Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Zimmerman Juror Writing A Book - Maybe

And in just 48 hours we have our first juror from the George Zimmerman trial ready to cash in on her experience. Juror number B37 was on Anderson Cooper last night and has a book agent and is writing the book with her husband, who is also an attorney. There is no book deal in place as of yet, but I get the feeling that one is coming. I wonder if you are more likely to make money as a juror with a book deal if Zimmerman is found guilty or if he is acquitted. To me, you are more likely to make money if you are acquitted. That signing with an agent was really fast wasn't it? It almost makes you think there were lots of discussions happening prior to the conclusion of the trial. Did the juror finish up with the trial and then wake up the next morning and decide they want to write a book and then find an agent and then contact the agent and then sign with the agent and then go on Anderson Cooper that fast? Yeah, interesting isn't it?

Shortly after the interview with Anderson Cooper, the agent said that the juror had decided not to write a book. I think the juror is saying she is not writing one, but is still going to write one, but does not want the world thinking she is cashing in, which of course she is.


Unknown said...

So basically, you have no idea and this is just total speculation and a non-story?

greenmountaingal said...

With all due respect, this case has inflamed people on both sides. I personally would like this site to stick to gossip & not politics. I know this isn't my site, but I don't want all of us hating each other b/c our views may differ on this case.

Ok just had to get that off my chest.

libby said...

I think this is the latest. AFTER the agent dropped her, NOW she says it's all too sensitive and she won't do it.
Here's a link:


Kels said...

Why does she have an agent in the first place? It sickens me that people want to exploit this- a tragic death and a marked man. Can't we just let it go and learn from this?

KLM said...

Ugh, this post was nearly impossible to read. I just can't.

whocaresnow12 said...

Great, now Enty is fanning the flames of emotion fueled by this case. She isn't writing a book. There's no longer an agent. Stop creating more inaccurate information for people to fight over.

whocaresnow12 said...

@VIPblonde: that was perfect!

Unknown said...

@KLM.......oh good, I thought it was just me. I had to read it about 5 times, lol

MISCH said...

This case has really got me going so please no posts on it. I come here to calm down and laugh at famous peoples stupidity.

Stephy said...

She had an agent, the agent dumped her due to public pressure. Now the juror claims she had a change of heart. Sure.

Sass71 said...

Agree with @Kels

Henriette said...

Wait until these jurors names come out.

surfer said...

What I find interesting is that in her interview with Anderson, she requested her face be blacked out and her name not used. Was she not planning on attaching her name to the book? What about a book tour, as those usually coincide with a book release?

Henriette said...

I think it's pretty cool Twitter was used to force her agent to drop her. That agent was getting slammed.

Anothergrayhare said...

I watched the interview. She referred to Zimmerman as "George" and was considered a racist and very sympathetic to Zimmerman by the panel that was on immediately following. As one panelist said, "This case was decided when the jury was selected." He predicted an acquittal and he got it. They felt just the fact the juror said Zimmerman "overreacted" was enough to find him guilty of SOMETHING. That she then said she'd be comfortable giving him his gun back and letting him run the Neighbourhood Watch in her neighbourhood was mind boggling.

Anon said...

Whitefolks profiting off the death of Blackfolks , nothing new here.

AKM said...

@VIPBlonde - *snort* God, I miss Chloe!

Unknown said...

If criminals cannot profit from their exploits, jurors shouldn't get to either.


Seahorse said...

And this is different from this website exploiting this case and the very real pain it has caused in what way exactly? Whether in website clicks, ratings boosts or books written this case is generating a lot of $s for people not even remotely connected to this tragedy. Smh

Seahorse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Brown said...

Wait, her wanting to write a book is bad?

$abrina Fulton received payments before George Zimmerman was even arrested

$abrina Fulton filed patent applications trademarking 'I Am Trayvon' & 'Justice For Trayvon' right after his death

This criticism is laughable. Tracy Martin and $abrina Fulton have done nothing but profit from their son's death.

Brian Brown said...

As one panelist said, "This case was decided when the jury was selected."


There isn't some magical entity selecting the jury. The state has as much input as the defense.

So that comment is totally nonsensical.

I've never seen a public event bring stupid people to the Internet like this case.

Anonymous said...

I think I love you VIP

Barton Fink said...

I agree with Anna. VIP ftw

Unknown said...

His parents trademarked his name because idiots were marketing things like "the Trayvon Shooting Target." His parents have acted with unbelievable poise under horrible circumstances. George Zimmerman and his wife accepted payments and then lied about it. She is up on charges because of it.

Kels said...

You give is a bad name. Shut the fuck up.

Elizabeth Peregrina said...

Thus deal was shut down thanks to @MoreandAgain on twitter. Who petitioned the publisher to not publish the book. The publisher rescinded her offer after all.

iknowpeople said...

Henrietta, wait for what? Threats against them? It's already hard enough to get competent people to serve on juries without suggesting they should or could be in danger if their ruling goes against someone's personal feelings.

iknowpeople said...

I was once in the jury pool for the trial of a very high profile serial killer. I fully intended on writing a book about the experience, but they had the jury selected before they got to me. My background is such that it would be a natural thing to do. How is a juror writing a book about a trial different than Dominic Dunn or Truman Capote, etc. the $20 bucks a day paid for sitting on a lengthy trial certainly doesn't cover the mortgage, so if a juror is able able to provide perspective, why shouldn't he or she get paid?

Anonymous said...

oh fucking please..we had casey anthony posts atleast once a week

spare me the bullshit

Pink Cashmere said...

It was announced earlier today that she WILL NOT be writing a book bc the agent caught a lot of flack. Someone on Twitter gave out her email, phone and snail mail addys and had people flood her with complaints.

This juror was a moron and I can't imagine having to read anything she wrote. I'm happy the deal was cancelled.

Anothergrayhare said...

@Jay. The panelist was quoted after the jury was selected as saying the case was already decided, and there would be an aquittal. He felt they were all chosen for their obvious sympathetic nature to Zimmerman or something similar. He was then interviewed last night and basically said, "I told you so." Nothing idiotic about it. Jurors can be excluded for all types of reason and there have been books written about how important july selecton is to a case.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

@iknowpeople, I think the difference was that this juror's husband was angling for the book deal while the trial was taking place. The original press release from the agency stated that the book would be written by the juror and her attorney husband. What leaves the bad taste in the mouth is the immediate announcement of the signing, which suggests that the relationship with the agent had been formed prior to the end of the trial (likely by the husband). In a former life I was an acquisitions editor for a large New York publisher and before that worked at a literary agency. Signing a client, especially a high-profile client. so quickly, and with a press release to boot, is almost unheard of. This is why I feel there was some machinations going on behind the scenes before the trial was even over. It's not the intention to write a book, it's everything that happened behind the scenes to get the literary agent on board.

Henriette said...

When the jurors' names are revealed, besides being harassed, they will be approached about book deals, TV movies, etc.

By the way, what happened to the Casey Anthony jurors? They too were in Florida.


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