parts is just horrible, and I really really wish we had an educational system that would help us understand our bodies better. It is CRIMINAL what I have suffered due to my sensitivity to gluten/grains/etc. and I believe most of my early symptoms were pointing me at an allergic/sensitivity reaction that simply expanded to include everything in my body. I hope you find more information out, and try to find some doctors who support you in being healthy inside out. NO JUDGEMENT. Just sad to see you being so young and so fearful. I was mistreated by my doctors, in Long Beach, California. I was hoping things would progress and women be more informed by now, but that does not appear to be the case. so so so sad.

Unknown said...

What if someone who doesn't understand something reads it on this blog and decides to research it?? Anothergreyhare I don't understand how it's so horrible to you for us to discuss something not in your list of preferred topics. Besides this is a celeb blog and this relates to JM so your argument doesn't make sense. If you are bored why not look at another of the three dozen blog posts on this site posted daily??

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your input @SophiaB!! This is why comments from Anothergreyhare and the like are so damaging. It's good to discuss this! I haven't met anyone else in my shoes and everyone online is just as confused on the 'proper forums'. What is bad about the gardasil vaccine? I haven't had it yet because I don't feel I've researched it enough, so in your opinion what is bad about it?? If anyone else has an opinion on this or has been through this let me know!
Also SophiaB, did you read my other reply to cathy? I gave more info if that helps.

Unknown said...

lol hello @pip

havent applied to mensa so can't claim membership. however, i can claim that i try and spell other people's names correctly when i want to insult them.

Jessie said...

Kels - I have an interest in Judaism and the people. Others think it's so odd but what you've said is exactly what I think too! I've not gone so far as to commit to study the topic though.

Barton Fink said...

This is reminding me of the Margaret Cho routine about Lagerfeld, and making me want to say: Wouldn't it be awesome if Jenny McCarthy were actually a murderer?

juicy said...

I find it hard to believe you fully understand what true PTSD is. What pray tell was the extreme threat of physical danger in "missing opportunities"?

rajahcat said...

That show is a train wreck.......Whoopi Goldberg has completely ruined it along with nut job Joy Behar.
No wonder Barbara is ready to hang it up.

Elisabeth made a smart career move.

TeacherNan said...

You have every right to your opinion. If you want to make comparisons to Hitler- you have the right. It's a free society. Sometimes people on this site want to control what others want to say. Say whatever you want- it's free & you can!!! I also understand your position. Jenny McCarthy led many parents looking for help- astray in her bid to write a book, make $ from talk shows, etc. She is a greedy, lying manipulator, whose "expert" sidekick was debunked. Not only is she unfunny & talentless- she DID lead people astray with her "advice"- intentionally. I will never watch a show with her, but neither will I watch a show with the Kuntrashians, yet others do & Kuntrashians benefit from it. It's the beauty of free will.
BTW my son in on the ASD too.

Unknown said...

You are right on, Kels! Seriously though, does anyone actually watch The View?

M. Brown said...

@kels exactly what Figgy said 100%. You have a lot of great points but when you throw down the Hitler card others cease to listen. All the "get over its" are from those that probably couldn't list 3 characteristics of people on the spectrum. I totally get what you are saying.

Ps- someone asked you about the character Abed. What do you think about Max on Parenthood? I think he's do well written and they've really done their research.

Henriette said...

I agree with Kels. Also, McStupid's child does NOT have autism! He was misdiagnosed and has Landau-Kleffner syndrome. Time outed her back in 2010, and she still wants to "be the voice of autism." She also blithely stated,I do believe sadly it's going to take some diseases coming back to realize that we need to change and develop vaccines that are safe. If the vaccine companies are not listening to us, it's their fucking fault that the diseases are coming back. They're making a product that's shit. If you give us a safe vaccine, we'll use it. It shouldn't be polio versus autism." Of course, vaccines are safe.

I think ABC is going to regret this hire.

Barton Fink said...

When's the most recent instance of her saying "I want to be the voice of autism"? I anticipate hearing her say that many times on the View, if true.

Barton Fink said...

True story: While getting vaccinated yesterday (I'm like a cat you see, and this is far from my last life) I told my doctor about the McCarthy scandal. She was like, Who doesn't vaccinate their children because of a Playboy model? I then discussed the idea that McCarthy should not get jobs, and my doctor shook her head sadly. It's weird to see the passion that these issues bring out in people, when science and history clearly prove that vaccination, aseptic surgery, and antibiotics are the things that changed human history and made life worth living.


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